How much is Poland culturallally and politically divided nowadays because of its former borders?

How much is Poland culturallally and politically divided nowadays because of its former borders?

I know this pic is already seven years old, but it still makes me wonder:


i obviously mean culturally

it isn't desu

I mean culturally of course

Then how come there's this clear geographical border between the two political lairs?

Poland is much more polarised than Slovakia, for example.

I'd say urban/rural divide is more significant than East/West though.

couldn't this be more related to former german areas being more developed though?


That political divide is not because of cultural divide but because after the expulsion of Germans only the big cities were really resettled so the German parts are mostly highly urbanized while Russian Poland is more rural.
Urbanized people always tend to be more liberal


Resettlement is overrated. Partitions had much greater effect.

Holy shit this is what you're constantly fighting wars over?
Ach but mein Schdladyczsi gau must have 6 punkt more Polen volk!!!

>Resettlement is overrated
Not really. People that live in Western Poland are closer to Russians than to Poles.

ah. I'm guessing you consider yourself a "real Pole" then.

I don't give a shit honestly. I just simply stated the facts.

Besides, I look more Czech than Polack anyway.

It's simple

eastern ''poles'' should be gassed

we western Poles are highly civilized and respectable people valuing democracy and individualism

>eastern ''poles'' should be gassed
>we value democracy and individualism
I know you're being facetious but the sad part is that a lot of people seem to unironically think in such patterns. And even sadder is that some don't even bother to keep up appearances that they care about freedom of opinion.

Nie żartowałem ty jebany wschodni bambrze.

Eastern Poles have inherently Asiatic mindset. They value collectivism, theocracy, authoritarianism etc.

They belong in the steppe.

Tatars are asiatic yet they are signifficantly less retarded than eastern poles let's call it how it is eastern ''poles'' have soviet mentality.