I have never been addicted to anything. Not cigarettes, not alcohol. Nothing

I have never been addicted to anything. Not cigarettes, not alcohol. Nothing.
I have crippling anxiety bordering on agoraphobia, and I don't know what, other than Xanax, would help, seeing as I'm at the point in my life were I figure out how to do something, or I'm totally fucked.

All the negatives about Xanax seem to be about addiction and dependence.

Would this drug be a solution for me, or would it be what destroys me?

nigger is the anwser


Get a prescription for Nardil, if they still make it.


I was in the literal exact same position as you and was prescribed klonopin which is a different benzo. I got addicted after only 1 week of taking it. then I moved on to other shit like gabapentin and ended up taking literally 50-60 pills of that per day on top of my 3-4 klonopins. Benzo's will destroy you. I say try weed. For some people it worsens the anxiety but for me it has always helped even more than the klonopin did when I was taking it as prescribed. I kicked the addiction after a while but it wasnt easy.

Ask for Klonopin (clonazepam) when you go see a doc, it lasts longer and is more managable if your fear addictiion

Meds aren't the only thing to do, they should help you get past this anxiety

I haven't left my house in 3 weeks, and haven't talked to anyone that isn't user in over a year, so save yourself while you can

The antidepressant?
I'll read about it. I used to be on welbutrin, and effexor, but stopped both. They didn't seem to help much.

xanax destroys people like you and me because it feels like pure bliss. Trust me you don't wanna start just start drinking for your problems it's way better. I would only take Xans again if I wanted to commit suicide

I suggest you don't do this OP

I took 4 full bars at once the first time i ever did xanax... and i drank a lot... it was a saturday i woke up 3 days later, the last thing i remembered was fallling down at my friends house and i woke up in my bed... on tuesday

you an ex benzo addict too? Shits not good man. Was the worst time of my life.

I've smoked weed, green and oil. I've had edibles. I didn't feel any change, in my head, other than difficulty concentrating and short term memory issues.
I just didn't enjoy it and it didn't do much for me.

That and I'm broke, and one thing I need is a job. Weed isn't very compatible with my situation. If I could get a script of Xanax, however, it would be.

If you stuck to your dose then there wouldn't be any real problem, you sound like an overreacting child who doesn't understand real addiction

If you are going the cannabis route, one of my good smoking buddies is constantly using it for anxiety as opposed to Xanax. It is all about taking the correct dosage for you, some people smoke four blunts and get high. Others hit a bowl once and are good. Its about not taking too much when you are not used to it, shit will give you a panic attack if you are a noob.

I have drunk myself blackout drunk a few times. And significantly less drunk more than a few times.
I don't much enjoy it, and it never seems to hit me deep enough to make problems go away or feel less important.
I just feel ill and uncoordinated, and either throw up, or go to bed.

The risk of pure bliss sounds pretty fantastic.

Have you tried weed man?

I wouldn't say it helped my get RID of my anxiety by any means. but it helps me not give an iota of a fuck about it.... Downside, its obviously addictive, but IMO i'd rather have weed as a crotch then prescription meds.. I have weened myself off weed for short periods before... but like any other drug i guess once you feel a certain way why go back to feeling 'normal' again.

I tried like 5 antidepressents. None of them fucking worked.
Buspar is the way to go if antidepressents don't work.
My life is actually about twice as easy to live as it was before I started buspar dude.
The first time you take it you will feel great, it'll be that way for like 3 days. Then it will get you jittery for about a week and a half and then you level out to just a nice normal state.
Thats how it was for me anyways. Infact. I was able to stop taking other meds like kolonopin and seroquel it helped so much.
I just took seroquel for sleep at a very low dose.
I honestly recommend buspar man. I am a functioning adult because of it

No dude I was taking it as prescribed and liked the feeling a lot and ended up saying fuck it one night when I was pissed about something and took 3 times my prescribed dose. Worst decision of my life tbh.

