Dear /b stoners

Dear /b stoners.

Where do you hide your weed?

On top of my dresser or nightstand

in my closet i have about 5 suits hanging up and i hide mine in the inner coat pockets. good spot

I don't hide it at all, because I'm not 16 and living with my parents like OP.

user we all know you live with your parents in their basment


House does not have a basement actually, parents renovated the attic for me.

I don't hide it because it's recently legal, keep it in my car


Up your ass and to the left

What state/country do you live in?


Interesting spot, I will have to try it out tonight.

Kitchen counter with my bong.


In your mother's dick hole

I don't, but I usually keep it in a humidor in my dresser to help keep the smell down.


I never knew my mother was a man, thank you so much!

I'm an adult. I don't need to hide my marijuana.

That's the best time too, underneath the left testicle is a pretty good spot as well


> Hides condoms
Mods underage

It is a google image you aut.

I always encourage and advocate the pursuit of knowledge, so you're welcome. That said, you can get grabby with her dick hole but keep your greasy fingers off my weed

Lawyer said don't answer this. Fuck off.

Got a pound i smoke on right on the coffee table m8

not D.E.A

im not sure if i believe you.
certainly, you are not FBI, but you might be DEA

e d g e y

A teddy bear.
It has a zip up back for a battery pack, I ripped it out and filled it with bounce sheets and weed bags.