Any Medfags on here? What is wrong with my cock??!! Woke up to this real veiny shit. Kinda hurts

Any Medfags on here? What is wrong with my cock??!! Woke up to this real veiny shit. Kinda hurts.



Its aids.

Also checked.

Can confirm.

I think you have lost your foreskin

Is that good?

That's called dehydration. Stop drinking so much chocolate milk you beta fag

years ago....

One of the earliest stages of snowman dick... I'm afraid you don't have much time left. The arms are already trying to escape.

Hydrated mate. Had one beer last night though.

Did you use a cockring? Looks like thrombosis, best advice is to see a doc, like kinda quickly.

???Snowman dick???

No cock ring...fucking thrombosis?! Shit..

Worms. Start fucking higher quality dogs dude.

Are the veins hard or supple/soft?

Definitely soft.

Have you never seen it before?
How do you not see it yourself??

Can't feel any hard lump/bump inside?
Try to run some cold water to see if veins retract.
Is the whole penis painful, or just the veins?

Just showed my wife this! She loves it!

Just the veins.

Hold the fuck on.
That picture.
Your arm doesn't go that way and the nails look extremely lady-like like.

It's the wife.

That shit killed my uncle.

it's dying op

Well, you just have an erection then, enjoy

lolwhut....your balls are bigger than your penis.

that's not normal

Just cut it off, won't be missed at that size anyways.
>Problem solved.

Poor circulation.
Or having too much blood going to dick.
Consider eating more cherrios and trying to lower you cholesterol.

Should probably stop smoking/vaping.

Lol yes it is. #smallballz identified.

Have you taken any Viagra recently

If so you should go to hospital now

Haven't taken any Viagra.

You just used it to much last night... Gonna go away

You are right. Smashed the wife a good bit. Soaked in the tub, but it's still there.

It's cancer!!
Better cut it off!

im putting my money on cancer, quit fucking so many dudes, faggot