Is anyone here unironically liberal...

Is anyone here unironically liberal? How can you justify supporting that ideology in 2017 after being proven wrong by countless intellectuals?

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fuck off boris.

you're just a racist


I am "unironically" a liberal. Debate me, let's see what you can come up with, I guess.

I fucking love that jew God bless him

I would vote for that kike, and I hate kikes. But fuck I hope that kike runs for president.

I don't understand how anyone can still defend liberal ideas after listening to him debate

Me too all though I'm slightly antisemetic I just can't apply it to Ben Shapiro I love the truth and that's what that bright young man is.

He doesn't debunk any actual liberal ideas. Just radical ones. Take a look at the cucks who debate him. Googly eyed millenials, CNN fuckers, fucking Cenk for crying out loud.

Those people have no grip. Shapiro could debate them about the toxicity of soil for the preservation of earthworms or some shit and win because Shapiro is a very articulate speaker and comes to the right words extremely fast.

California liberal here. Living a better life than you ever will.

Being far left or far right is always wrong and people always assume that you are as far left or right as one can be when you tell them your political views

He'll turn 35 in 2019, I hope he does. Not sure what party he'll be in since I'm guessing Trump will run for reelection and Shapiro is no Democrat. Libertarian?

This. If I mention that I am a conservative in South Florida I get a lot of shit for it even though my views are pretty moderate.

"So you're a sexist/racist?"

Tbh I have met more leftist racists than anything else in my time.

>Ben Shapiro
>being this autistic

He's not wrong about that song.

If he runs as some third party garbage he can't win.

If he runs as a republican it'll stain his reputation and the media will churn out bullshit after bullshit after bullshit on him 24/7 every day on every channel on TV.

He can't run as a democrat because he has too much sense and doesn't follow their agenda.

He can't run until After next election so that Trump will be out of the way. Even when (if) he does, see above.

Are you going to cry about it pussy? are you hurt?

>Ben Shapiro

Kek, your bar isn't set much higher than above average

I'm sure Ben has a below average IQ and you're a very intelligent homosexual feminist, do you thumb your butt when you masturbate to nigger cuck porn faggot?

what a load of crap.

traffic completely out of control.
state budget is a mess.
housing costs rising close to the '08 bust.
taxes, gas, food, energy costs all rising.
wide open immigration (gotta increase the democratic voter..don't you know)

you are an asshat and likely live with your mother in the spare bedroom.

How's that beanbag chair - you faggot

He's 10x smarter than any leftist "intellectual", plus he sticks to policy and doesn't let people deflect

I don't know very many intellectuals who get triggered by songs. Seems quite inane is all...

you racist homophobic bigoted islamaphobic kinphobic attack helecopterphobic cis gendered straight white male

How does it feel for your vote to be worth one-third less than mine?

I just said the bar was set above average...are you retarded?

I actually aren't a homosex for one and for two I found the old but gold image of that Brazilian dude smiling after feminist want to kill him for waving his dong around hilarious, thank you very much

Get triggered more

Lol California, where giving someone HIV on purpose without telling them just got lowered to a misdemeanor and CP only gets you 10 years on the sex offender registry. What a fucking joke.

It's not the song it's the message of seeing what was going on at that point, you link a video and you don't even pay attention to it just to attempt to bash somebody over something as petty ass that, typical feminist cuck queer shemale piece of shit.

I wouldn't know I've only seen him debate once and that was against some pretty damn stupid people, I just remember him shitting on some fat chick. I'll give him the fact he didn't let her deflect

this whole thread is one big circle jerk. none of you have actually said anything related to policy. Sup Forums literally fails at Sup Forums

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8, gtg sk8 with my d8


your a faggot, hang yourself now. thankyou

ben shapiro isnt an intellectual, he is just smarter than college students.

we are all unironically liberals, western civilization is inherently liberal

are you implying that discussion on Sup Forums is policy-based?

Sup Forums talks about policy?

Have you seen /pol? Nobody discusses policies they just accuse one another of being jewish and agree with anything slightly contrarion


i got banned from pol for suggesting that it might be manipulated in favor of the right


His fans don't trust the media, nothing CNN says will change their minds about him.

I Don't live in LA only visit every other week but it's really not a huge deal as long as you don't drive 9am or 5pm.
>State budget
Don't know enough about this to give you a genuine response
>Housing costs
I've never paid more than 700 dollars for a single room while living with my college buddies
>Taxes, gas, food, energy costs
Paid like 35 dollars in utilities a month while living with 4 other people. Gas is whatever I get 30sh miles to the gallon. Food bananas are literally 19 cents a banana at trader joes plus cooking your own food is pretty cheap.
>Wide open immigration
Never had a bad interaction with an illegal immigrant and Ive worked with plenty. Super great guys just trying to make a living like I am. Plus the whole hardworking Mexican immigrant thing is very true I've never seen someone bust their asses harder for 12 dollars an hour than I have with immigrants.
>Beanbag chair
Don't own one
>Live with mother
Don't do that

Fucking gorgeous LA chicks is only icing on the cake for living in California.

