Hey you, are you sad or anxious?

Hey you, are you sad or anxious?

Try me, I can replace your god hole with a new idea. It has an origin story, a set of rules to live by, a way to get in touch with your spirituality, it's based in reality and it will help you out of your depression.

Ask me anything about any part of it, or help build on it.

Do you have this picture without text

Only if you ask me something about my post

Idk what to ask


what idea do you have?

It's pretty extensive, any specific aspects you want to know about? The general idea is that it would function as a religion without any made up bullshit. The origin story is just a romantic re-telling of what science has told us blandly for centuries, the rules for life are based in psychological findings of mentally healthy living and a few of my own ideas sprinkled in.

Anything man,

pretty extensive?
like a manifesto?
is it a story?
if so, go nuts.

the creationmyth if you'd please.

It's in my head really, not written down.

It's a few things combined. I think about what should replace religion and I've come up with this cluster of ideas.

The creation myth is not a myth because it's just a re-telling of our actual origins. Scientists and science minded people tend to fucking suck at conveying amazing things in an interesting way, because they know only about facts and nothing about storytelling or peoples' emotions.

For example when telling the story of the origin of life, you don't list the building blocks for RNA and explain how the chemicals bonded well in the environment of the early earth.

You have to explain that water and the earth itself were fused together to form life by heat escaping from the bowels of the Earth in the darkest depths of the ocean. You know how Neil Tyson is so popular? It's because he can convey those messages in somewhat romanticized ways, I'm saying take it to another level. It's objectively true, but it's still an amazing origin story, literally THE origin story and the people who know it tend to suck at conveying how amazing it is.

You are made of earth, water and air, powered by the sun. That's worth basing a religion around.

so your religion is a discovery channel documentory?

I can throw a bowl of alphabetti spaghetti on the floor and get a better religion than that.

Does it have to be romantic?

What ideas are you sprinkling in?

Go on then

Everyone can improve their lives and people tend to try to do it on a somewhat regular basis.

They often make a few mistakes while doing it, they will view improving their life as a single ongoing task with goals set for weeks and months, they don't break it into pieces, and they don't make a habit out of working toward that goal. The last part is very important, if you don't make multiple aspects of self-improvement something that you do habitually, it will go much slower or may just fail entirely.

cont. from I've determined 12 general categories that people often want to improve on, and/or will make their lives better if they do improve on them.

Since we're going with the romanticized religious type theme, instead of categories, I'm calling it the 12 Tenets

Industriousness - How hard you work, how efficiently you work, and how intelligently you go about achieving goals at your job.

This is achieved by getting home from work, writing what you can improve on, what you did very well, and what you can do to increase your productivity.

Not only is this important for professional reasons, but achieving more and greater success at a higher rate will almost certainly make you more confident and may bring you more happiness.

It also adds meaning by becoming a better worker and contributing more to your society.

it explains all.

Next is Sex - I don't care if it upsets you, having regular sex is good for you, having no sex is bad for you mentally. This is well established by multiple studies and you shouldn't need a study to see that dudes getting regular pussy are more personable, confident and seem more normal to people than sexless dudes.

This one is simple, if you are not having sex regularly, then you need to put in daily effort to work towards it. If you can text a girl you might get with, reconnect with them, use dating apps, write a dating profile one day, anything.

Working towards it has to be a regular habit maintained by achieving even small goals like messaging a new match a few days a week, not just an abstract goal.

You should buy some property and start a commune.

so basically this shit is pretty much my own ideology expand donged upon.

What about relationships?

Love - Love is the source of true happiness. This is not just a thing faggots say, it is a real fact of our reality. Spending time with people you care about is extremely important for mental health, and lack of human interaction causes mental health issues and suffering.

Whether it's calling your dad or asking a friend to hang out, you need to regularly reach out to people you care about. Let them know you care and remember how good it feels to have someone you care about reach out to you.

Also try and get a gf, see the tenet, "Sex"

That one doesn't really require explaining, it's just something you should remember, and I wasnt going bring up love because this is Sup Forums

It's certain things combined strategically to sum up everything that christianity does.