Did anyone here get to taste the szechuan sauce from Mc Donalds?

Did anyone here get to taste the szechuan sauce from Mc Donalds?

How did it taste?

I tasted the real thing back in 1998. It was alright but definitely not worth the hype.

Kill yourself.

Thats not very nice

Woah calm down buddy

Hey be nice


the new sriracha mac sauce is great

chill out big guy. no need to be angery at some people online

Already announced they will have more made for the end of the year. Don't listen to the b, just go get some then.

hi 2012

Samefagging this hard

Tastes like chilli ass

think the tv show was ok, but with this autist chimp out it'll become the next my little pony better jump off the boat now than later


your the same fag, faggot

Tastes like Chocobo's cum


You can literally buy gallons of this stuff at Quabos. Sure, it's not branded by McDonald's, but it's the same thing, if not better.

No, I had to take my kid to a birthday party.
I'll try it when supplies meets demand in winter.

It tastes like fucking plastic. Like actual liquid plastic with a little bit of spice. Fucking nasty.

McDonald's head chef be like:
>Let's open this 30 year old packet of dipping sauce and replacte it exactly.