In the same vein Librium is like a weaker klonopin. It is mostly used to wean alcoholics due to a lack of high and long lasting effects, so it’s kinda like klonopin toned down. Sounds like what you might need in your life op if your gonna go the benzo route

Withdrawal from Xanax can kill you. Not worth it. If it's panic rather than anxiety, maybe antidepressants can help. Only therapies can help with agoraphobia. It's your way of thinking that needs to be changed, not chemicals in your brain. Best of luck to you, fellow human

That's sort of where I hope I could be with xanax.
take what I'm prescribed. Don't take more than that...
hell, maybe take less (every other day kind of thing). Enough to lessen my symptoms, without maybe the bliss that leads to addiction?

ye ye I will hit the bowl two or three times and feel barely anything but just enough to take the edge off and make me not feel like everyone is watching me in a store or w/e it is im freaking out about atm.

Thank you! I'll look it up!

For context, i'm not your stereotype stoner. it isnt a lifestyle for me or anything like that. i just use it to get the most out of my days.

Also, you can defs over do it. just learn your sweet spot

I was 17 and was tired of my repeating life Im 18 now I'm doing way better. It all started with weed when my parents figured out they went crazy even though they are alcoholics. My dad went and told everyone I smoked weed. it made me un depressed I guess you can say, soon everybody knew and lots of people cut off contact with me and I felt like I had no one my parents treated me different like I was scum so I turned to xanax and it was a dark path my senior year last year. I was like a walking zombie all the time

>All the negatives about Xanax seem to be about addiction and dependence.

You forgot the waking up in a jail sell, wanting to steal everything, and memory loss

I'm not anti-weed at all. And I know it helps some people a lot. But in several forms, at several intensities, it doesn't seem to do much other than make it hard for me to concentrate, and I get annoyed and want that "high" to pass lol

never heard of those.
Also never been arrested, not a klepto, and my memory sucks anyways

I take it as a required pill for my own anxiety and shit and I'm nominal. Fucking druggies make for the scary stories because they wanna get high.

Yeah man I feel you. My aunt and uncle kicked me out of their house because I smoked in it once (literally once) and they found out despite them being alcoholics to the max. My aunt actually smoked with me a few times in the past but I had been living with them for almost 2 years when it happened.

ahh that sucks. that 'everyone is watching me' used to happen to me, i dont know what i did to lose the paranoia. weed made it worst at first but now its nearly non-existent after a solid year or two.

Also as other user said. Changing your way of thinking is the best possible solution. I used to hate getting told that, but once i fully grasped the gravity of the statement, it was the single best thing i could do for my anxiety

Well, I've known people who don't seem to get addicted to anything, and some people who are so into substance that they will treat cheap weed like it's fucking heroin.
And different things have different dependency levels. A dude who treats some bud like it's pure opium and he has to do anything possible to get it? How much do you think xanax would fucking destroy him?

I'd like to think if I got it, I could handle it like you. Take as prescribed, function, be normal. That's why I asked this. And you saying that's your deal is reassuring.

But... I do recognize the terrifying reality addiction can bring.

Well it's not like meth or Coke I haven't tried those drugs and I don't tend to unless I become super rich or literally give up on life. For "depressed" people like us the reason I call it bliss is because, it temporarily erases the thought that is making you depressed for a while. There is a reason someone is "depressed" and xanax always makes it go away and people want the problems to go away forever and then they end up going through withdrawal like the faggots we are because we never know when to stop

Completely understandable. I could go on about strains and what not but i'm sure you've considered your options in regards to the fact

why are you obsessed with xanax in particular, it's literally just another fucking problem you don't need

Hell no. I was on SSRIs and benzos for six years after my doc prescribed them for anxiety. SIX years in zombieland that I am never getting back. The meds made the anxiety much worse, and triggered depression too (something I had never had before) as well as a shitload of other problems that came with taking them.

Do not risk it.

Hard excercise (bike rides) and lifting weights did wonders for me, along with fish oil Omega3 supplements to help the brain stay healthy. Watch what you eat. Really bad anxiety one day, Try to remember what you ate the day before.

I am not 100% well despite exercising and shit, but I am a helluva lot better than when I took meds I thought would "help" me.


