Easiest way to troll people on Sup Forums? I figured asking would be the best way to get real results

Easiest way to troll people on Sup Forums? I figured asking would be the best way to get real results.

bbc threads probably
14 year old teens are extremely insecure about their penises and race in general.

He's right ya know.

gay thread inside of a straight thread

So.. trap thread?

What is the payoff to trolling? What's the motive?

I've been wondering this for years. Just to get everyone to stop being serious or have opinions?

Yes I'm aware that I'm basically asking for it, but I don't understand where the satisfaction of trolling comes from unless seeing others participate in discourse triggers you.

Why do most people laugh when someone else falls?

Because it hurts like hell

The only real thing that I could imagine triggering some of the users here.

Because they fell and hurt THEMSELVES.

Trolling is like tripping someone and then laughing that they fell.

I laugh at someone slipping on ice, but I never understood why its funny to trip someone. Im just being sincere. One is an authentic mishap, and the other is a coordinated effort to harm/humilate someone.

Walking face first into a stationary pole is funny, but hitting someone with a pole isn't. Sabatoge isn't funny to me, and i guess thats what I dont understand. Its like OF COURSE they fell, you tripped them. The only joke there is in the miserable life the saboteur has to have to find happiness in setting others up for failure.

It reminds me of "two for flinching". Its punishable to be put into a lose lose scenario? or funny?

It's because they looked stupid while doing it and it wasn't serious. Only a psycho would laugh at a serious fall. It's funny because they managed to fall even though they saw your foot stretched out as far as possible from 10 feet away, seemingly oblivious. They fall on their ass acting pissed and preachy thinking they're intelligent. That's what trolling is.

your clearly trolling. thats not the real definition



dat ass Jesus Christ

Clearly no network of black people are raiding Sup Forums like "u mad"; and even if that was the case, you can just hide the thread

Faggot I’m the “He's right ya know” guy/girl


And this is what I'm asking for, an insight as to what pleases you about that? I just don't see what you accomplished. If it makes you happy thats all good, no problems there, but what is it you've achieved besides a (you)?

I'm trying to find any reason other than desperation or attention that motivates trolls. Any reason that doesn't make them seem desperate for attention.

No you dingbat I mean that’s my thing I say from thread to thread in an acclimated response to someone that is right ya know?

I meant that i was the one who says that every now and then too, including this occurrence, faggot


Nvm its a slide thread.

Black lives matter
Gun law
Black cock
Tranny attraction gay or not gay

animal cruelty + your own home address. Our prized trolls will welcome you as one of their own, for that is what triggers Sup Forums the most. Sup Forums is inert from its old days though, so you have no reprisal and infinite lulz to gain

Just get political or talk about how great cuckholdry is. Best is if you can make a green text about being with a girlfriend then she fucks some dude behind your back or even better like right in front of you and ask "What do I do? I love her but right now she's getting deep fucked by a black guy in the living room of the house I pay for?"

Oh sweet user teach me about trolling.....what the fuck is this shit