I'm making an autistic dating sim. What's the most retarded way the main character's parents could have died?

I'm making an autistic dating sim. What's the most retarded way the main character's parents could have died?

a horrific accident at a caricature artist stand.

freak gardening accident

>died making a dating sim

slipped on a banana peel

one of these i mean. just a guy sitting on a stool in front of an easel.

train explosion

Walked out the plane


They went to las vegas

giant african snail hunting incident

mcs dad was fucking a goat when the goat kicked him in the stomach while he was ejaculating
so mcs dad died while ejaculating

They parachuted out over the School and couldn't find a single weapon in the entire building. Then as soon as they went outside, a guy already had a fully upgraded S686. Two clicks is all it took. Double barrel orphan.

the injected some marijuanas

thumb wrestling accident coincidentally that's also how the main character was born


Scratch and sniff sticker on the bottom of the pool

Mom injects poison into Dad's balls then sucks his dick and swallows. Boom. Both dead.

in a fire at the aquaworld

car accident with a clown car with 12 clowns inside

The father died while trying to chop down the internet. The mother died shortly after in a tragic house fire started by a coffee pot in the bathroom.

their dubdecker tour bus took a wrong turn and went under a low bridge decapitating all but the Japanese tourists on the top deck (they bowed just in time)

A garage door accident, trying to admire their garage door seal and it fell on them.

Couuldnt go fast enouh to mere into traffic, or some sort of nonsense (gotta go fast)

they got ran over by an ambulance

I suck at Sup Forums