Random thread about life or some shit

>Random thread about life or some shit.

Not really expecting anything to come out of this, least not of this website. Just feel like getting shit off my chest, to post it somewhere and get my aggression and feelings out in some form otherwise I might implode or some shit.
Read if you want, don't, whatever idgaf

Probably should explain myself or else this won't make sense on some of my actions and feelings
>Youngest child out of two, parents constantly fighting and are currently together only for money(my mother). Father is a hard working, quite guy who works his ass off for my family and I look up to him and admire him more than anything. He's my best friend and everything atm. I try to be like him as much as possible(avoiding his flaws of course). You know how some chicks have daddy issues? I got mommy issues. Me and my mother barely get along. Me and my sister have been beaten and abused(nothing sexual) by her our entire lives. She's conditioned me to be a hermit and never tell anyone anything it's 'keep it in the family' kinda shit and threatening to injure me and various other things if I even told my father. So for years, and I still kinda, am scared of her. I feel like everything's my fault even though I know it isn't. She thinks the problem is everyone else but it's her. Yes I feel bad she was bullied and disowned by her shitty family when she was a kid. But she literally cannot seem to let stuff go, so her shitty treatment at the hands of her family resulted in her thinking everyone is a cunt, making her a cunt. She's in her 50's and has no friends and never has. She gets hyper offended at fucking EVERYTHING. She starts new conversations with people by going 'I won't apologize for how I am and if you don't like it too bad.' She's the kind of fuck nugget who will call on the neighbors 1000000000 times because their dog is sitting on the side of the road and she thinks she's a hero or some shit.

I'm filled with so much anger and resentment to my mother that it frankly hurts me sometimes.
I feel guilty for being so fucking angry at her like its my fault or its me when I know it isn't. I have no doubts she loves me; she's dedicated and went through shitty treatment by my father but at the same time it's nothing but a endless loop of her being shitty to my father and him being shitty back. I don't know where it started it just did. She's causing her own problems and problems for others. She's extremely anti social and hates people even though she claims not too. She hasn't had a job in over 30 years cause she had some dumbass idea she could be a stay at home mom and 'raise her children right' though she did the opposite. She's extremely aggressive and has no patience at all. She's under the impression small children as supposed to behave without discipline of any kind. We're homeschooled, btw, which plays into this whole thing. I can't not mention it. My mother left high school when she was 16, and completed 10th grade I think.

Her recently widowed mother was old fashioned and seems to think you had to be married if you were a woman so she quickly remarried a asshole named Harvey, who once tried to touch my mother. My grandmother never really seemed to like my mother even when she was little. She was the youngest and all her siblings were like 15 to already adults when she was born. Anyways my grandmother had the idea to ship my mother out to a camp in Mexico. I believe she was going to sign over rights to my mother to whoever ran this camp. I have no idea what the camp was or did, it just housed teenage girls and I guess taught them skills.

First lets start with ur age OP. Im pretty sure im about to call you a faggot and to man up.

So my mothers education is not really there. She has no idea what algebra is, and has no respect for authority figures such as teachers or police. Everything has to be 'her way or no way'. She claims she has authority over police some how. Either way my mother wasn't meant to ever be a teacher of any kind. She was abusive when teaching us, expected us to behave when we were small children interested in just running around and watching TV and playing with toys and such. She never made school fun for us when we were toddlers, which is kinda basic shit to get children interested. You can't impress in the mind of a child that every time were supposed to learn it has to be 'shut the fuck up and do this perfectly or you'll get beat'. I began loathing homeschool and my existence from a very early age. I became afraid of it and wouldn't listen in the slightest.

17 going to be 18 next month in a few days

I became angry that kids in my neighborhood had friends and other people to talk to when all I had was my sister who I fought with constantly. My mother is the reason I cannot stand reading. This has plagued me my whole life and continues to. My mother taught me to read when I was two or three, but she'd always yell at me if I didn't get it, calling me names and being rough with me. I hated reading and everytime I pick up a book and try to read I get so fucking angry and upset and want to cry. I have shit reading skills because of this. I fucking hate books everytime I see them. I can't fucking stand them they make me want to break something. I feel no one around me really cares why I have shit reading skills and how it affects me. No one ever cares how any of this affects me.

