Answer me this, please:

Answer me this, please:

How come making memes about humans dying is hilarious, but making memes about the same thing to animals isn't?

Is it because people are misanthropic here and I'm someone who hates this kind of double standards?

I read a wikipedia post about how Sup Forums found a 14 year old who abused animals and thought about how he'd get death threats from Sup Forums and such. I'd rather laugh at both animal abuse/death and human abuse/death memes than pick one side and wantonly bitch about it like a keyboard warrior or some shit.

I would absolutely like to know as an autistic Sup Forums user.

It's fine. You're not autistic, but let me tell you why animal abuse is the spawn of Satan compared to "Human Abuse." Animals are simplistic, pure beasts. They are innocent compared to humans, and so their protection is important.

Generally speaking most people on Sup Forums hate humanity, so they enjoy watching other people suffer.
Animals have no larger, long term agency or active malice aside aninmals that are closely linked to us, such as chimps.
Thus why Sup Forums doesn't find animal abuse especially funny, because most animals are inherently innocent, acting out of instinct.

Mostly because I don't care about humans.
Animals are loyal they trust you completely.
Breaking that trust is unacceptable.

Human make theirselves deserve it.These motherfuckers earn more money then me by just wasting air and food.And i live worse because of them.But little puppies...They are harmless.

Just like a Child and if broken you get Persons hurting animals dumb fag

First off, I do have ASD, just pointing it out so that autism won't be used as an insult for me.

Second, I think this is just bias in human nature. Kind of like your post, claiming animals are pure beings even though some will try to attack you regardless of protecting their cubs or whatever.

If a rabid dog is rushing to me, I'm fighting it to the death. Same thing with a human who wants to kill me.

I prefer treating both sides equally: Get along with both and attack and kill both when provoked.

And make memes about messed up shit about both humans and animals.

From these answeres I see the reason is because the average fag is to dumb to understand how humans work

OP is an autistic faggot

The way you wrote that hurt my brain.

I'll try and explain why, personally. I find humans dying funny versus animals dying not so much (human on animal violence, animal on animal violence in nature isn't anything that gets me (((triggered))) either's nature)

Which leads to my point; Humans even from a very young age pretty well have this little thing called 'higher conscience' that lets homo sapien make...calculations? on how they go about things. Humans by their very nature are scheming and crafty (it's why we're top of the food chain) but also that same strength has removed any natural 'innocence' ...basically when a human fucks up he or she made a series of choices that led to that final moment

Animals on the other hand operate on pure instinct, they do the things they do...but they don't know why, kind of like innocent fleshy animal also only feels primal fear and can't grasp the psychological nuances of terror that humans go through

SO yeah, tldr: Misanthropy lol

I guess I can see that they hate humanity here. Am I the rare exception that actually likes humanity despite being lucid about the shitty things they have done?

Its not just here, its everywhere
people all over the Internet claim that animals are better than humans.

I do see you point and have to say that is one valid argument.

For me, however, I would very much enjoy animal on animal violence as much as I would human on human violence,but seeing people be harsh about animal abuse memes and the sort and chill towards human abuse seems hypocritical to me. It just gets me annoyed and ashamed.

You think too much. Stop it

Autistic people latch onto animals more than humans. And if theres one thing this place is its autistic. Also hypocritical, pedophilia and child killing is fine but animals are off limits?

so animals deserve more to be hurt thank you for proving

Pure as in instinctual you fuck. Nature can't be good or evil, it just is as it were for millennia before us. People on the otherhand have thoughts, views, actions; when's the last time a squirrel tried to shiv you while changing the bird feeder?

And that's what I hate the most.

Animal welfare seems pretty odd, to say.

Why should animals receive the same rights only a sentient being would have and understand? They go by mostly instinct, unless trained.

I would say animals have the rights the owners give it, not the government.

Because Sup Forums fucking loves cats.

> (OP) (You)
>Autistic people latch onto animals more than humans. And if theres one thing this place is its autistic. Also hypocritical, pedophilia and child killing is fine but animals are off limits?

This! Absolutely this. You see the same view as I do. I may be autistic, but I don't latch onto anything. Just treat both parties as equal.

That's true, but I am only asking why we can't make the same memes about human injuries and death to animals. It just seems completely hypocritical and flippant.

but humans also are majorly influenced by experiences they made. Maybe higher conscience is jut a illusion so we think we made a descision but it actually was clear what we choose from the begining even if it wasnt feeling like that because we decide based of experience

Saved for keks cause how bad this is

Animal never friend zoned. Animals aren't degenerate racists. Animals don't make fun of us in any way that we are aware of. Animals are just dumb and ready to accept love. Animals also cannot lie.