Fucking dumb. California is more important to the United States than any other state in the US. You're welcome for the fresh fruit and avocados.

Because when people pay into a system, they should get something for it, besides fucked.

There are a lot of government programs that don't benefit me at all. Yet, we pay for it, as required by law. I would like to see a few of those programs benefit actual people. Maybe if we stopped jailing people for an offense that is ticket-worthy, we could afford some of these things.

When we jail people needlessly, it costs about 40k a year, but the price is actually compounded by the family losing a provider, and then being a difficult hire after the sentence is served. So the actual cost to society is much higher.

This is just one of many things wrong with taxation and spending, no matter which side of the fence you're on.

Unironical liberal here laughing at the pathetic attempt at trolling.


>implying that we all pledge allegiance to western civilization and the liberal ideal
Speak for yourself. Liberalism and its inherent ruling class has had its half millennium. Time for direct democratic socialism.

>California being the most important state for the US, autism?

California has the largest economy in the United States you fucking mong. Google it faggot

Im a muslim and i would like to talk him yea while is knocked out and humiliated by the sword of allah

>democratic socialism

>buying bananas by the each
>Fucking gorgeous LA chicks is only icing on the cake for living in California.
ugh, hideous bottle blondes with no personality or individuality everywhere. no thx

>Because when people pay into a system, they should get something for it, besides fucked.
Even when they don't, they should get something just for tolerating its ongoing existence and not sabotaging it.
>So the actual cost to society is much higher.
It serves the ruling class just fine to depress the labor market.
>one of many things wrong with taxation and spending
The problem with it is that the government doesn't spend money into existence, as is its constitutional right, but instead borrows it from Wall Street.

Kill yourself, jew.

I just did and it's NEW YORK CITY you stupid pile of shit, you're autistic to even bring such a thing up where did you get your facts from are you in north korea on a communist internet page? you stupid pile of shit, you're so fucking stupid stop being so stupid dumb stupid bitch.

I don't agree with that legislation. But if we're going by what you say "lol oklahoma and north carolina, where raping your wife wasn't illegal until 1993."

Shapiro reminds me of a kid I went to high school with. Everybody hated him.

Classical Liberal?

>Shapiro reminds me of a kid I went to high school with. Everybody hated him.

Fuck, shut up retard.

Are you fucking retarded? Bait harder dude


Not a liberal, and there isn't much wrong with being one, but there are some common behaviors liberals tend to show that I would like to outline in order to inspire introspection and self betterment:
>Feels over reals
>Blind disregard/hatred for anyone further to the right on the compass than them
>Condescending self righteous mindset (both political extremes are condescending, just in different ways for different reasons)
>"You will never know my experiences and struggles"--disregards other people's experiences and struggles if not fitting to the narrative

Feel free to add more, the rest of my grievances are just personal disagreements with common liberal beliefs.

Fuck yo feels and yo dubs,faggot.

how long before you realized nobody found it funny and just did it for attention?

>implying that new york city's economy isn't purely made of jewish tricks
Shouldn't you be killing yourself, jew?


>Trader Joes
Ahh, a true californian.
Where the hell do you find 700$/month? Also, the only places in CA where you dont get horrible smog is the coast and the Sierras - im gonna have to disagree with you on that point sir.

I can see the point behind it, even though I disagree. But that isn't "liberalism" you ignorant shit. You want to stand proud behind that dumb fuck in the whitehouse, that is your lookout. I hope when the time comes we get to round up every trump supporter and put them up on a fast track to forced euthanasia.

Shapiro says himself, "understand the enemy". He understands actual theory behind debate and finding answers through objectable cognisance.

>owned by jews

Is this goy serious?

Hate the man, not the dubs


>He's 10x smarter than any leftist "intellectual"
No, he just says things that you like, fucking dummy.

answer me when I ask you a question
you're getting a second (you) out of me, that's a large payment

These are recently passed laws, and they are supposedly "pregressive." The things you are referencing were made illegal over 20 years ago, not made legal this year. Your state us filled with morons who eat this shit up and elect literal bugchasing faggots like Weiner and Gov. Brown who pass these laws. It is now worse in the eyes of California law to call someone the wrong pronoun than it is to purposefully give someone an incurable life threatening disease. That's complete insanity.

>Sup Forums literally fails at Sup Forums
thank god, get the fuck back to Sup Forums you Sup Forumscuck. No one wants you here.

If I wanted to sit around, lick my own nuts and get "redpilled" on russian propaganda, I'd be on Sup Forums.