So my education is non existent. I'm constantly afraid of people realizing I have no fucking clue about ANYTHING. I'm the only one in this shitty family who realized I don't need to have my mother do everything for me. But I'm still lost because I was conditioned to rely on her for everything all the while her scolding me for it. She used to let us, if we beg enough, have her tell us the answers in school, thus freeing us from her being shitty. We never learnt anything and my sister turned out to be a cheater and would chest in 'school'. My education just isn't there. She never tells me what grade I work she just sits down books and goes 'here work this'. I've worked some seventh to tenth grade books but there's shit I don't even know from fourth and fifth. I don't know anything about maps or geography. I honestly don't know the names of half he fucking presidents or what order, I never memorized the multiplication chart, I don't know anything but basic multiplication, I never got division. I don't really know fractions. I don't know anything about measurements like measuring cups.

This is relatable... bump.

I don't know a lot of basic grammar shit in writing. The reason I can write as good as I can now(which frankly isn't very good) is because I became a artist and began writing stories and bad helpful people on the Internet to tell me the difference between they're and their and that kinda shit.

I know fuck all about science. I'm constantly afraid and worried people are going to notice and I know someone will eventually. People have noticed before and blame me. I have no fucking clue what to do because no one can teach me. There is no one to teach me and I have no money for tutors and I'm too ashamed to tell them about my education because then I have to talk about my mother.
I'm so fucking angry about being homeschooled to the point I can't watch fucking shows with kids doing anything in public school or with friends.

Just become a terrorist, it makes anybody happy!! :D

I know that sounds fucking stupid and impossible to avoid but I manage by watching mostly shit on YouTube. No one knows why I can't stand shows that have schools in them I just pretend I hate the shows in general. It's haunted my life and continues to do so. I'm so angry I never got to be a fucking kid. I was never allowed out of this fucking shithole property. I was never allowed to ride bikes on the road or talk to kids, I've never been over to sleepovers or to other people's house but fucking once when I was 15 and that was because the neighbor kid invited me and I never went back due to nerves but even then my mother was like don't do this don't do that. She even asked if her wonderfully nice father touched me. Seriously her father was kind and wonderful. She lived with him because her parents were divorced. I wish I went back to talk to them.

I had a sort of friend in the neighbor girl Madison but our parents hated each other and I wasn't allowed to talk to her eventually. Around 15 I started talking to her on the road again but I don't feel there's a point anymore. I feel like they think I avoid them when I tend to do it because I don't have anything new to say and don't really fit in. I feel terrible and think about it all the time.
I should've been talking to them on the road but I don't. I'm so antisocial because I'm afraid to talk to people for being weird or something that I just don't. I can never decide on something. I have no idea how to make fucking eye contact because my mother would always tell me I 'look at people weird' so I just don't do it anymore even though I realize I have too. I'm constantly worried if I look weird or if I'm weird in public so I don't say anything.

When I was a kid, around ten, I realized I had violent tendencies and would get a kick out of taunting my sister. She once fell off her swing, and injured her leg(it was a bruise) but I laughed and found it funny when it really wasn't. I don't know why I found it funny but I really did. I was pretty vindictive. I would laugh almost everytime my sister injured herself. I got a kick off of the forbidden/now allowed-ness of doing this. I would get a thrill out of it. It was nothing sexual just the thrill of doing something I wasn't allowed to do. But it developed that I really didn't have sympathy at all for her. This might be because my mother coddled my sister. But ironically at the same time my sister got the worst abuse. My mother locked her in rooms when she was a toddler, beat her, threw her down stairs, locked out outside in the cold and dark, yelled in her ears causing her to go partially deaf. She did a lot of this to me too but nowhere ne'er as bad as my sister. My sister is now completely almost like my mother sadly. I feel pity for my sister but she makes it hard being mother the second.

My vindictive and cruelty kinda continued. I became sort of locked in my mind of realizing it wasn't right but taking a fuck nugget load of pleasure in my sister getting injured(I never Injured her, I would just laugh if she did). I knew it was wrong but I still laughed and it still made me happy. I never injured animals, my mom would beat the shit out of me if I ever did. I only kicked our dog once when I was three, and never did it again. This wasn't only because my mother scolded me but because I realized animals don't deserve that shit. Animals never did anything to me. Animals are nice and wonderful creatures and they're the only things that keep me going. I love animals more than people TBH.
I developed some kind of what I now think is OCD. I would sit and go 'maybe I don't love/want/care about _____' 'maybe I hate them/I hate them' and get the same rush from laughing at my sister as I did when thinking bad thoughts.