They are the most innocent and undeserving of being made into memes or tortured, unlike people.

I would sooner toss one of y'all niggers off a bridge than a dog. At least you would understand why I did that. The animal wouldn't have a clue as to why it's about to have four broken legs

I wish I could, but it cannot escape my mind. Perhaps distraction would help me stop thinking this

a adult human is nothing more than a trained dog. If you train a dog to bite black people he would do it, humans only get trained much faster

Miami subs was my favorite place when I was younger..the only place where I liked the flat bread. Also asthetic.

I guess so, but a human would not have time to understand why as he/she would be too busy screaming about his/her broken legs.

I just hate double standards like this.

I wanna go eat there one day, actually

Because humans deserve it and animals don't. There's nothing hypocritical about setting a line. Humans are guilty of sin... in the non-religious sense. They do bad things because they decide to do bad things. Animals can't do bad things, because they don't know what 'bad' is.

1. Your analogy is terrible

2. Dog still doesn't understand why it's trained to bite blacks. It only follows it's masters order.

3. Human trained to bite others def knows why and might even enjoy it.

4. You haven't disproven anything. I think you just wanna be racist. Wich is fine by me.

Also, piss off.

Well, I'll decide to break this chain at the risk of being called a shitty douchebag when I treat both humans and animals equally based on relationships.

You train humans by telling them that whatever you want is the right thing, so yes they know why but otherwise they wouldnt do it.

No you're misunderstanding. It's not like it's a surprise push off a bridge. You would be well aware of the fact that I put my hands on you, moved you to the edge. And say"die you degenerate scum" as I proceed to get you to fall.

Meanwhile a dog probably thinks you're picking it up to play or something. Then all of a suddenly it's moving quickly towards the ground. It literally doesn't know what happen and why. The only time an animal is aware of our mal intent is if it happens before and it survived.

>I would sooner toss one of y'all niggers off a bridge than a dog. At least you would understand why I did that. The animal wouldn't have a clue as to why it's about to have four broken legs

How in the hell are humans going to understand if they're going to fall to their deaths? That's what I wanna know.
Plus, you cannot replace one human like you can to one animal.

I think you'll like it.

Hope so. Too bad some are closing

Implying you'll die..

Implying there aren't billions of better humans than the degenerate I just tossed to replace him\her

if the dog had bad experiences he wont think you want to play he would attack you

Nature nuture nigger. You lose. Sorry m8

I see your point here, but that doesn't change the fact that trying to push a person off can be really scummy.

Maybe it's my perception and I start imagining what would happen if someone tries to push me off a bridge? How will I survive that?

I can't, I pretty much got killed because some guy thought I was a scumbag for thinking about kicking a rabid animal in the ribs.

I see little justice in this case.

What would a human do in that situation, then?

Yeah. That's what I said. But normally the people that torture don't go for those animals. They go for the ones that are friendly and don't know what kind of horror they'll be getting in to. Are y'all anons in this thread ok?? Seems like you guys don't want to accept the truth or something. Must be the autism it..

I think I see the truth?

I think that some of the people of /b have too much pathos and do not have enough logos and ethos.

Look, I'm using school-related words to make a point!

Put yourself in the others shoes. If you had a choice between a bad proven evil animal torturer to toss or a sweet Labrador retriever that never harmed anyone Wich would go over??

You don't need big words for this discussion m9. It's pretty straight forward. Either you're mentally unhinged or you're not. Don't hurt innocent animals or people but if you're going to go for a person first. They probably most likely deserve it one way or another.

Depends on the treatment I get. If I walk near a supposed animal torturer, I would walk away as there would be people already trying to beat the shit out of him/her. I don't want to fan the flames.

As for the dog, I would just take one look. If it's out to get me instead of being docile, I'm fighting it until it runs away from me or dies

humans are pieces of shit and they all need to die including me, animals did nothing wrong

Makes sense.

And if I'm going to the animal first or both?


People who think other animals are better than humans are the worst, and are likely loners who will never have children and are likely hypocrites that eat meat.

Acting like humans and animals are equal doesn't make you "not a hypocrit"
It makes you a fucking retard.
Humans can pontificate. Animals cannot. Stop pretending animals and humans are karmically equal you triple ultra gigga nigger. They are not equal. They have never been equal. They will never be equal. It is not the same and you will never convince anyone that it is the same because no one else is quite the same strain as fucking dumb as you. Shut up and go back to trolling on VeganGains comment sections, fag.

How about a Pitbull that killed a child and a baby?

Hm. I don't think you quite get what I'm saying..sorry I don't have extra time to discuss this more. I really have to go. Hopefully some other user will jump in to elaborate more it. Peace up. A town down.

