Fuck these dumb Bitches...

Fuck these dumb Bitches. If a man decided to do a men's only festival it would be seen as a sexist event full of "misogynistic men" but since the roles are reversed it's a good thing.

What gives?

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>male rage
LOL ok. Meanwhile, all the men are at better concerts listening to better shit than whatever trash is at the female only one.

LMAO, when you import so much 3rd world trash that you cant even have mixed gender concerts because of all the raping. Keep it up sweden.

And it's Sweden, what really can you expect

There's literally not even that much raping at concerts it was just a bunch of feminist regards who noticed it was happening in general and decided to make a concert over it.

Another case of females feeling over entitled

>female only concerts
Shit, now women can show their tits to the band and throw panties and bras on stage without a care in the world....

Someone should host a festival for men and women at the same time and make it go off, the mixed gender one would be way more fun. Make it free for women or something also hilarious.

It would be called a gay club faggot. Hetero males wouldnt go to a men only music festival. Except for autists

How's about a festival where anyone is welcome where everyone can feel safe to talk to each other not separated by gender, race, class or political/religious views. Rather than supporting segregation by focusing on differences in us instead of looking at what we have in common, these quacks go and do this.

I agree, if men did this we would be persecuted. But at the same time we should all be able to feel safe around another human being.

Found the 1 girl on Sup Forums

Playing right into their hands, you dumb mother fuckers. Just delete this thread


>Thinking about all those sitcom plots of crossdressing men just so they can get in on ladies night at the bar, or maintain a scholarship. And now to see a band they really want to see

Would trans men be allowed in the concert? I bet probably

Well would trans women be banned from the concert? I think yes, since the autism of the feminist movement is so contradictory.

As a pansexual trans woman who identifies as a seawolf class attack submarine I am highly offended and triggered that this is a "woman-only" concert! I demand that all species-sexual identification-military equipment people are given a fair chance to see the quality talent that will surely be at this event!

So there werent 40 sexual assaultts at 2 music festivals, one of which was a diversity concert where they handed out "anti sexual assault" bracelets to remind the niggers not to rape? You should probably call the newspapers then.

>ny times

But ya the point is I don't exactly think it's any more than anywhere else, its still bad but because of all the illegals they're like "now it's more serious than everywhere else"


fake news

> 100 billion darkies from the exact countries that treat women the shittiest.
> MEN are the problem.
Like.. What..

Men darkies..so I suppose just ban the sand niggers

*edit But that would be RACIST and women aren't racist at all

I am not sure what your point is here. You are importing voilent niggers and their crime, so by extension you are importing crime.

>"Our genocide is the same as the rwandan genocide, so it isnt that bad"

Step 1
Google shit yourself next time.
Step 2
Pick any link you deem not fake news.
Step 3
Step 4
learn what happened, profit from redpill

Only (slight) rage I feel is that they would think anyone would give a fuck and try and write that "lol u mad" type article.

>Itt; men raging over female only concert
Congrats guys you just played yourselves.

you can still go if you convince them that you identify as a woman.
it shouldnt be that hard

somebody should pull a paddock on these disgusting man-hating feminists.

Who would WANT to go on a guys only festival?
Except maybe literal faggots who end up having an orgy.

Let them have their fun for all i care.
If they're that afraid of the evil penis they're damaged goods anyways.

Literally all you have to do is say it these days and you're "part of the club"

>women-only concert

what is every single katy perry, miley cyrus, taylor swift and pretty much most concerts today.

the only people they're kicking out is gay men lol

Well, that'd be boring as fuck.
Ever observe women interacting with each other with no men around? It's fucking boring, inane shit unless they're talking about the men they know.
The only people who would show up to that are mentally ill men (Traps) and dykes. Straight women go out to meet and be around men.

And men wouldn't ever be mad that women did something by themselves, they'd be mad they'd (in many western countries) face jail time and/or fines just for suggesting the same event for men only.
Women exclude people = HEROIC, SO BRAVE
Men exclude someone = CALL THE POLICE

yeah basically a men only concert is for gay men

>says male rage will be fun to watch
>thread full of make rage is actually fun to watch
well played

As opposed to America? Educated and healthy people I suppose. You people are ratchet filth.

It doesn't matter what link you choose, they were literally "reports of rape" and therefore fake news, reports =/= it happened and there's proof

Well, it depends on the group. There are feminists who deny the legitimacy of transgender identity. Y'know, something like, being a woman is a lifelong experience that isn't shared by men in dresses. But regardless, there is still a problem of, how do they decide who is and isn't a woman? It would be pretty pedestrian if they went by whatever it says on one's drivers license.

