Okay, Sup Forums, I've been putting up with depression for too long. How does one treat depression without therapy/meds...

Okay, Sup Forums, I've been putting up with depression for too long. How does one treat depression without therapy/meds? I can't afford either.


You just have to be strong with it. Focus on the days ahead.

you just have to kys

A bullet

I don't know what that means though. The days ahead look fucking grim

I strongly advocate suicide. Shotgun. Buckshot. Twelve gauge roof of the mouth pointing about 40-50’


Your best bet is to just push past it OP. Your gf got you down, dump. Your parents being ultra fags, leave the house, go to cops, do something.

My doctors told me to do breathing exercises at least 3 times a day. 15 minutes per episode. Close your eyes and focus your breaths, starting with your mouth, then focus on your stomach, then your legs, then your feet.

Once in the morning, once during lunch, then before bed. It sounds weird, but focus on happy things like sound of a beach, birds flying...something that you can imagine softy, if that makes sense.

Check out Jordan Peterson on youtube.

exercise. doesn't have to be gym. long walks, bike rides. push-ups and sit-ups. get your body moving.

Small doses of electro shock therapy. Also micro dosing lsd

It's not like an immediate problem though. It's my life in general that's the problem.
Okay, that sounds doable.
Already do that.
I can't afford those, as I said.

there are support groups which will be basically free therapy in a group setting.

I've never heard of any. How does one find those?

You could always kill yourself.

I mean, I always keep that on the table, but I'd prefer not to if possible.

>Already do that.
well i dunno then. i'm on an anti-depressant. i've tried a couple and they really make my life dull. it's taken away the deep depression, but also the highs/laughter. i'm now a vegetable with no sex drive.

good luck in finding happiness. if the exercise isn't working, i don't know what to say. hope other anons can be more helpful.

If depression is chronic and repeats I think it’s Best to just stop living. Could also try lifestyle changes like exercise or becoming vegan.

Yeah, thanks anyway. Everyone says exercise but it didn't help me any. Maybe I'm just fundamentally flawed somehow.
Yeah, as I said, I keep a plan in reserve. It's looking better every day.

Then give your life purpose. Animals in Zoos become depressed because all of their lives and instincts are nullified; they just sit there with no purpose. The same can be said of the modern human sedentary lifestyle.

Adopt a puppy. The realization that you have to provide for it will give you purpose, and they'll love the fuck out of you.

eat healthy and move.

itll take awhile but you need to get up and go for walks. its a start

youll notice a difference in your mood fairly quickly actually, but you'll slump back atleast once.

just force yourself out of the door and walk for a mile, more if you can. every day.

I have a fear of dogs. Not trying to be difficult, that's actually true. I'm not sure how to give my life purpose, really.
I pretty much already do this. If I exercise a fuckton, would that start doing it?

Exercise treats depression.
Run, do body weight exercises, scrape enough together for a gym (30$ a month really isn't that much).

After a first intense workout, with soreness spreading throughout your body and tired to the bone, you will feel some level of euphoria.

There is even science behind this. Exercise cures depression.

Is it really just exercise? Since I already do that to no effect, am I just fucked?

If you genuinely have depression and aren't just an attention whore, then find the money somewhere and go to a doctor. It's a fucking chemical imbalance in your body, Treating it with exercise and dogs is like treating diabetes with prayer.

Got get someone to stick the right chemical in your body to fix the shitty way that it is broken.

I really do have depression, and I can't just make the money grow on trees. I don't know the situation in your country but here it is fucking expensive if it's not covered by insurance. I get the chemical imbalance thing but that's just not an option for me.