I began doing it obsessively to the point I couldn't stop. None of the thoughts were true though. I did and do love all the people and animals I thought the bad thoughts about. I started impulsively doing this. I do this to this day sometimes and thinking about it is why I'm constantly filled with guilt and anger and hatred to myself. I'm angry and guilty for me going 'I hope ____ gets _____' when half the time I'm not even trying to think these things. I can't fucking think I hope without something awful filling the blanks. I've come to realize over the years this ultimately doesn't matter because thoughts don't cause anything to happen. But then I've gotten to a point where I'm like what's the point to think or feel anything? Everytime I go 'I hope ____ is ok' I feel like I'm not feeling it enough or I don't really mean it when I do. I can't stop myself from thinking I don't feel it for real and don't mean it. I feel like a shitty person because of it.

I'm constantly angry and hateful to myself because I think I'm a horrible person because of this.
I think the thrill of doing something I'm not supposed to continued into my porn addiction issues. I should explain, my mother was extremely inappropriate around me and my sister constantly. She never WASN'T not inappropriate. She would constantly show us videos of animals having sex and fetishizing it by talking about 'big dicks' and how hot stuff was. She'd always talk perverted about sex and cocks constantly. She thought it was funny all the while violently scolding us because we started becoming perverted as well. I started miming animals having sex with my toys, I would constantly be groping animal genitalia on statues wherever we went and pointing out huge dicks on animals. My mom would scold me and could never understand why I did this.

My mother also became obsessed with going 'oh look daddies naked' every time my dad would take a shower. She then would act like we were perverted for staring at him after pointing it out. She did this back and forth constantly. All my life has been nothing but mixed messages to the point it drives me fucking crazy.

I'd like to mention my mom hasn't and never slept with my dad after I was born despite all this sex talk. She'd berate him for having porn magazines. I honestly feel shitty for my dad, he was and still is a relatively good looking and great guy. Having to be married to that bitch for over thirty years and not even allowed to have a fucking wank.

She'd berate him for flirting with girls but she tried to kiss people at her job too. She's a hypocrite and I'd honestly not feel anything If my dad went and got into a relationship with that cute tattooed blonde girl at his job. He honestly would deserve it from the shit he's put up with.

She's the reason I developed a porn addiction at the age of fucking ten. I discovered masturbating at ten, and in some cases like seven, but never really understood it until I was way older. I began coming across cartoon porn of like Lion King or other cartoon characters. I masturbated quite often and would often worry if my mother would notice somehow that I had done it.

I began wondering why there'd be a clear sticky slimy fluid coming out of my lady parts whenever I did it. I never asked what it was though I obviously know now. I honest to god hate cartoon porn and most porn to this day, but at the same fucking time I watch it almost constantly. I quite obsessively masturbate and think about sex all the time. Most of the porn I watch or look at is Disney porn. I'm not furry and frankly hate them because I think they're gross, but I often wonder if I think I'm as gross as them. I masturbate to TLK and MLP porn, when I fucking hate MLP.
My mother is under the impression I've never looked at porn.

Honestly myself currently I'm not addicted to the point I can't stop. I love masturbating, it feels great but I don't do it for the reasons I think I should

I do it when I'm depressed and bored. Almost every day. I do it so much I've accidentally cut myself down there with my nails quite often. I don't have to do it, I just do it when I'm bored. But I've gotten to the point I'm desensitized and just tired of it. I'm tired of doing it when I'm not turned on.
Everyone treats me like I'm a fucking idiot. I know not to jump into sex with random ass people, follow them into vans and all that stupid shit.
>Onto more shit with my sister.

My mother was and is constantly letting my sister get off with EVERYTHING. She's in between coddling my sister and treating her like shit. She would let my sister swear constantly but would scold or even beat me if I did it. She would always talk or let my sister do stuff before me and would never really include me.

One thing that has continued to affect me is the fact I didn't get a Christmas present at all at the age of 12. I know this sounds really petty but it really hurts a small kid that your sister got a bunch of expensive (almost $200 fucking dollars) worth of American girls dolls and barbies and I got fucking nothing.

