Anyone else enjoying some heroin this rainy afternoon?

Anyone else enjoying some heroin this rainy afternoon?

I wish. You?

Aww I love that nice warm itchy feeling from the first shot.

Nope, not some weak fuck that can't enjoy life without drugs.

Yep, just did my second payday shot of thebday. It was a BIG one lol.

How do they grow such huge poppies. How sketchy would ordering afgan poppy seeds from amazon be?

Nice. Enjoy those warm fuzzies, OP.

Lol, I have a good paying job, a home and I help support my disabled brother. I'm sure I have depression, but all in all I'd say my life is going pretty good lately.

Junkies are disgusting.

Just go to any garden centre. They are in no way restricted. No one fucking cares

I'm not sure they are very beach though. I think I migot do a small guerrilla grow next spring. And I don't believe it's sketchy at all just do a little research. Thank you I am. Have to go to work here in a couple hours.

Cool bro.

How do they grow such huge poppies. How sketchy would ordering afgan poppy seeds from amazon be?

No garden centers sell them. They sell" california poppy" which isnt the right one obviously....

what do you mean by do a little research? I was just wondering if its sketchy, ive found the correct ones on amazon just not sure what you mean by do a little research. You mean like one which strain, or on how sketchy it is? Cause thats the only thing holding me back. A long time ago someone told me they ordered some from amazon and they are still around so it must not be too sketch
double post, disregard

pfft i wish...sounds good right about now.

The sheeple must make themselves think that they are superior for abiding by every law like a good slave.

I just said research because I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject. I assume it isn't very sketchy. I've seen quite a few articles and videos of people doing guerrilla grows so it shouldn't be that sketch.

OP whats on the soldiers back? Flamethrower?


Ahhh ok thanks. Ya i heard its not illegal to grow them just extracting is illegal. But god forbid you try to grow a cannabis plant for medicine and your on the same level as murderers as a criminal.

I'm not sure now after looking at it. I'm positive that it isn't a flamethrower though. He is after all protecting the opium harvest so he wouldn't want to burn it down and it doesn't look like one. But now I'm curious I'll see if I can figure it out.

Right, luckily here in Michigan the canninas laws are pretty lax from my understanding. Although, since I've been using opiates I very rarely use any cannibas, maybe 5 times a year or so. But I use heroin almost daily.

Op here gonna take a quick shower try to keep the thread alive.