Name a country with a sexier form, protip : you can't

Name a country with a sexier form, protip : you can't.

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Make Africa in the shape of an ass and it's a perfect fit


chile is tall and thin af
>straight up model tier
definitely should be a shape all countries should strive to be

forgot pic

From a previous thread

benis + palls

looks like a dick that was botched in a circumcision

I feel my country like a chubby qt, pretty, but fat and no tits

Fixed it


Get out

too fat



this shape looks pleasing to me




I always thought france kinda looked like the shape of a person

You can't make it better, the shape is already perfect mate.

Underrated post


Mr Star Gender

What the fuck?

Samoa a cute


fuck you ill never be able to unsee this

fuck you, ill never be able to forget this

Are you real? That looks like a fist punching a turd.

Yet another unrealistic standard for countries

You guys take yourselves far too seriously


Stop having unrealistic standards.

>no footfags defending Italy

Germany is such a beautiful country

You ruined my mental image!

Fuck you

Looks like its giving the middle finger to Poland

looks like a tumour. Glad we've extirpated it

Putain que tu viens de dire putain de moi, petite salope? Je vais vous faire connaître Je suis diplômé en haut de ma classe dans les Navy Seals, et je l'ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids secrets sur Al-Quaeda, et j'ai plus de 300 tués confirmés. Je suis formé dans la guerre des gorilles et je suis le meilleur tireur d'élite dans les forces armées entières des États-Unis. Vous n'êtes rien pour moi, mais juste une autre cible. Je vais vous essuyez la baise avec précision les goûts qui n'a jamais été vu auparavant sur cette Terre, marquer mes mots putains. Vous pensez que vous pouvez tirer en disant que la merde me sur Internet? Détrompez-vous, baiseur. Comme nous parlons Je contacte mon réseau secret d'espions à travers les Etats-Unis et de votre adresse IP est en cours de tracé à l'heure actuelle afin de mieux vous préparer à la tempête, la mouche. La tempête qui efface la petite chose pathétique que vous appelez votre vie. Vous êtes putain morts, gamin. Je peux être partout, à tout moment, et je peux vous tuer plus de sept cents façons, et c'est juste avec mes mains nues. Non seulement je suis beaucoup entraîné dans le combat sans armes, mais j'avoir accès à tout l'arsenal du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et je vais l'utiliser à sa pleine mesure pour essuyer le cul misérable de la surface du continent, petite merde. Si seulement vous pouviez savoir ce châtiment impie votre petit commentaire "intelligent" était sur le point de faire tomber sur vous, peut-être que vous auriez tenu ta putain de langue. Mais on ne pouvait pas, vous ne l'a pas, et maintenant que vous payez le prix, vous Goddamn idiot. Je vais chier fureur sur vous et vous noyer en elle. Vous êtes putain morts, kiddo.

holy shit

The huge sack of balls kills me everytime


Oi (m80) vey


It looks like the cum stain your bull left on your wife while you took her son to the zoo

Liths ruin it all

>Google translation is still that bad

>It's own country
pick one

look at the shape of Romania+Moldova

>the fruits of several decades of AI research
wew, singularity anytime now!

I've always thought of it as a goblin shark devouring Eastern Europe.

oh shit

I took the liberty of running it back to English and got this masterpiece:

Fuck you just fucking tell me, you little bitch? I'll let you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in many secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and have over 300 confirmed killed. I am trained in war gorillas and I'm the best marksman in the entire armed forces of the United States. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck accurately taste that has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Think you can pull on to say that shit to me on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I contact my secret network of spies across the United States and your IP address is being drawn at this time to better prepare for the storm, fly. The storm that clears the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I trained a lot in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe the miserable ass of the surface of the continent , little shit. If only you could know what unholy retribution your little comment "intelligent" was about to fall on you, maybe you would have kept your fucking language. But you could not, you do not have it, and now you pay the price, you idiot Goddamn. I will shit fury on you and you drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

> turds are cute

looks like a dog's head

France is shaped like a star, Britain is shaped like poo
God tried to warn us


France is Cute!




we are a cute little fish



Not Groß enough

Better looking with Bessarabia

That would actually explain a lot of things

Chile is my #Thinspiration

a mouse!

Back off, Teuton.



Why does it look so happy?

I've always been turned on by Senegal gang-raping the Gambia

top lel



Looks like the front half of a whale desu

Because his right arm healed again

looks more like the Gambia penetrated Senegal deep

mutated flying monkey creature desu m8

i kinda like this

gambia looks like a prolapsed colon




I'ts a Guild Navigator.

delete this




He said country, this is a state

pls no

>also lame translation Tyrone

Sexiest country

