When will this happen?

When will this happen?

I think it's about time England to get kicked down a few notches, sorry Wales you made your bed.

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Nigel too busy sippin tea

I hope it happens soon: I've had enough of these whinging scots

suck my fucking cock you torie scum

Up yours, you dour fuck.

Hopefully soon

Yeah good luck living in you're doom driven, private heath care loving, paid education endorsing, xenophobic country you cunt


IMAGINE being his much of a failure

IMAGINE giving all your money to westminster only to have a fraction of that returned as if theyre doing us a favour

Scots are pretty cool

Ireland should be united, but England/Wales/Scotland should stay together as a federal republic.

utterly horrendous idea

Why? Britain has no right in Ireland, but the island of Great Britain developed along modern national lines as a union.

19-year-old student is dripping from this post

>Britain has no right in Ireland

Then who does? No one has united the island under one rule apart from the British crown

are you irish

Yea, England doing their usual cunty behaviour and forcing Scotland and Northern Ireland into a union they didn't want. England has no moral right to rule and the sooner the arrogant pricks fuck off the better

The Irish. Ireland has only ever been subject to British rule, rather than governing itself.

The Act of Union was under a Scottish monarch you thick twat.

Scotland and Ireland both had votes you numty

Ulster almost went to civil war over the Home Rule bill if WWI didn't happen.

You fucking know nothing if you think they were "forced"

Yes, after England specifically sabotaged Scotlands attempts to colonize Mexico and other lands. Making Scotland financially crippled and with no other place to turn

all we ever wanted was for non-Irish people to fuck off and leave us alone on our little island. Why is that so much to ask for? There is nothing here, piss off already

>England specifically sabotaged Scotlands attempts to colonize Mexico and other lands
If you actually believe this please get your head checked
Darien was on the isthmus of Panama by the way, not Mexico

The "Irish" had 1000 years of Dukedom suzerainty buttfuckery and they never formed a cohesive nation. The Irish identity is a 19th Century "Celtic revival" meme

No doubt you'd dismiss Connolly, Pearse and the rest as 19 year old students.

>Colonises half of Scotland
>Has more Irish citizens in the UK than the entire population of Norn
Ever the victim

>The "Irish" had 1000 years of Dukedom suzerainty buttfuckery and they never formed a cohesive nation
Well obviously. They were subject to the demands of a foreign ruling class and due to the deliberate stunting of sociopolitical development as a result of this colonisation, they were unable to form a nation-state built by urban middle class leaders as in Britain. However, there was always resistance to English/British rule, no matter how primitive or chaotic it was. They were subjugated as a nation. The Irish independence movement was a simply a response to this.

Irish home rule was already on the parliamentary agenda by the late 1800s under Gladstone. If they hadn't had a spacker attack over nothing they very likely would've had the six provinces as well. They fucked themselves over, no one else.

Home Rule would've still meant being subject to the demands of Britain and colonial status.

That isn't how home rule works

Home Rule was only ever a stopgap to stop demands for full independence. It would not have meant the Irish people and nation were sovereign and free. As evidenced today by the Northern Irish statelet which persists as a result of the Fourth Home Rule Bill.

Ireland does not deserve its own nation state. Ireland belongs to the English.

Intransigent attitudes like this are why Irish nationalism will never die out. Why should the Irish people accept being second class citizens and neocolonial subjects under a regime which despises them? The English must be cast out and put in their place.

This is basically a conspiracy theory that flies in the face of everything we know about the history of liberal British government. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are all comparable states that are wholly sovereign countries with the legislative primacy to free themselves entirely from any remaining bonds of union if they so desire. A stopgap is a temporary solution to a wider problem. There is no reason to believe Ireland wouldn't've followed the same course as any of the others.
The "Northern Irish statelet" persisted at the behest of Unionists who feared being numerically overwhelmed by the south and by the British government who feared a collapse into civil war if the majority Union counties weren't demarcated by an outside force. Incidentally this fear of an escalation of violence on both sides was what compelled British Army policy when they were called for help in 1969. They were there to protect minority Catholics as much as they were Protestants.

Connolly became a socialist because his shoemaker's business failed due to his own ineptitude.

>Ireland belongs to the English.
>Kraut monarchy
>Down from 84% to 79% White British from 2001 to 2011
Even England doesn't belong to the English anymore.

Connolly was already involved with socialist organisations in 1892, years before his shoe business. Even then, his business skills are irrelevant. I realise this is likely an attempt to bemoan the socialist influence on Irish nationalism, but Irish nationalism will always be left wing since it is in opposition to a colonial power.

>I realise this is likely an attempt to bemoan the socialist influence on Irish nationalism, but Irish nationalism will always be left wing since it is in opposition to a colonial power.
What was American nationalism opposed to?

A colonial power, and in some sense it was progressive, but American social relations were and are different. For starters, America has no feudal history, unlike Ireland, which greatly influenced development. America also embraced slavery and had no qualms about ethnically cleansing the natives, which Ireland and Irish nationalists haven't done.

America itself also became a colonial power in itself, expanding across the continent and then the world, whereas Ireland hasn't.

>Down from 84% to 79% White British from 2001 to 2011
Total bullshit you paddy bogtrotter

Only the first three words of your post were relevant, because you said Irish nationalism would always be left wing "since it is in opposition to a colonial power" even though you then admit American independence was also opposed to the same colonial power.

Everything else you said was subsequent.

This census includes Wales, which pushes you to 80%. Congratulations.

But America is the dominant colonial world power and exerts power over Britain, and Ireland is still subject to the whims of Britain, as evidenced by the existence of Northern Ireland.

So no, conditions are not the same and a direct comparison cannot be made.

>But America is the dominant colonial world power and exerts power over Britain
This happened subsequent to the American Revolutionary War, and there can have had no possible influence of its ideology.

Yes, but an examination of American revolutionaries must be made. They espoused notions of equality and freedom, but kept slavery around for decades. Notions of left and right are not fixed in stone.

>No one has united the island under one rule apart from the British crown
>anglo education