Why does this stuff turn me on, yet I find real gay porn disgusting?

Why does this stuff turn me on, yet I find real gay porn disgusting?

Because 3d is shit

because you live in your head child

What does that even mean

find twinks, men with hair on legs and chest are disgusting, but hairless twinks are the way to go, prolly you are a shotacon, a pederast

how bout this one?

Op is gay

Dunno, have seen some twink stuff but most of that shit is also nasty to me. Maybe I'm just really picky?


Seen that before in shota threads. Too young.

Probably Bi tbh

probably, coz the japanese drawings are like the perfection, the perfect twinks being fucked by other twinks. Real twinks are of course look a bit weird, unless they are really young.

the perfection is an adolescent boy, preferably a blond

I've seen some gameplay, looks like coin harvesters of old

is now shota bread


Because you're a weeb faggot.

who isn't a weeb faggot?

Probably this to be honest. Are people also like this with straight hentai? Cuz I've never understood why you would look at hentai when you can just watch porn, is it like a perfect girl sorta thing?

Cory in the house is my favourite anime



I may be a faggot but I am no weeb

I don't think so, women are pretty sexy, you don't need to make them more womanlike I guess, but for yaoi, and shota, drawings are better since real deal is most of the time really hairy nasty bastards


because gender is pretty irrelevant in 2d

cute things are cute and sexy things are sexy regardless of what the author calls their art

is this a female? well, according to the author, no, it's a male, but what the fuck does that change? you're not going to meet the anime character or ever interact with them in a meaningful way anyway






post better shit, I am not gonna post anything if not

because it's not your ugly ass getting fucked.

no loss then
kys for criticising while not contributing






what shitty posts, shameful



more shota fuck

We all live in our heads you pseudo deep fag.