My mother kept promising me she'd get the black DS, with all the Spyro DS and game boy advance games but she never fucking did and told me it was my fault because I 'didn't decide fast enough'. I never got that DS or games and it makes me angry to this day. My sister has gotten more presents than I have and she acts like I'm not supposed to be livid when she flipped shit I drew a birthday card for my dad and forgot hers. I'm still angry of this day and feel like I'm owed that fucking DS but I don't know if getting it from someone else or myself will help me feel less angry. I don't think it will.

She never got me the fucking webkinz, watch or Pc game I was supposed to get for my birthday. All the while my sister got every fucking thing she ever wanted. I'm constantly angry about this. It drives me crazy TBH.

Not sure if larp of serious.Id love to help u op, if ur not making it up.

My mother is the definition of a hypocrite. She can't somehow see that people like different things. She's constantly insulting the things I like because she doesn't like them all the while threatening to beat me and break my shit because I tell her the dumbass movies she watches are stupid and shit(Adam sandler kinda shit, hallmark, bullshit like that). She tells me I'm violent and going to be a killer for watching stuff like Rob Dyke, batman, It, horror shows, Ect. When none of this is true. I love crime drama and exciting things because I love a sedentary shitty life.

My mother thinks she's some kind of fucking hero or some shit for trying to catch this wild stray dog living at a gas station. She'd go very day to leave it food and water a stuff, which is all nice
But she was feeding it HALF our fucking food for our fucking dogs. No offense to the stray who is wild, but our fucking dogs matter more than you. One night at around 8:00 I was taking a bath, slipped and smashed my head into the wall.

Not making it up, just venting some feelings.

I had a concussion and almost passed out multiple times(I should mention I've had around 5 concussions in my childhood, so this could've killed me). But what did my mother due, someone who's claimed and has always been there when I didn't need her? Fucking leave. She left me. She left me to suffer and almost pass out and vomit for hours. To do what? Go try to catch that stupid fucking stray dog in the middle of the dark with a broken down van. The fucking idiot tried to put a leash on it(it was a huge ass Great Dane btw) and it bit the shit out of her. I'd like to mention she almost got attacked by homeless druggies because she walked into the forest behind a shitty walmarts where druggies and rapist live despite me telling her dumbass not too. After the dumbass got bit she calls crying because who knew a wild fucking dog would bite her?

I berate her for being so fucking stupid, and even tell her later I got angry at her because I love her and don't want her to die or get hurt. I know it doesn't sound like it from all the previous shit but I do love my mother and feel a lot of pity for her. I don't want her hurt or killed. I constantly wish I was closer to her but that seems impossible. She left my father in charge of of me
And I love my dad to bits, I do, but he's not exactly the kind of guy to handle medical issues. He doesn't know anything about medical stuff or what to do in emergencies, that's my mothers job. He grew up on a farm and barely went to school. These aren't his skill set.

Anyways dipshit eventually gets home and is angry at me for berating her for being a fucking idiot and this causes further rifts in our relationship. I'm angry she abandoned me for a fucking stupid ass stray dog who doesn't like people, and she even to this day thinks it's my fault, and has no issues with abandoning her daughter who's had a concussion to the point I almost passed out vomited.. I continued to have issues for months after the concussion but she didn't care.

My mother is always insulting shit I like. Constantly. She insults me for collecting animal hides, furbies, and littlest pet shops among other things. I eventually got a paypal under her name and took art commissions(furry porn: sue me, it earns me money but I hate doing it).

So I could finally buy myself shit. My mother is constantly and even tried to steal my money before cause she assumes me being her daughter = she has property rights to everything I do.
She's constantly insulting me for being a horny teenage when she started wanting to fuck guys at 12, and started at 13-15. I'm a horny teenage. That's what teens do.