Sir, I have one word for you that can help with all of this. Research phenibut. It's legal, and you can buy it online, I recommend red monkey from red supplements. Think of it as a dialed down "limitless" pill. Its changed the way i do a lot of things, but its important to follow dosing as to not build a tolerance

You know what, this might actually be the first Sup Forums thread I actually take something useful from.

It's literally a thing

Because it is a pill that fits the description for "make my problems fuck off," that appears needed as I haven't been able to make my problems fuck off without a pill, and my window for managing to function, or being total dead weight to other people, is closing fast.

Xanax is basically alcohol in pill form. It makes you incredibly stupid... youll forget shit, not be able to do basic math problems, and will be lethargic. But hey... you wont have anxiety!

I actually plan to move to LA And stay with my friend who lives over there. I can't live my life staying in the middle of nowhere Broke forever. It may seem like a dumb move but I don't want to end up like most of Sup Forums living off their parents or welfare checks I will not let my life go to waste

Every encounter I have had with law enforcement, including my 2 arrests, was on Xanax

Just because you don't have an addictive personality doesn't mean xanax doesn't destroy people.

Never take xanax unless you have litterally no other option.

My brother was on it and then suddenly for no reason, they took him off and refused to prescribe it because people in my town abuse it a lot I guess.

Anyway, once you stop taking it your anxiety gets like 20x worse and doctors wont help you. You end up trying to buy it on the streets and if you cant get it you move on to anything else just to try to fix yourself. It's how a lot of people end up on heroine or meth or w/e

The problem I want to go away is feeling and being useless, burdensome, and financially unstable, as well as being so terrified of humiliating myself publicly (near to the point of autism, despite knowing how to behave socially) that I barely leave my house or deal with anyone.

So, if that pill took those problems away, and I.... left my house and got a job, and was able to function, then it isn't like my actual problem is being neglected, waiting in the background to crush me.

Xannyyyyy make it go away!!!!

So you’re gonna just be broke in LA, which sucks even harder because I guarantee shit is more expensive there than wherever you live

I rest my case

Use a long lasting benzo or 'benzo', Like K pins. They are way lest addicitive and they last longer... but people say, this will only help you get off your feet, you have to figure out your problem in the long run. I guess they loose there effect after a while.
I bought a script and it is great for interviews and shit

there's benzos other than xanax with longer half lives that may be easier to manage, such as lorazepam. the key with any controlled substance is to FOLLOW THE PRESCRIPTION. do not deviate from anything the doctor tells you, e.g. going over your allotment per day, taking two at once when you're only supposed to take one, etc. if your current dose doesn't work, tell the doctor and he will modify it in a safe way that will mitigate negative effects. most people run into trouble when they start viewing the doctor's instructions as guidelines instead of hard rules.

I have a history of being on SSRIs and SNRIs, and they really didn't seem to do anything for me, either, and I recall feeling like a zombie...

But you know what? Looking back?
I had a job. I could function. What is the point of not being a zombie if you can't even function.

And at 300 pound, hard exercise would probably kill me. I need to lose weight, but I need to build up to a certain level. Start hard and I'd crumble.

I already found a job over there

I will research this one also!

In my experience, Sup Forums has some smart people, and a lot of varied life experience from its users. Get them to stop shitposting for 5 minutes, and you can get better answers than anywhere else

That is actually kind of hysterical.

wya right now?

total dad bod

I'm sort of more curious now. I have never felt mentally impaired on alcohol, unless I was shockingly wasted. For all motor control issues I have, I don't feel my brain work less, or get fuzzy, and I don't have memory issues with it either.
Pot, on the other hand, totally fucks my ability to think.


That is a concern I have.
I've known people with chronic pain problems, who were on opioids for 20 years or more, have their scripts ended (and given NO HELP with withdrawal)
And then you see people turning to heroin, and people saying shit like "so what if they die? just fucking junkies," and I wonder how many are suffering addiction, withdrawal, and a resurgence of the very real pain they took their meds for.

So, the idea of getting cut off? That is a real concern.

At the same time, I've gone through effexor withdrawal 4 times (fucking insurance fuck ups), and it was never fun, but I survived. And when it comes to anti-depressants, that withdrawal is supposed to be one of the worst.