Educated and healthy Sweeds? Must be some kind of new joke or something

>swedish people are educated and healthy

so the lilith fair?

I don't see what's to get mad about. There are plenty of resorts and events that are exclusive to men or women. This looks like bait to me. I don't know why anyone would have a problem with girls getting together for a concert.

You mean the article? It was written by a female who is openly feminist/supporting of feminists so take that how you will

what are they gonna do there? wash dishes and dance at the same time? they can do that at home for free

Segregation. Name one concert which was strictly "men only".
Shit like this makes it clear that these disgusting feminist pigs want to segregate men far more than men have ever wanted to segregate women.


No one would go to a men's only festival anyway.

But honestly, that really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, its been long documented that feminists and women in general have been in support of gender-based segregation for years

It doesn't happen because events are supposed to be profitable, male only concerts wouldn't be. I'm not even sure if a female only concert would be.

The only reason they're doing it is so they don't all get groped and raped by feral Mohammed's. Case closed.

Only would be profitable because it gives them a chance to circlejerk about men

>far more than men have ever wanted to segregate women
You must be young. Men's only clubs were definitely a thing, and a popular sophisticated thing, for a very very long time.

Don't be fooled folks, feminists are LITERALLY racist and would rather blame men for their problems than just admit they hate sandniggers

Like most SJW / social engineering type things, this is all about image.

Look at the girl in the middle of the news pic. Young, hot, athletic looking, good hair, great skin, happy and confident looking, seems fun to be around.

Now think how the story would be perceived if they used a pic of an overweight, dour looking SJW with terrible short pink / green hair and baggy dark clothing. Nobody would care about this festival.

Advertising, PR, and everything related to it still revolves around the idea of image. You can sell anything from cars to coffee to political ideologies as long as you can convince people that the "It" crowd are doing it. The beautiful people, the cool people, the movers and shakers.

All the more reason to invade the homes of toxic feminists and kill them. Everybody knows that segregation is a huge no-no in the eyes of modern media.
It's not merely about profitability, it's about what people want.
I know damn well there are men's clubs, just like there are women's clubs. I've been to a men's only chopshop party, which is kind of like that. But it was extremely rare that any of them were made deliberately to segregate and anger women, yet OP's article puts a spotlight on how much these pigs HATE men. They absolutely WANT us to be furious with them, so let's get fucking furious for fucks sake.

Not because men wanted to SEGREGATE themselves from women, moron. Which is what's happening here so I guess we can say that you completely missed the point?

I could honestly give a fuck about a women only concert. The thing about this article that triggers me is how it talks about the male rage resulting from it. You publish shit like this then wonder why I don't support political correctness and feminism

Who gives a fuck? Not me.
This is just b8.

Well in many occations chicks feel frightened by male behaviour for more or less valid reasons. One instance of this is chicks studying MINT: Many chicks won't even try because they see themselves constantly compared to males which typically (and possibly through gender roles) have more experience in the matter. Now there hast been the option to get into a chicks only course at mechanical engineering which is merged with the mixed courses after three semesters. This increased the number of females who chose to become engineers. I'd consider this a good Thing.

So, lemme guess

>"x" band has a mostly male following, because women for whatever reason don't like this music
>feminists see this as misogyny because they feel excluded from this event that they don't like
>so, they stage a "female only" music festival, deeming it fair because "men had their own"

A female only concert could be profitable. I doubt a male only one would though. Considering one of the reasons guys go to these things is to pick up chicks

If you don't take the b8 and start talking about this, they might try to segregate us more.
Don't turn a blind eye, cut their arms and legs off!

Sounds like a dyke fest normal women wouldn't enjoy anyway. Part of the reason people go to concerts is to socialize,get drunk and have sex.

I can smell the fish already.

lol look at this male rage tho
>im not mad at all
>autistic af

The idea for this festival didn’t come from a desire to celebrate women; it came from a desire to protect them. I’m not saying they won't try to celebrate, or that creating safe spaces for women is not important, but the fact that our only answer to women being attacked by dark sand nigs was to kick out men altogether feels like a failure on our part, as a society.

>Not about profit
Nigga who do you think is paying for all that shit?

Yawn. Nahh, mate. I'll be alright.
>stay mad tho.

You completely misinterpereted what I said. I'll rephrase.
It's not just about profit, the only efficient way to make a profit is to focus on what people want.
Clearly if you focused on what people don't want, you will only profit from evil people who wish to force it on people.

On the surface it's supposed to be because of the sexual assaults reported at music festivals.

Methinks it about easy publicity.

