Be me

>be me
>25 year old ectomorph with body image problems
>has low T
>has $60k
>thinking of spending it on steroids and becoming a gym junkie

Is it worth it Sup Forums?

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maybe you should just invest in a coach or somthing like this and if this doesnt work out then do as you wish just remeber steroids have bad side effects wich can be deadly

you could do that, or you could make a real difference and plan the ultimate vegas trip today!

Have you done your research on steroids?
What are you going to take?
How many cc's?
How many times a week?
Do you know what PCT is?

I am thinking of starting with test first then maybe a couple of cycles of HGH.

drugs and sex is nice but wont rid me of my body image problems

hgh, why not hcm?


Swoosh. But yeah get roids and get big

steroids are possibility for competitive bodybuilders and profesional sportmans
Normal guy just need a regular regime a trainer and enough food, still if u really need to spend ur money onto something try this .
It looks interesting.

Weak. I'm an ectomorph too, just bulk. Loads of carbs loads of proteins, watch the fibres and just eat vegetables and fruit everyday. With a good diet weight and muscles come automaticly even without extreme training programs

my T levels are shizen though

Dude if You have low T Look into testosterone replacement therapy.

This, OP. Go see a doctor. Get your test fixed and you'll feel a lot better. Then you can become a gym junkie without losing your hair or having your dick shrink

Why not hrt? And show us your butt hole. Easier than training regimen, just wuss out and try to pass as a girl

Steroids don't make your dick shrink, they make your balls shrink from testosterone suppression. I bet you blame your small dick on a steroid cycle you did once

Dont juice. You need to replenish amd regulate your hormone. Not add synthethic shit as a supplement aka roids. Dp trt first and you'll feel unreal.

Why not go to the docs and get your T fixed?

The gym is really boring if you arent into it. You're far better off find a sport you like and building up fitness through that.
I was in the same position as you (minus 50k) but it all changed when I started climbing. Theres thousands of sports, find the right one for you

Docs wont do anything unless your T levels are below 250, mine are 350ng/dl

Don't use your wealth as a crutch to get healthy. Just push yourself because it's what you wany. If you haven't already, go back to school with your money. Otherwise, invest it smartly so it can create more wealth for you.