OK. Good advice, both. I'll read on other benzos.

I honestly think my biggest issue is my life ain't on any track at all, and once I get on one, it should be easier to stay there, pill or no.
And the only meds I ever double up on are OTC acid reflux disease meds lol, because I need it. Otherwise, I take doctors orders as written in stone.

We all feel useless mate. Well i sure as hell do. But we all live in our own time line. i'm nearly 30 and i'm still waiting for my time to be 'useful' to the world. Might not ever come, but i have at least a few people and pets around that would miss me and rely on me. Public humiliation used to be my biggest vice. I can't tell you exactly how i deal with it. somewhere along the road i learned to be self confident, but not in love with myself. i think what happened was i hit the age where i don't have time to worry about what other people think about me anymore. And i dont mean self-confident as in going out and approaching people and being the chatty cunt everyone loves. i mean confidence in myself, who i am. not giving a shit about what people think (and if you are anything like i was, trust me, no one is looking at you or watching you or wanting to embarrass you)

Finances are a problem for the majority of us. Unfortunately, that is the world we live in. More and more Jobs being absorbed by automation. creation and invention only open to the extremely educated. sky rocketing house prices. cost of living, its all insane.

Living in australia i have had to accept i will never be a home owner. i may be wrong but australia has the fastest growing housing market in the world. Average house prices around ~1 mil. so its rent for the rest of my life. Finances are actually at the forefront of my anxiety and depression these days, but i suspect my age brought that on

yeah LA is gonna cost a shit ton more than texas. Be prepared for it Ig.

reading about phenibut
shit, I might have to buy some tonight. This seems like the fastest, safest, legalest, and maybe cheapest, solution.

It would cure your life. Its like weed times 10!

My short biography?

I'm near 300 pounds. I have ulcerative colitis (which basically means I'm terrified I'm going to shit myself). I haven't worked in 6 years (so the idea of getting a job and being required to learn responsibilities terrifies me).
I'm a natural introvert, so while I don't dislike people, I find being around them exhausting, which has escalated everything.

I live with my father, who I cook, clean, etc, for, to make his life easier, while trying to take up as little space and resources as possible. However, while he doesn't mind supporting me, we are water/oil as far as personalities go, with horrible clashes.

I need a job. I need to feel able to do shit. I need some independence. And no therapy on earth has, or will, help me do that.

A pill that makes me feel less terrified about putting in an application, and then working, at a 7-11?
That just might save my life.

try Kratom, OP. I am/was/still am? in same boat. After being a junkie for years ive finally kicked the opiate habit, bonzo habit, and alcohol habit. I did it with Kratom which is an awesome plant. Now i only take lexapro. Feelsgoodman

Xanax is hell to get off of. Withdrawals can literally kill you, detox centers will turn you away, unlike opioids which take at most a week to recover from Xanax withdrawal can last MONTHS, months of wanting to kill yourself and constant crying, seizures, restless legs, etc. Literally anything save eating a bullet is better than Xanax. The worst part is Xanax will make you more anxious over time causing you to need more and more.

If I were you I'd just start drinking. I suggest top shelf bourbon on ice. Trust me you would be better off.

my brother has similar anxiety issues as I do. He enjoys kratom, and swears by it.... but it doesn't help his anxiety any.

what is phenibut called in the US market?
looking it up, i mostly find Phenylethylamine products, but I know that's a different compound,

Oh and to the idiots suggesting weed, weed makes your heart race and mimics the symptoms of an anxiety attack which can cause a real attack. STFU weed is not a cure all.

Lol Taking Xanax as prescribed is almost impossible. that shit kills so many people its not even funny. Youre still gonna be 300 pounds and looking to buy DARKWEB ZANNY BARS real soon....

good luck OP =^D

Only Phenibut I found is by liftmode, and it seems they don't offer it anymore.
Everything else I'm finding, looking it up, is for other products. Kind of pissing me off...

You should try Sumatra green Kratom

come on. phenibut was recommended. doesn't ANYONE know what it is called so I can buy some?
For something unregulated, it seems a bitch finding it in anything...

Partially correct. But wrong