Can b help me find a name for my band?

can b help me find a name for my band?


Too poor to afford a real amp


Syndrome of a Down

The "blow my head with a shotgun"s

I think I can help

*Don't Shred on Me

*The Libertarians

*The Libido Boys

*Slightly Seattle

*The New Cucks

*Bald Allan and the step bros. autistic

Couldntaffordmorehottopicgrabbucketpinsformyguitarstrap and friends

Crosby, Stills and Fat

Earth, wind, and fatter

Three Faces of Faggotry

The Chixie Dicks

dinner Rush

Led Zeppelin

Tryna make it: use your delusion 2

>Three Faces of Faggotry
les bras cassés

Bald and Fat

or a studio
or good clothes

The we suck and the why bothers

more like fagtallica

Men Without Testicles

Skinny and the downs.

Dubs speak kek

Deaf Wish


Frayed Ends of Faggitory

Faggot park

The Dick Heads

cabbage point killing mashine

2 guys 1 cuck

The good, the bad and the ugly

I was going to give a completely different suggestion, but this beats mine. Name your band this.

Faggots in the wood

jet-set gaydio


Two and a half man

The Big, The Bad and the Ugly.

Jonny HeavyAxe and The Registered Blind.

Fagrence + The Cuckchine

Slurpees and Suffering

fatty and the dweebs

I bet you are British.

Frozen Branches