I am too depressed to take care of myself. I didn't shower in weeks. I didn't feel anything in weeks...

I am too depressed to take care of myself. I didn't shower in weeks. I didn't feel anything in weeks. I don't take care of my toes, they are rotting. They will likely have to get amputated. I keep one upping myself. I have no education, because social anxiety made me isolate myself in my school years. I am basically fucked. I am a joke. Sorry for the picture, but I wanted to provide some proof. Insult me, ask me question, I am lonely. I am a joke.

No timestamp

Give me a second.

more pics of your body, yourself. We can't believe something so extreme just off one picture, even if google search turns no results (it's not so good)

how much do you weigh? who provides you with food?

Does it hurt? Even so get some hydrogen peroxide

You should timestamp. And if trips, cut them off

Rest in pieces

This is a good question. I always wondered how single white males are able to get to this state. You obviously don't have a job--do you get money from the government based on a disability/illness/welfare?

I had the same shit on my big toes, the relief you feel once you get them taken care of is amazing

What do you wanna see?

I weigh 160 kilograms / 350 pounds. My mother provides for my basic needs like food and rent. Besides that I have no luxeries besides the internet. I don't have much contact to my mother anymore. She doesn't like me, which is understandable. I am a failure.

It hurts like hell. I would scream even if you only touched it with a feather.

Too scared to talk to doctors at this point, but I am glad you got yours done.

How did you allow yourself to get to this stage?
Where do you live? (apt, parents house, etc)
How do you survive?
How old are you?
Does anyone know of your situation and if so have they tried to help you?
Can you show us your living area w timestamp

hast du steam?

Soak them in salty water at least user. Come on that shits fucked

You have some cute feet.

Please go take a shower and post results.

>What do you wanna see?

Don't mind if you don't feel like showing your face, but show us your body. Interested

Your blood will turn toxic soon....

Today's the 5th

Why don't you just go for a shower you fucking cretin.

How the fuck do you survive?

If you're being honest, then you really need to take a moment and collect yourself.

I know its hard to move sometimes when you're drained, but you need to take care of yourself one step at a time.

Take a shower, take a shit, go to the doctor, explain how you feel.

There's medicine that can help. There's people that can help.

I wouldn't want to go to the doctor either, I wouldn't want to talk to anyone either. But sometimes you need to just go through the motions to make it to the end of the tunnel.

Feet. This is blowing my mind.

Timezones you Americunt dumb fuck.

Not in Europe.

post pic of ass hole and dick. I wonder how dirty it is

He should do something, but that would be absolute agony. Peroxide would help though.

Retard alert.

Jesus fucking Christ. This is the shining pinnacle of what happens to a society when they are guilt-tripped for giving the Jews exactly what they deserved.

You have beautiful penmanship


Mix peroxide with warm water or just use water and salt. This will help it feel better.

This tbh

Well what is it

Jung geh zum Arzt. Es ist nie zu spät. Ehrlich.
Wünsche dir ehrlich alles Beste auf der Welt
Grüße aus Deutschland

i havent left my house in 7 years, i quit school at 14 cause of anxiety and depression i just want to die but i cant kill myself, but i do shower and groom everyday just to make me feels confortable in my body.
OP people like us are not meant to be alive the only choice we have is to kill ourselves but we cant even do that.

I was thinking the same thing

Show hands, fingers, and belly.

Cut them off dude, they’re of no use to you. Pray they don’t grow back.

Man... fix your toes they are infected and it will spread. Infections like this are no joke they can travel to your heart, lung, liver, anywhere.
Start with a shower.

What triggers your anxiety you think?

Eat ass

How are you surviving? How do you have the luxury of posting on 4cham and why are you not jomeless

If you think it's bad now just wait until you have to get surgery to remove all of your toes, are unable to walk ever again, and have tons of medical bills to pay. You're fucking up.

i still live with my parents, they know if they kick me out i will suicide

You don’t need an amputation, just antibiotics and a simple outpatient procedure. My big toe looked a lot like yours. They just trim the nail back and use a chemical to ‘kill’ a small portion of the nail bed so that the issue doesn’t recur. I can’t help with the rest of your life but at least your toe would feel better.

It started when I hit puberty. Social anxiety started to get worse and worse. I started to miss school, because of panic attacks every morning and stomach aches. Cut all connections to my friends and stayed inside. Many years later I am still anxious and depressed. My friends all graduated, I am here telling stories about the joke, which is my life.

I live in a very small one room apartment.

I order my food online. I can survive, but it isn't really a life worth surviving. I guess it will take a few more years of tolerating until I say fuck it and end it all.

I am 19 years old.

My mother knows and cut most contact after years of trying to help. Nobody else knows, I have no friends. I have not received a text in years.

My living area doesn't look all that bad, somehow I like cleaning my surroundings, just not me. And I don't use my rooms much, just my desk and bed. Not much to see there.

Ja, aber ich genieße Anonymität.

Salt water would burn and not do much. As another user said, peroxide would be better, but can't really be bothered.


I tried that for a few weeks now, sorry.

What body part?

I am aware. Maybe I will die this way, would save me the trouble of arranging my suicide.

Answered above.

Will answer all question, it just takes time. Stay tuned.

What are you going to do when they die

>350 pounds.
just kys, fattie.

OP where can i contact you? do you have steam?

im and my life is exactly like yours i think we should talk


As soon as you can, destroy your computer and your phone, you'll start living only then.

Jezus and i thought i had problems...this cheer me up. Maybe i call my girlfriend, i havent talk to her since last week.

What caused the anxiety? Think about how happy you would be if you change your life.

user what eye color do. You have and how tall are you?

Hahahha butthurt Americunts my favorite thing!

