Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,
What happened to my toe?

It looks like severe eczema to me. Get a topical corticosteroid cream.

clip those fucking nails you disgusting faggot


Can I get one that's strong over the counter?

Nah, OP would know if he had eczema already. He would have had other eczemas issues prior to having one this bad.

Looks like a fungal infection to me. Do not put a steroid cream on a fungus. It just makes them worse. Anti-fungal cream for about a week. If you see no improvement go to a doctor.

Looks like aids

It is athletes foot usaly caused by sweat go buy anti bacterial spray

Does it itch?

why would he buy an anti bacterial spray for a fungal infection you moron. Anti-fungal cream.

I'm sorry. I already knew I had eczema. Just wanted to see if people could guess.
I just can't find anything over the counter that fucking helps it.
Hell yes. I want to fucking tear my flesh off.

Sometimes eczema can be highly localised. I had it, and OP's pic looks just like it.

I do agree that a cheap, OTC antifungal cream might a good idea to try first, though.

Probably not a strong one. You may have to get a prescription, but you can probably find and try a weaker one first. You should see some improvement within a day or two.

In either case, keep that thing dry and well-ventilated. Wear sandals, or better yet nothing,

gingivitis necrotizing fasciitis

soak it in gasoline

Here is a pic of a fungal infection. It looks very similar to yours.

You know why you cant find anythign over the coutner thats helping. because it isnt eczema. Thats a fungus. Anti-fungal cream

I can help you, fellow eczema fag.

Hot water.

Run your faucet and the temperature until it is painful, but not unbearable, then run it over the area. You may have to adjust the temp upward a bit more, but you'll know when you've done it right. There is a point between pain and skin damage that basically overloads the nerves. It will feel as if angels have descended from heaven and are scratching your itch. It also won't itch for several hours afterward.

This method saves you the damage from scratching, lasts a long time, and will hopefully keep you from killing yourself until you can get it under control with a good oral steroid, or prednisone.

Try it; it saved my fucking life.

Eczema on toes and hands is almost always accompanied by small fluid filled blisters that itch. If it didnt have tiny blisters then its most likely a fungus.

I don't have health insurance at the moment, so It'll be a bit until I can get a prescription.
I've been using Exederm and Cortizone 10 for a while, and it seemed to help a good amount at first, but after a while I think it's only giving me very temporary relief and it doesn't clear up anywhere on my body.
Thanks for the advice though. I'll definitely work on getting that prescription.

Fungus tends not to itch quite that badly. He also has dried serum all over his toe, which is a pretty dead giveaway for eczema. The reason OTC stuff has not been working is because strong corticosteroids are usually regulated.

It literally feels orgasmic.

yep. i bet he fucked some dude with his foot

Oh, yeah. I has it pretty much all over my body once, and performing that "treatment", as I came to call it let me sleep and otherwise function. It's a stop-gap measure, but it beats suicide and does much less damage to the skin.

Your toes are freakishly long

The hospital will kill you