Starting a new Fallout New Vegas character. This is only my 2nd Play through. I have no DLC. What should I do...

Starting a new Fallout New Vegas character. This is only my 2nd Play through. I have no DLC. What should I do? If I was to buy 1 DLC what should it be?

all of them

Wait for sale and buy them all but if you really just going to get one I'd say either old world blues or lonesome road

> buy

I'm leaning towards lonesome road because it has the unique ranger armor.

Old world blues>lonesome road>honest hearts=dead money

It's pretty good but the dlc's have their on storyline and lonesome road is the last one of them which is why it's best to get them all, the only one which isn't apart of the story is honest hearts

Fucking go to skidrow reloaded and dl it for free you faggot. Everything. All DLC. Free.

Don't be a faggot, support obsidian.
Pirate Bethesda's shit.

Paddock, is that you?

Yes. I'm eating so much sushi right now. COMPED.

honest hearts is good especially if you can trick the legion into thinking you are theyre friend

Honestly surprised no one else has put jingle Jangle over the shooting footage yet

lonesome road, but I dont see why you dont buy the whole dlc pack for like $5

I'm planning on siding with the Legion this time. I like Fascist aesthetic. Murdering degenerates is fun. The NCR is full of cucks. I really wish they had made it more balanced. They obviously lead you into siding with NCR. They're should have been more missions for the Legion and a legion friendly companion.

OP if you have an Xbox just torrent the dlc and use horizon to load it to a USB and you should be good to go.

old world blues was my favorite. you cannot go wrong though, they make the game even better and besides modding it's why people fucking nuts for new vegas.

Buy them all for 20 dollars poorfag.

this. 100 per cent

..... god damn it.

Interesting. I might have to investigate this further.

OWB is best, then lonesome road. rest is meh

Filthy degenerate.

Buy them all and complete them before getting the chip from Benny and doing main quest in this order:
Dead Money>Honest Hearts>Old World Blues>Lonesome Road

After you complete them, get the chip, and do whatever you want to.

> Dead money before lonesome road.
> Old World anything but first.
Literally garbage tier progression.
OWB first for most useful player housing, lonesome road (at least till the deathclaw gauntlet piece) and take the deathclaw gauntlet piece into OWB (quest items cannot be removed from inventory) to make the best possible weapon in dead money, easily dismembers ghost people and has massive damage.
Make sure to nuke both NCR and legion before entering the lucky 38 so you can get away with it and get all the free shit from those areas.

> take the deathclaw gauntlet piece to OWB
Was supposed to be dead money not OWB. woops

> siding with the legion
I've literally never done this.
Boone is husbando #1

If anyone says anything besides old world blues, they're legit trolling you OP

Story wise, Old World Blues acts like you've already played Dead Money and Lonesome Road acts like you've played Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Old World Blues. Regardless of quality, either go Dead Money > Old World Blues > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road or HH > DM > OWB > LR.

I've completed the game four times going for every ending. It's quite refreshing to do Legion cos it's so different from all the other options. You get a reason to pick the gay perk and roleplay an legionnare.

I agree with this storywise, It's also good to meet Veronica and do some relatable quests before DM to get some history.

I don't really give a shit about mechanics. This progression makes absolutely no sense storywise. The game is already loaded with weapons that doing stunts like getting the deathclaw gauntlet are actually quite tiresome. I always liked the guns you get in DM anyway and liked the challenge of dealing with Ghost people, It also made God/Dogs companionship so much more apprecietable.

Makes pretty decent sense rp wise. For a curious courier at any rate.
First thing your courier would come across is LR, find out it's too dangerous because lack of gear, return to the wasteland and continue hunting for the chip only to come across OWB, finish OWB since he can't leave till he does, be stocked up on gear from all the amazing shit the sink gives you, probably finish LR, stumble into DM with the same problem as LR, and do honest hearts last.

Play something else.

New Vegas feels like a buggy fan mod of Fallout 3. Nothing about this game makes any sense at all, and the whole thing is a stupid, confused mess.

Having the main bad guys dress in Roman armor like a Shakespeare play tested my patience surely. I finally threw my controller at the screen and gave up when you get to the hotel that is run by a bright blue mutant in a flowery dress.


I've done like every quest except the one about the fucking robot, it's something about the Ed E bot triggering some audio logs

These are the right answer, the DLC (despite what your usual hipster contrarians say) really open up New Vegas both in terms of story and other things. Grab all of them, always worth it.

You would literally have to go out of your way to not finish ED-Es quest.

Also, bomb Legion with NCR after LR. You get new locations unlocked, and more loot.