I feel like I don't have any personality to speak of. Because I grew up in a shitty sheltered environment where I had no people to bounce myself off of, I could never figure out who I was. So I started copying movie characters and traits I thought would appeal to the widest variety of people. I did this to the point I don't know who the fuck I am or if I even have my own personality. My entire humor is copied off of fucking youtubers

I think the only trait I'm happy I copied was my acceptance of gay people and lack of religion. I used to be scared of gay people for some reason(probably due to my mother TBH) but I eventually discovered a youtuber call Mr. Repzion and discovered his anti religious videos and videos in support of gay people. And through copying him I eventually realized
For real
That gay people are people. I now don't give a shit weather someone's gay or not. I'm a much more open minded person and that's the one thing I'm happy about myself.mim open minded and not filled with prejudice.
My lack of personality constantly bothers me. I'm constantly coming off as cocky or rude because I don't know how to act. This is another thing I'm worried people will notice. I always have to look to other people for opinions or approval because I don't know what to do myself. This leads further to my self loathing and lack of confidence. I'm constantly scared of socializing.

hi op. won't say that i've been there, because I haven't, and this is your own situation. although I will say that I've been in a similar situation before with my parents. my father was mentally abusive to everyone in our family, and while he had his good sides, overall old memories of my family is filled with physical abuse towards my mother, violent acts of aggression, and extreme domestic abuse.

i moved out of the house after not being able to take it anymore, even after just requesting them to stop fighting for my birthday present, which he perceived as a joke. I lived on my own for a couple of years, coming back to them once and leaving again and finding that nothing had changed.

I lived without them for the past 6 years, until they moved back in the house I was staying in (long story, but they bought the house from a family member who let me stay with them).

same thing happened, but this time i was different. I was more mature, stronger, and wasnt going to deal with this bullshit anymore.

the last time my dad raised his voice was 3 months ago and counting, when it used to be no longer than even a week. what happened? I snapped, and stood up to him, and threatened to beat his ass (I am physically way stronger than I use to be as I work out a lot now). he tried for a couple days to double down and still act like he was the boss, until I really got in his face and shouted that if he ever yelled at my mother for some bullshit again that I would beat his ass. I did this in front of my mom.

sorry to give u a story of my own. hopefully what u can get out of it is that you CAN change, and most of the time parents mentally abuse their children. you just have to snap them out of it. my dad HAS changed, whether he wanted to or not. it's not impossible. I think u can start by having talks or creating a pact with your sister.

best of luck to you and hope this was in any way helpful my friend.

I'm always feeling like my mother is failing me and succeeding at doing stuff with my sister. My sister is in her 20's and unemployed because she insists on waiting for a job at the library to open. She's selfish and mooching off my parents and has literal fucking no ambitions in life but to watch anime and sit on her ass. She's asexual, but I think this might be because my mother impressed on our minds that sex is painful and bad and gross, and that men are scary rapists. I've, obviously, have no issues with this and don't give a fuck. I plan on fucking and I have no fears of it or men. Men are fucking great.
I feel like I'm the only one with ambitions TBH. I want to move to New York to try to attend a theater acting school there but I have a feeling I won't get in. Here's hoping I do. I want to do something with my life and get away far away form fucking here as possible. I can't stand it and I hate it here. But at the same time I'm constantly filled with a fear and guilt at leaving my parents. Everything I do is filled with guilt. I'm tired of filling guilty.

Everything I do I feel guilty. I'm guilty for the shit in my childhood for how I feel and on everything. I can't handle confrontations and I'm constantly wanting to cry but don't. My sister is a massive ass cry baby who's always cried to get what she wanted. I'm the opposite, I never cried and still don't in front of my mother because I 'have to be strong'. I'm honestly a introvert now and I can't cry over anything and it makes me feel like a emotionless heartless person. I feel like no one in my family cares that I constantly want to cry and even when I did cry once no one cared.

Another thing that affect me was when I was severely depressed around the age of thirteen I began feeling suicidal honestly contemplated doing it one night. It was one of the worst nights of my life TBH. The abuse was a lot and I couldn't really handle it, this was the night I stopped crying. I went and told my mother that I was feeling suicidal, and she came back with
And I quote 'You want to kill yourself like Robin Williams? Here's a knife go and kill yourself."

It really affected me and even though she apologized over five years later and I since forgave her, it still affected me and kinda does. My dad on the other hand, who moved out at this time, was there for me and told me to call him if I ever needed him, no matter the time. That was when my dad became my hero and best friend and everything to be honest. He was there for me when my mother wasn't. Even though my mother tries to be there for me now, it doesn't really matter. I still like my father better.

My life is constantly revolved around the internet because I live a shitty life on this fucking property I don't leave for months on end. Only leaving to go shopping once in a while or the hospital.
My life constantly revolved around draw and worrying about my art and my internet life.
My internet life is the only place I have friends.