You want to know the secret to pol? "kek". True story, the god's name is "kuk" not "kek". Not even joking. That should tell you everything you need to know about Sup Forums


>Using a computer built by jewish companies to rail against a jewish company
Jesus christ user, you just never escape them!

You're going to wake up in like...10 years and realize how much of a fucking retard you are. That is if you don't commit suicide from depression by then. I wish you the best of luck dude, I honestly feel bad now : /

>>Because when people pay into a system, they should get something for it, besides fucked.
>Even when they don't, they should get something just for tolerating its ongoing existence and not sabotaging it.
>>So the actual cost to society is much higher.
>It serves the ruling class just fine to depress the labor market.
>>one of many things wrong with taxation and spending
>The problem with it is that the government doesn't spend money into existence, as is its constitutional right, but instead borrows it from Wall Street.
I'm not sure if we're arguing, but I agree with your opinions.

I don't know where you got your information but it's wrong. California is the largest economy in the
us. Plus we have a dick load of agriculture.
The dumb boring blonde is mostly a stereotype. I bought into it before I actually went to LA too so I don't fault you for that.
Obviously I don't buy single bananas you dummy I'm just explaining food isn't expensive here.

do u wake up trembling in fear that the Reds are going to brainwash you?

iow, living in their myths instead of the world?
Also their belief that they are Rescuers in the Karpman drama triangle, that they have some special knowledge revealed to them and only them that makes them a superior arbiter of morality. Shit's as annoying and full of shit as any other moral faggotry crusade.

can we please do the same to Hillary supporters too? they're both neoliberal corporate hosebeasts, with only slightly different cultural critiques.


no, but you know what, Sup Forums was trembling in fear that Hillary would anger the Russians and we'd get WWIII. Fucking pussies. Remember that propaganda you helped spread?

Be a National capitalist and monarchist, or hang yourself


>implying that getting bluepilled on jew propaganda is somehow better

No argument, simply elaborating. The system is run to reproduce itself, and the classes within it.

It’s just the trend now to hate liberals. Everyone is liberal these days, so all these faggots gotta be on the other side to stay cool. Nothing more nothing less.

>can we please do the same to Hillary supporters too? they're both neoliberal corporate hosebeasts, with only slightly different cultural critiques.

That would leave only the 50% of america that didn't vote, so I'm not sure that would work out. Sorry. Just the Trumptards against the wall. Or better yet, in the prisons they love so much.

you mean "kuk"

you'd be surprised what some people will do to get "free" stuff.

>implying that documentary evidence of the Democrat Party being a criminal racket, running a fake primary, and violating its own bylaws as if they were merely policies of preference was just Sounds like someone's butthurt they aren't gonna get a cushy job as an Obamacare """navigator"""!

> the only places in CA where you dont get horrible smog is the coast and the Sierras
Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending on the internet?

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. What propaganda are you referring to? The leaked DNC emails?

Dude I'm not the guy you've been arguing with it but i'v been having dreams of russians pulverizing us they already fucked all the zionists in the ass it's probably just a matter of time till they come and rape us.

What people used to pay taxes for was the right to live on the claimed land peacefully, ie to be allowed to live in King Pepe's Speshil Kingdom and protection from Invaders by Pepe's Toad Legion. Sure, your ancestors may not have asked for their land to be annexed by some kingdom many generations ago, but if they hadn't then your ancestral lineage may have ended generations ago in a smouldering home razed by either barbarians or Toad Troops looking to cement their power.

Same deal nowadays: you pay taxes for the right to live in Pepennsylvania and to be protected by Pepennsylvanian soldiers in case of a threat. We are not attacked by opposing factions at home much in modern society, so it makes sense that people would forget that it is a reason we pay the suits

Hahaha holy shit no. Terrible smog? You don't even get that in LA or SF. I've lived in the bay area, Santa Barbara and LA and incredibly rarely even noticed smog. And as to where I could get more than 700 a month? I was a pizza guy in Santa Barbara in college. I made 10 or something an hour plus 80-120 bucks in tips every night.

Most people don't even realize they believe in liberal ideas, they just don't like the label.

Like, do they know that "free" shit is gonna be paid for with MY tax dollars??

>That would leave only the 50% of america that didn't vote, so I'm not sure that would work out
I literally don't see the problem here. The 50% that didn't vote for a corporate candidate against all the whiny propaganda from the lying, cheating DNC are arguably the most fit to uphold the traditions of the supposed self-government system we have here. Parties = terrorists, full stop.

no, I mean "jej"
as in "I'm jejing you"

Not a liberal either, but I find that both sides are guilty of these kinds of behaviors, at least the more extreme left and right. You can have liberal and/or conservative beliefs without being a sperging asshole.

you can't really call russia nuking us into shit a dream though lol.