If you dont get dubs your sister will get raped tonight

if you dont get dubs your sister will get raped tonight

We'll see about that

Hmm, looks like it's time for me to pay a visit to her bedroom....




I don't even have a sister

Well that sucks for my imaginary sister

nope when i get singles your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Can I at least watch it?


And this my friend is the karma of chan.


She's dead so...

She's safe


Well fuck

And this my fren is the karma of the karma chan

And this my fren isn't the karma of the karma karma chan


Ha jokes on you OP, she's already been daped

Bring on singles


why wouldn't I just not post?
checkmate idiot

If singles I get daped instead
Pray for me

Fuck .. I'm going to lock the door

And put my air gun under my pillow

Faggot thread bullshit

Stupid shitty dubs who cares

You idiot you just got her daped like 10 times .. my sister on the other hand is safe

wat do

No blame if I rape her then

damn, that's hot. post moar

Don't have a sister. Also, sauce?

I honestly hope I don't get dubs. Both of my sisters could use some vicious cock. Maybe they'll both calm the fuck down then.