Stardew Valley comes out today on the Nintendo Switch. Multiplayer for the switch is delayed until 2018 though

Stardew Valley comes out today on the Nintendo Switch. Multiplayer for the switch is delayed until 2018 though.

Is Stardew Valley a spiritual successor to Harvest Moon? As any of em past More Friends of Mineral Town suck ass.

I don't own a switch, but the game is fun and the switch controls seem perfect for this type of game.

It's software only no physical. The dev talked about having a physical version eventually but I doubt it.

No it's a game on its own. One guy made the game from scratch every sound and drawing it took him like 4 years. Its a pc game it was number 1 on steam for a long time. Great game if you loved the old harvest moon games. The Harvest Moon brand got taken over by American company Natsume the new name in the USA is Story of Seasons. Yeah the natsume games are considered bad. They were just the publisher now they're a developer so there has definitely been a lot of downs.

>5 minutes of gameplay
>Literally a 2011-era Harvest Moon with fighting and more detailed calendar

Also, what do you not get about "Spiritual" successor? Looks pretty good though, probably gonna buy it.

Ah since it's a pc game I guess I didn't consider it a spiritual successor in my head since the Story of Seasons line exists on the 3ds. Yeah its like most other harvest moon games farm make money use it to upgrade and make more money gift the possible friends and partners until marriage or friendship mine fish and so on. It can get repetitive if it's not your kind of game. I think it's fun.

>2017, and not pirating everything.
>but... but... Muh handheld toys guise
Fucking kill yourselves.

I know its not that impressive but as for torrents I upload a lot. I liked the game so I bought it on steam and I thought a gog copy to share with friends.


There's a bit of an age difference between my siblings and I. I'm the oldest so I was fairly excited to have something to do with them since I don't live with my parent anymore I don't see them as much.

Date upload ratio


I was fairly sad when old died so many torrents went down. I changed all the seeds to the new so the ratios all got reset when old nyaa died.

Do you torrent/upload from a mobile device? Does it drain your battery/cost for data?

Didn't play for a whole, is there anything new besides the multiple maps?

Oh no I used to upload from home. Then it became a hobby. So i tend to seed torrents I like a lot. I ended up paying for a seedbox eventually now I have a few of them. I use an app called transdroid to keep track of the boxes that's where the screenshots are from.

It's been a while for me I haven't been keeping track of the Reddit development posts, the newest thing would be that multi player is almost out on pc.

Ah okay, that's where I was confused. That's a pretty neat app!

I try to always keep my torrents uploading too, but I can't do it at full speed because my upload is pretty shit. But something is better than nothing, especially when I am sometimes the only seeder for obscure content.

If you want to keep seeding but not use up your own bandwidth decent seed boxes cost like 11 usd a month. What I do now is just have the torrent download to the super fast seedbox network and have them seed from there. When I want to download and watch a show I don't torrent from no e but just download it directly off the seedbox. It's way faster and much more convenient but it's not really free anymore haha.

Haha, idk if I am that dedicated. I download maybe 1-3 files per week. And I always upload at least 4 or 5 times the file size. But if the torrent has low seeds, I will keep it around for much longer since I am the last one willing to share the file. I just lock my upload at around 300kb/s, because I only have about 1500kb/s upload. I share internet with others, so I can't hog the upload bandwidth.

I think even slow uploading is better than nothing. I've watched my friends grab something and immediately close their client.

>I've watched my friends grab something and immediately close their client.
Who the fuck would be that much of a cucked little bitch not to?

Chill bro.

I don't anymore but I used to download almost 1tb of torrent data a month to my computer so i ended up going with the seedboxes instead of just doing seeding from home. I haven't seen what anime s are up for the last season or two.

I used to do that too when I was younger. Now that I can afford it do the seeding thing as a hobby. Sometimes I upload light novels but I haven't for a month or two since I had to fix my house up a bit from hurricane Irma.

>Now that I can afford it do the seeding thing as a hobby.
That sounds like a waste of money.

Who do you think you are downloading the data from when you torrent?

Y so many kegs tho

It has been a bit of a waste over the years. As far as a hobby goes it's not that expensive. Better than working on cars, golfing or other such hobby would boat me money wise. It gives me something to do every once in a while.

The Nintendo eshop usually updates at noon EST. So in five hours and thirty minutes.

Who over the age of 12 has a handheld

I'll admit it I don't really play much. I bought a crap ton of games for it but really only played the Zelda game for two days. It's mostly so I have something to talk about with my younger siblings. Getting smashed at Mario cart is worth as long as I have something to relate with them haha.

>Being this poor

I've been waiting for the last 4,5% of Hyperman for 6 years now, you ass