I wake up and everything is the fucking same. Every single day. I sleep all day to get up at night to draw for a few hours and then go back to sleep. It's been like this for years on end and still is.
Because my mother never let me swear that's all I do lately online. I grew up hating her fucking swearing because she would never stop and still can't say anything without swearing, but scolding us. She thought swearing alone = humor when it doesn't.
My mother developed severe OCD and spends every day for almost fifteen minutest and jobbing all the fucking doors and handles every day. She developed it worser(she's always had it) after a mental break down from s fight with my father. She promptly gave it to my sister by making my sister help her with her stupid shit. They're both under the impression it'll never go away and my sister is a emotional and mental wreak because of it. She can't watch or read anything because she's constantly asking if she actually did it. I think I'm the only sane one in the house but I'm constantly worried I'm going to get it.

Everytime I try to enjoy something in life my mother always ruins It. I try to enjoy the pelts I bought and my mother just breaks down and cries and calls me an animal killer. She tells me my furbies and LPS are useless trash and garbage. I can never enjoy anything because of her. She keeps trying to butt in and act like she's buddies buddy with my friends when she isn't. She acts like I have to let her speak to my 15 yr old polish friend on the phone when he doesn't like or care about her. And she goes 'I won't let you talk to my friends if I ever get any'
Spoiler alert, i don't give a shit about what friends she'd have and she doesn't have any anyways

This year as far as internet friends have been shit, I have a few id like to mention(all fake names).
My friend Karen was someone i reconnected with after four years due to

My mother breaking us up. She was my internet friend and quickly, since like two years ago, became my closest friend. She was the one person I constantly talked to. I told her everything and she was there for me all the time.
Ally was also her friend, similar reconnection story. I both trust and love them.
Sam is also Karen's friend, similar story.
Terry is unrelated, but a close friend I really relied on.

But over this past year and last year half of them have gone to shit. Karen ignores half my fucking messages and doesn't bother to reply anymore, she's just not there for me anymore. Neither is Ally or Terry, they're not there for me either. It feels like all my friends but Sam is there for me

Sam is amazing and one of, if not, my closest friend, she's always there for me and has similarly been abandoned by the other two. I just feel alone because. My closest friends just abandon me and I feel alone.
My artistic drive is non existent too. I've lost all interest in drawing lately. All I ever do is do porn commissions for money and I hate it. I like the money but I don't like doing the porn. I don't draw for myself anymore, I can't seem to recapture the interest I used to have. I just wake up and repeat the same shit every day. My art is generally the only thing that used to bring me some happiness but not anymore lately. I'm not really sure what to do about it. I just do commissions, fall asleep, play Dino run. I'm in a endless loop of hell and don't really know what to do about it.

So today I'm still feeling shitty. I'm trying to feel more positive but honestly all the shit above has been eating me alive. I'm not longer suicidal and going to be 18 next month and have stuff to look forward too
Like leaving.
But i honestly just had to type all this shit out even if no one reads it
I need to get it off my chest and post it somewhere even if no one will ever know who I am or even read it. I'm not expecting a fix or suggestions or whatever. I just wanted to get some shit off my chest. Thanks for reading if you did, if you didn't thanks to Sup Forums for allowing me to post this random shit.


Thanks :)

Though I wasn't home schooled, my mother was mentally abusive and tried to get me and my sister to hate my dad who divorced her (who was a hard working, quiet man).i was fucked up for many years but really... got over it. My advice, get a job .. any job (I worked at a crocs kiosk at the Mall) and save up enough money to move out of there ( I moved to Las Vegas at 19). I went to college for a bit but dropped out. I'm now a 27 year old female making 70k a year working for an electric car company. My mother recently moved here -.- and is trying to build a relationship with me. I can tell she's changed. Slowly but surely I'm letting her back into my life. My advice for you is to remove yourself from that town so you can grow into who your supposed to be. I didn't know the difference between there, their, and they're for quite some time (shitty schooling) and I'm doing great at 27 :) keep your head up kid, you'll go on to do great things!

Im actually really happy with my family. I got two bigger brothers who i had a great childhood with. My parents are happily married in their mid 50s but the only thing is that my dad, who is also hard working, has some health issues and always had them since he was about 30-35.