Female/feminist supporter detected

alg I'll stay mad and probably kill/torture some of them one day..

>Not because men wanted to SEGREGATE themselves from women
Yes. That is exactly why gentleman clubs were men only. They didn't want ladies fucking up their drinking and smoking with annoying womenfolk shit. In other words, they didn't want some annoying drunk bitch fucking up their partying.

Women go to concerts to pick up dudes just like dudes go to pick up women.I doubt this will go well.

And it is the exact same with women's clubs, but like I said we never did it to piss them off. This concert is to piss us off, which is why they should be punished.

You know what? They are kind of fucking annoying, we might have to start these up again.


I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying I'm autistic because I'm not mad?

Not to piss females off tho bro. And also we didn't hide behind lies "we're doing it for safety, The Man is attacking us" like I'm pretty sure we didn't form the YMCA because some guys were like "shit, all these women raped me, better start a young man's association to get away from them and be safe!"

To be fair, it does not have to have a very high Q releases understand Morty Rich. The best humor is subtle, and not a lot of capacity in solid theoretical physics most games should go to the head of the viewer. There is also nihilistic, Rick's mind, and it is woven into a fish - his own philosophy, draws heavily from the Narodnaya Volym literature, for example. The fans understand this stuff, do not have the intellectual capacity to really appreciate the depths of farce, not only to realize that there is something profound about life Funny-. As a consequence, Rick Morty really hated idiots- of course, are not an option, for example, the moisture in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Holy wubba Lubbe," which is cryptic at Turgenev in Russian epic parents and children, I'm now imagining a smirking addlepated scratching their heads in the confusion of the palace, only to call them to Dan's genius to have been fulfilled, just as it is on television screens and the simple. ... I pity the fool them. And yes, by the way, the souls from Rick Morty tattoo. And you can see it. There are ladies, and they only have eyes for you to demonstrate my IQ is between 5 points (preferably less) beforehand.

im a man, i dont care about a woman only music festival.

Don't give af.

If you dont care then they will only continue to try and segregate us and put us into their feminist cages! It's time we act now preemptively and end their movement for good!


Don't try so hard next time Mohammad.

Lets say that it is islamaphobic to not let male Muslims and watch the mass rape

Just another of the double standards that feminists conveniently disregard

There are more muslims than sami terrorists in sweden

Not exactly a good thing..

russian agitprop

everyone knows niggers don´t rape, they just show their great heart through veneral means

Yah sure a lot of those dumb "men's tears" feminists will gloat and make a big fucking deal about it, and get off on the fact that folks like you do get pissed off. Don't give them the satisfaction. Be a fucking man and learn to not give a shit.

Also, as someone who has worked security at festivals, lots of shit goes down at music festivals. I can understand how some women don't feel safe at them, and like the idea of some sort of women only festival, especially if it's all ages. I can understand why a women would want to go see some music and dance without the worry of some drunk shirtless asshole trying to break down a porta potty door when they are taking a piss.

But that's the thing, men don't have to have an all male music festival to feel safe. And I'm gonna go ahead and play devil's advocate and say that men shouldn't have a say in what makes women safe. And I think everyone clearly missed the point of the all-women festival, and since we're all obviously men, we're never going to understand what women have to go through.

I can understand the safety aspect too, but this is to piss us off. Why don't you be a man and remove some of this scum from the Earth?

I guess a real historian studying the "patriarchy" would actually be more important

Clearly never been to an edm music festival. Girls literally wear next to nothing so the cry that they feel leered at holds no credence

That's not why they're having this festival tho. They're having it because they all lobbied for open borders in Sweden and when it finally happened and all these middle eastern niggers came over from the worst countries in the world and continued to rape women like they do in their homeworld, they realized how a bad idea it was, and instead of admit they are all racists they decided to blame it on men

most of the sluts attending will spend most the festival snapping chatting and posting pics to social media for boys to look at. feminists are just fucking retards basically, slaves to their biology.

This article was written to piss you off. I highly doubtful the festival was planned and put together just to piss off some dudes on the internet.

I am not russian retard, idk why leftist idiots assume redpilled people are russian.
>niggers don't rape
FBI says they do about 50% of the rapes in the US.

she's so stupid she thought she could figure out her own psychological problems with her gender studies degree, but all she got was more pathological and unemployable


Women get drunk and horny and try and hit on everyone and then they get pissed when nobody comes on to their advances

All the more reason to just kill off feminists, so I don't get blasted for my manliness..

Not just men on the internet, men literally all over the world

Wake up from your sheeple daydream and stick up for your fellow man for once.