Sanity triumphed today, Puigdemont is not going to declare independence. ESPAÑA UNA GRANDE Y LIBRE!

Sanity triumphed today, Puigdemont is not going to declare independence. ESPAÑA UNA GRANDE Y LIBRE!

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Well, after several companies have relocated their Spanish headquarters outside of Catalonia, with more likely to follow, the primary argument that Catalonia is paying to much is becoming null.
Trump would call it a "Good Job".


Who's that?

Visca Catalunya lliure!!!

Funny thing is, none of those companies are going to move back after this. Catalonians just paid the price and then left the goods on the counter before walking out.

are you dumb?

The peoples republic of catalonia now exists it was pretty much the first thing he said


Can someone explain the situation right now?

He has declared the independence of Catalonia but has suspended its immediate effects to dialogue with the Spanish government


The peoples republic of Catalonia now exists

dialogue has been opened between this new state and spain.

Esperate unas semanas para reirte iluminado.


Por gentuza como tú se van los catalanes, facha de mierda hijo de puta

spain... the welfare state of europe.... even greece is a better place then the toilet called spain

No new state exists. Its all ilegal and Puigdemont should go to jail.

Shameful bait

you cant go againts international law dim witted fool. spain is now a dictatorship and should be expelled from the euro zone

Catalonian leader tries to take credit for autonomy that Catalonia already had before the vote, in order to both not get killed by Rajoy in Madrid and to not look like a pussy assed bitch to his suporters.

Venga va, de vuelta a Twitter. Esta payasada ha sido bonita mientras ha durado, pero ciao!

Te han lavado bien el cerebro eh?
Cataluña ni fue ni será un estado/República/país etc etc y todo lo que se está llevando a cabo es ilegal. Se os acabó ser los niños malcriados del país ;)

españa grande y libre? i doubt it bro, we are all surround of nacinalist goats (fachas). In this country, a dictator died of old age
and they´re children and followers still run the country. So are you a sheep who want to be a wolf? Cuz we are all sheeps in a capitalism world, therefore, there must to be dialogue, AND THAT´S IT.


Lane stop

international law? there is only one law, MONEY LAW, and if a country still gives money to Central bank, and International Monetary Found, then fuck religion or frontiers or republics, just give me that anual money I want, and fuck it.

truth hurts, I know, but still truth.


He has put it off for now as he wants to try to fix this fucking mess. He couldn't have declared independence no matter what

Those stupid catalonian bitches went too berserk and too fast on independence. My advice for those bitches is to first study microeconomy then macroeconomy, followed by a study on Spanish law and then proceed to rightfully seek an independence from Spain, because those assholes are way under debt.

That's just the first part of the plan, no worries, we shall wait for their next move.


Spain is gay.
Catalonia is gay
Lionel Messi is a faggot.