It's probably because he smokes (not a lot) and he had osteoporosis, sacroiliac joint problems, which he both doesnt have anymore but now he has allergies. He's not able to eat quite a lot of stuff including chicken and beef, some fruits and also quite a lot of spices.
He's a bit stubborn so he doesnt wanna stop smoking (even though he tried it a few times) and thus has lost quite some weight. He went down from like 70 to 63 in about a year or so.

But it might become better now and im really happy about that because i really love my dad

Im currently studying physics but i might switch over to chemistry.

I just came here for some edgy memes and ended up reading ur thread. Be strong op. Have a nc day.

The answer lies in a 200+ person massacre where you're the killer! :D

HI, thanks so much for sharing. I'm really sorry to hear you've had to go through shit too. Sounds kinds reverse of my parents, my mother is the one abusing my dad TBH. Though they used to do it it equally.
Wish I had your guts to stand up to them. I'm honestly too much of a pussy to stand up to my mother, she just threatens to beat me and I cower off. The fear of abuse is too much TBH.
I wish I could change my mother but she'll never change. I've been trying to have a impact in my sister, I do love her quite a lot but no matter what I do she doesn't change. I tell her and try to help her with her OCD she keeps going to back to our mother.

Thanks so much for sharing, it's nice to talk to people with similar situations and get their insight, honestly feel alone in all of this most the time. Glad you were able to stand up to your dad

Thank you and you too, it was helpful.

Sounds like my mother sorry to hear you had to go through shitty mothers too. Thank you so much for the kind words and advice. No sarcasm made me tear up a bit, thanks to everyone being nice in the thread. This I honestly the first time I've posted any of this online, and it feels different to talk about it.

I'm working on getting my GED and getting s job of any kind. I'm hoping to move away and go places.
Thanks for your story and kind words. I'll try to be stronger and more positive. I've started spending some time with my mother, she's changed some too but she still has issues. I can't stand living around her and I think I'd be happier if I didn't have to live around her with no escape.

Least I'm not the only one, I felt like a fucking idiot.
Thank you again, best of luck to you too! Congrats on that sweet job, you're doing quite well

Haha no thanks, I'm not interested in ruining people's lives and shooting myself in the head like a little bitch
I wanna go places, not to a grave early.xD

Thank you, you too b/ro

Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry about your situation, but life is long and I hope things get better for you. I hope you keep writing too, you have a talent for it.

That sounds sad, I hope your dad gets in better health and feels better. My dads having some arthitis in his older age. That sounds like a really amazing family life, I envy you. Especially the older brothers, I always wanted brothers but just had my sister who I fought with constnstly. :P

Good luck with your studies, sounds like a awesome path to take!:) thanks for sharing, nice to hear some nice family stories

if you are going through what I used to go through: too timid to speak up, frozen in fear, lying in bed while u hear them argue or fight, desperately wanting a change and stressing out all the time- trust me none of that is normal. one day u will realize that despite being your parents, they have a moral obligation to u to still treat u right whether towards u or in front of you with others. if one or both of them arent doing that then you HAVE to do something about it.

i have a sibling too, and she nor my parents see it but she is fucked in the head and lives with her boyfriend because of all the emotional trauma we endured living with our parents. i do not talk to her much anymore due to an argument related to her moving out, so if u can, try ur best to fix things before it's too late.

sometimes we imagine ourselves stepping up and doing things we fear. you don't have to imagine it, just do it. trust me you will feel something you've never felt before. it seems so small but its truly going to decide the remainder of your life from here on out.

I'm not trying to spout bullshit, just feel the need to help a brother out.

Thank you, I will. Art is the only thing I like TBH, so I'll continue it.
That and my cat))


That sucks about your sister and parents, I wish things were better for you.
I did that a while ago, I told my mother how she made me feel during one of our arguments and she apologized but that was kinda it. She went back to her shitty self. I've been trying to help my sister with no luck currently. I hope she'll get over her issues one day. Thankfully my mother and father don't live together anymore.
It did feel good when I told my mother how I felt during a argument but id never tell her any of this because she'd just tell me I'm lying and it's my fault.

I know you're not, thank you for the insight, I'll try to be less of a pussy.


Thanks for everyone who read. It was nice to hear insight from different people and to just get this off my chest. I've been holding it in for my whole life and never really talked to anyone about it. I know it's just on a annoymous web forum to some reandom b/ros but it feels really nice to get it off my chest. Thank you.c: