Do black people genuinely not know what the Roman Empire is or that it evidently existed during the same time pyramid as the ancient Egyptians?

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>Thinking Africans could work together long enough to have a thriving society.

Thinking Italians are white

(it's in the comments)

Northern Italians are white.

Southern Italians aren't white.

this. When we Italians were building empires, the "superior" nordic races where busy fucking deer

But that's wrong

The pyramids were build roughly around 2500 BC while Rome was around roughly between 300 BC-500AD

Not that it matters since Egyptians and Egyptian culture were from the Near East

I don't know, Celtic people were still running around naked and living in huts then though.

Even if Southern Italians aren't white they are evidently superior to whites

that's wrong too, Europeans were all agrarian by 2000 BC



das rite


>white jews
I though nignogs believed they were the real jews?



Does that make chinks whiter than everyone else? We were building a civilization and inventing shit when you were all still tribal shitstains

Yeah and then you got wiped out and replaced by a bunch of fur wearing barbarians from Mongolia.

oldest complex human organizations are from the Near East mainly Mesopotamia and Anatolia.


The Mongols took over China, but they didn't "wipe out" the Chinese.


They heavily mixed with them. Modern chinese people all have mongol admixture.

>Does that make chinks whiter than everyone else? We were building a civilization and inventing shit when you were all still tribal shitstains

You must be new as fuck.

There's no contradiction in Africans being stupider than whites with less achievements and with Asians being smarter than whites.

Asia could have eclipsed Europe before exploration and colonization began.

Instead China and Japan turned inward and stagnant. A little less BAKA GAIJIN and you coulda been great.

The Chinese population of the time dwarfed that of any invading/raping armies by thousands of times. In addition Mongols and Chinese are incredibly close genetically.

Only Central Asia had a small enough population to show the effects of Mongols raping white people

Blacks didn't know what time was until Europeans colonized them. Being serious. They didn't invent the wheel, written language, basic math. They never had words for time, gradtion (ie, part way up), nothing we take for granted. Of course they don't know when the pyramids were built, or when anything else was going on in the world. They don't even know what's going on in the world now. They're retarded, clinically speaking, with IQs ranging from 70-85 on average. They'll never understand any ofthese things. All they learn, they learn from the shit people tell them and youtube, twitter, and facebook. They're still living in caves in that regard.

genetics of Chinese vs Mongolians

results of the Mongols raping whites in Central Asia

it's not pretty

Egyptians weren't black

>The Chinese population of the time dwarfed that of any invading/raping armies by thousands of times
No doubt it did. That's not my point though. My point isn't that the mongols completely replaced the chinese. My point is that there was mass rape, as well as mass impregnation of chinese women through harems and the like.

According to genetic studies, 8% of asian men descend from Genghis Khan alone.

>8% of asian men descend from Genghis Khan alone

Old Genghis was a busy man.

well here's a map of who has his Genghis's genetic markers.

as you can see it's mostly Manchuria and Central Asia that was affected due to the low population density

rape means far more in low population density centers than large ones.

>time pyramid

Nigga you must be smoking time pyramids. Rome didn't even exist in the 27th century BCE, let alone the Empire itself.

>time pyramid

it's easy to see how high population density areas weren't really affected.

Still existed simultaneously

The Egyptians had already been conquered by the Greeks, Persians, Assyrians by that time the Romans took over.

It wasn't really the same "empire" at that point as it was dominated by the Ancient Greeks (and before that the Persians)

... you're only right because of your jew trickery.