Would you like to be a only one man with 5 young female group of survivors on lost island?

Would you like to be a only one man with 5 young female group of survivors on lost island?
What would you do?


In a sexual fantasy, yep. In real life, hell no. I'd try my best to do what I do, survival, shelter and what not... but I would eventually be driven so insane by the women being women that I would die by trying to swim back home, even though I we are so lost that I have no idea where and how far home is. Hmm... probably (99.9999999999999999%) suicidal... but getting away from the drama of 5 women while being the only guy.

instead of suicide you can kill those 5 girls
problem solved + free meat

your maths needs work.
> forgetting the + carcasses to rape

That idea would occure to me when reason starts to take over and I already swam to far away to have enough energy to swim back. I'd drown while trying to return to do that.


who is she? nudes?


I'm a fuckin beast... I'd have a solid structure built in no time with chimney... after i built the badass shelter and established food and water sources, id work on building a big ass fuckin sail raft... 3 weeks and i'd be on a sailboat with 5 pregnant bitches heading home

Depends on the women. Some women, like my fiancee, would be awesome to have there. Others would be hell on earth after only minutes. This could be said of 1 women and 5 men, some men are cool and others are a pain.

Build a small civilization. Fuck everyone of them, claim the prettiest as my wife.

Nobody can understand pne of em.
How ya gunna understand/deal wiff five of them bitches??

Would kill mahself, pretty much what OP should do

a woman that has been in the jungle for a few months might be a little gnarly... maybe could use her stank box to attract wild animals to kill for food

>Women foreign creatures
>women not getting their shit together for their survival

I know I know, women are difficult.
But you guys are so stuck in your dumbass mentalities that you would kill yourselves??

Learn to fish, make a few roofs our of chopped trees.
Try, for fuck's sakes. With a bit of common sense you could survive, feed bitches, and fuck bitches. They would never give you shit for the rest of your life if you held your dominance against them


lol right

Most Sup Forums fags


rachel cook, sure