Yuck, you're one of those people, aren't you?

I hate these kinds of people. It makes me think of a police officer shooting a criminal's violent pet dog is very justified.

Humans are the only animals on earth that can choose not to roll in shit, and they do it anyway.

Last post for me. Bad dogs get put down without fail all the time. Bad people live in prisons. Sometimes for a very long time. Animal tortures pick on good naured animals because they're easier to handle.

What I mean is that I do not want to attack someone just because they hurt animals. There are other people for that.

I want to attack people like Antifa and the likes of transgenders, genderfluids, and non-binaries.

Animals, however, depend on how they respond to me. Some dog on the street trying to kill me would be injured or dead by me. A growling pet, I back away cautiously or stand my ground.

I think it's a very interesting question, OP. Before I answer the question, I would like to make a few observations:

Friendship between males is a social construct. It doesn't belong in nature. In reality we are rivals competing against each other for the same piece of blonde chick's ass.

Just like other mammals, this competition is a lifetime ongoing process. We want to be the alpha male. But we have evolved beyond using violence and physical dominance to achieve this, because if we choose to kill or threaten our rivals, we spawn multiple new enemies in form of his friends and the state, so we instead we choose to act as peaceful and assert our dominance in a more manipulative way.

I believe that the reason for us humans to have developed the most sophisticated brain is because of this aspect. We use money, power, manipulation, humor, appearance, "self-esteem", etc. to win the girl in a social environment.

Back to OP's question:
>making memes about humans dying is hilarious
Only when you see them as your enemies. That is, they challenge your superiority.

The worst thing an animal can do is kill. Humans on could do more stupid and cringey stuff. Think about what is the worst quality you can hate about an animal? being dumb? being ugly violent? thats probably about it. But there are countless ways to hate a human.

Granted, but have you considered prison violence and death row?

Dogs getting put down and humans on death row are probably luckier than animals getting tortured and inmates getting beaten to near death

The only reason to hate a human is beeing dumb or ugly

Okay, that's true




But what if I wanna treat both equally? Befriend equally? Fight equally? Torture equally?

You get what I mean. At least both parties are affected Positively/Neutrally/Negatively.

I think this argument does hold value, as I now know why humans have done so, but I would like to know why would humans would suddenly see me as scummy when I want to make memes about animals getting killed and so? Is it because they hold their emotions dear to animals?

Would I make enemies in the same way as a human would if they had killed a person as they were evolving?

There are smart people that deserve hate too like lying manipulating politicians

It might be my envy of animals being more respected than humanity, but I believe giving animals more respect and government-given rights is absolute bullshit. That's why animal rights activists annoy me sometimes.

they dont deserve hate the people who gave them this positions do

Depends on which politician you side with or so.

Mental dwarfism.

What do you mean by that, Anonymous?

>why would humans would suddenly see me as scummy
When males use (morbid) humor against others, they are really just asserting their dominance against someone, who (potentially) challenges their superiority.

So in this context, you choose to assert your dominance over an animal. An animal that is unable to respond to your challenge, and is not threatening you in any way.

So why would you need to do that? Why need to choose a "weak pray"?
You are seen as a weak coward not able to take on a real challenge.

Its like saying you can't hate anybody because they are not responsible for their own birth/existence

because animals are inherently innocent and humans are guilty of something and probably deserve it.

A few things about OP's post.

>How Sup Forums found a 14 year old who abused animals and thought about how he'd get death threats from Sup Forums

Making fun of death and actually being cruel to animals is a totally different thing.
I can assure you, they would have found the same 14yo kid if he was doing the same thing to humans. He would have been reported to the police immediately.

Another thing is that animal abuse at young age is an early sign for psychopaths, and then can go on and actually commit violent crimes, so don't feel too sorry for this kid yet.

And the real point I wanted to talk about : making fun of death.
Dark humour is a way to cope with the darkest parts of life, and therefore death.

People make a difference between making fun of the death of humans, compared to animals, simply because they are humans, and so feel the need to let out whatever fears they have about themselves dying.

It is a double standard, since we don't want "these innocent fluffy animals" to suffer, and in comparison humans are full of sins and whatnot.

I can agree with you, since I love dark humor on all things.

I wasn't feeling sorry for the kid, I was pissed off about some of the double standards.

Surprisingly, 4-chan responds much better than other sites, I think.

Animals aren't profligates.

Ah, I see. I would rather be seen as someone who would take on anyone and anything, even animals and the sort.

Also, I wonder if the females react quite differently from Males?

Excuse me, what is a profligate?

I'm just a high school senior who is apt to learning more
