Any Russian user here who had some kind of experience with churka?

Any Russian user here who had some kind of experience with churka?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao the Russkie fears the Chechen.

what were they saying

Call us churka ones again and you will experience what they were saying.

Sorry, khach'.

Dirty Churka


t. Keyboardjihadist

They are ugly and dumb.
You must treat them as a colonist would a subjugated peoples.

Lets meet

What kind of a Tajik are you? A traitor?

Being on Sup Forums should be afraid of getting some physical feedback

Ich bin stärker als du


I guess.
I haven't seen any Tajikistan posts that aren't mine.

> What kind of a Tajik are you? A traitor?
Must be one of the few ruskies left in Tajikistan and who is heavily oppressed because of his ethnicity. This would explain the hatred.


Ein scheiß bist du

Could be possible. Central-Asians are bro-tier, so I was surprised by his autism.

Tu mal nicht so auf hart du dreckiger Hundesohn, ich würde dich problemlos umhauen

Wo wohnst du Hurensohn

Wenn du willst können wir mal Kräfte messen, wir wissen aber beide dass du im Krankenhaus landen wirst

Does this really work?


Du weißt doch nicht mal wie man eine Faust schlägt. Schön die Anonymität im Internet genießen.

Shut up Swedish-Mongol hybrid

Ich polier dir deine scheiss Kanackenfresse

Das einzige was poliert wird ist deine Fresse mit meiner Schuhsolle.

Das heißt Schuhsohle, dummer Hauptschüler.

u mad churka?

the swedish mongol hybrid actually freed his country from russians though unlike you kek

>Zentralasiaten sind basiert
Bist du geistig behindert? Usbekistan und so sind alle extrem vermuselt.

Why are churkas always so assblasted?

What's a Churka?

could i pass as a churka?

My grandfather was armenian, am I a churka ?

they mistake being angry at everything with being manly

it's their barbarian mountain mentality

No you are Hach. Significantly better

people from caucasus, it's pejorative
not sure, it seems that it's only for muslim. if a russian could tell us

what are those cyclinder things in his pocket?

+ Being muslim

Churka means penis.