Post you're depressing, lonely, single guy meals

Post you're depressing, lonely, single guy meals.

Looks tasty user

Dont even know what i'm looking at


the chicken wouldn't be as bad if you put lettuce, tomato and other shit in there. its basically like a mcdicks chicken ranch wrap. as for the potatos, they look raw as fuck

>Post you're depressing, lonely, single guy meals.

If you mean YOU ARE then it's YOU'RE.

Why do you not know this?

Oh wait you said depressing...nvm. I eat well.

All I see is a plate of vomit with toast.



It just makes you look stupid.


and there are no potatoes in that picture lmao

You should see an optometrist. That from a Michelin star restaurant.

presentation is shit my guy

in case anyone wonders its guiness in my coffe mug

Tell that to Michelin. They disagree.


I don't thinks it's depressing cause it stops me from being hungry. I do enjoy being alone.


Beefaroni is delicious as fuck.


One bag yellow rice.
One can white corn.
One can white-meat chicken.

Pound of ground beef, browned.
Two cans of black-eyed peas.
Mix well.

not to long ago this was my dinner.


50ยข box of ready-mix corn bread.
One can pinto beans.
One can white meat chicken.