Nice dubs fatty. What did you say to that one german guy just now

had a super fat friend with mental issues like you. he ended up near death from Fourniers Gangrene. It's gangrene of the genitals. Google it, it might snap you out of it. He lost his testicles to it. Had a colostomy bag for over a year. Might still have it, I'm not sure because he stopped talking to me.

Survival rate for that shit is about 15-20%.

Man tits or gtfo


believing this is an actual mental condition is the most beta shit.
Im a divorced combat vet who wakes up at 0430 everyday to do my job, anxiety is the human condition you are just a snowflake.

Shes fucking a nigger right now

ok ?

Jeez. You should soak them in a basin of salty hot water a few times a day. They should heal up for you. If you are having a hard time now, just imagine how shit it will be with no feet. Please dude, do something to help yourself

Thanks for that. Right now words like that just don't reach me and I am sorry. Even if I get better, I can't live with this anxiety and just too much has happened to move on.

I can't even properly reach my asshole when on the toilet. I don't feel like posting more pictures right now. But be sure that my penis is small and sticky.

You are aware depression is not exclusive to Germans?

Thanks, I like it too. Don't have many things I like about myself.


I agree.

My dad died early and that was really traumatic. I don't know what else triggers it so much, my childhood was awesome.

I am aware and said this earlier.

learn to use google translate

Nigger read the post he replied too

Damn straight

You're retarded you know that?

Willpower and diet go hand in hand. If you eat shit, you will feel like shit.
Lose some weight and I promise you that your outlook will change

>I tried that for a few weeks now, sorry.
how do you "try" to take a shower and somehow not take a shower.

do you not fit?

Find a good therapist OP.

you don't have a gf if you don't communicate daily

You clearly have enough energy to eat.

>Fourniers Gangrene
I googled it, dafuq is this shit?



normies dont understand how its like to not care about human life.
another day another dollar wagecucks : )


anxiety is a chemical imbalance brought on by social and environmental conditions that bring on great stress. it occurs as a result of a constant flow of adrenaline. hence why people with anxiety are often unmotivated and suffer from almost constant fatigue resulting in other disorders like depression. it's called adrenal fatigue. your body has adrenaline pumping through it so much that it can't keep up.

if you're in a situation whereby you're constantly in fight or flight mode due to perceived threats around you, you end up with a chemical imbalance due to the increased levels of adrenaline in your system, and that's how general anxiety disorder occurs. and also how PTSD begins.

Who said you have to communicate daily to have a meaningful relationship ? You sound like a codependent cuck user.

wash the marmite of your toes

Nigga you think it's easy for OP to get fit when the dude can barely walk.

I doubt OP has worn shoes in years since he said anything that touches his toes causes extreme pain

you actually believe anxiety is an excuse to shutdown? Anyone who thinks being stressed out is an excuse not to man up and take controk of life is a millenial faggot who's been coddled.

dont worry user people who never experienced depression dont understand this stuff, keep being a normie i envy you

I got shot in Afghan and dont evwm stoop to that level of victimhood.

That's not how depression works, user. You generally think you're doing the world a favor, etc. The post makes perfect sense but I can guarantee most people on the brink of suicide will not be able to have that mindset.

You are only 19 yo, so you know you can still get your shit together. Have some discipline start working out and shit and maybe you will become one of these dudes from transformational pics with happy face. Trim your hair, fix toes and get a job. When you are growing older perspective changes for better, for me at least. Good luck

show us your ankles fat pig

Get this man a steak and a blowjob

post more

Before your kill yourself. Take nudies first.

How would you control your life if you can't even go outside your door because you get a panic attack, user.

Let's see what your response is

Shows us your ass

I had ingrown toenails for a while OP, I know what this shit feels like. Back in the 6th grade, I had ingrown toenails on both big toes like you. Both nails removed 3 times and the nail root chemical burned to prevent it from growing along the sides which were only temporary solutions. Finally I had surgery done where they physically cut out the root on both sides of each toe, preventing the nail from growing on the edges. They look relatively normal just a tad more narrow.

This shit was extremely depressing. I couldn't do anything while I had this, it went on for at least a couple years. Please take it upon yourself to visit a doctor and have a procedure done. The feeling of walking around with broken glass stuck inside your toes everyday is something no one should go through.

ich war der typ der nach steam fragte, naja. panikattacken habe ich auch, jeden morgen, und mein magen fühlt sich nach krebs an. kriege morgens immer nen würgereiz

Special kinda stupid, aren't you?

Mensch du bist doch erst 19! Glaub mir da hast du noch so viel vor dir!
Warst du eigentlich jemals in einer Therapie, um diese Angststörungen zu behandeln? Ich denke nämlich das ist dein primäres Problem aber wieso du dich trotzdem so verwahrlosen lässt verstehe ich nicht.

I'm going to be point blank with you because you need to hear it. Seek psychiatric help. It's the only way to get yourself out of the rut you're in. No matter how bad of a shape you're in, you can still turn your life around. You just have to want it with all of your heart.

I'm not sure where you are in the world, but if you're living in the US, look into what your insurance plan will cover, even if it's medicaid. You won't get the best treatment on public insurance and it'll take time to find a therapist that you "click" with, but OP, you need it. Badly.

I've been where you are OP, and I'm in college now with a 3.25 GPA. There is hope for you. There always will be, you just have to want it.

Keep larping, faggot

Why haven’t you committed suicide yet?

I mean, if you're not willing to chance then too bad. nothing is going to magically happen. either go and see a doctor and get some help or die sad and alone. theres pills for everything bro

Christ allmighty, OP i'm sorry, but i really hope you die
If you are so stupid to let yourself go this badly, maybe it's best if you just keel over and die
