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There's no wall on Mexico's southern boarder

We have an eyewitness

Even people stupider than you and, granted, there's only a handful in the world, all know that there is a wall on Mexico's southern border and only someone who's an absolute, total retard would believe there isn't.

>I guess that sums you up nicely.

It's not even racist, who cares, build it. That's not why I don't like Trump.


Mexicans are hypocrites. While they whine about Trump's wall and discrimination. They themselves deport a shit ton of Central Americans and are also racist to the more darker skin peeps too.

I live in Chiapas, there are check points along roads but they are very light weight and not like what don Trump is proposing

Having a wall to prevent ILLEGAL immigration while still allowing legal immigration isn't racist you fucking waste of life

maybe its not inherently racist but its impractical, difficult to maintain and won't magically fix illegal immigration when most illegal immigrants aren't border hopping like the narrative your being fed is

you can still go over, around, under it or just overstay a work visa like most do

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Yes and you're a racist sexist nazi apologizer Weinstein loving shovanistic moronic cuck fag hippie retard fag for saying otherwise

>make a stupid fucking troll thread, get a stupid fucking troll answer

there is no wall between mexico and it's southern neighbors you dumbfuck.

>implying Trump supports are capable of critical thinking

I feel sorry for Democrats

Spotless 'shop really

why do trumpeters come to Sup Forums, literally not even voat wants you faggots there

That wall looks an awful lot like a fence.

Yes, of course they did, there was no back lash at all.

You. Dumb. Cunt.

2017 and you still believe in partisian politics

I feel sorry for you

just wait till the mexicans find out about these things


amerifart victim complex

What are the differences between a wall and a fence that makes one racist and unacceptable over the other?

how to lose all credibility in one sentence. congrats.



They returned him to his legal guardian
Get it right!

usa already has a fence.

>What is an anti scaling tube or razorwire?

People who are against the wall and pull the muh ladders argument are the most fingers in ears and yelling retards out.

But I guess it will only stop 60% of illegal immigration so, whats the point amirite?

>Mexico southern border is jungle climate
>evul mexican wall on desert and plains
That is the wall built by the jews in Palestine, murican education
lol fagget


not racist, just stupid, expensive and ineffective.

That wall benefits the US more although it’s fake there nothing on the mexico Guatemala border


We waste money all the time, so no big deal.

>panama canal
>north of south america is one giant jungle with NO ROADS

mexico knows that the only ones from the south wanting to get into mexico are those just trying to pass through on their way to illegally enter the usa

What a huge wall!

Also checked

Look at the fucking picture for more than 2 seconds so you can realize that it's a stupid beam-shit copypasted.

Why don't you just build a wall around your entire country and ,ever get out of it so the world never have to hear about you again?

What their made out of you fucking dotard. Racisim had nothing to do with that anons comment.

Wow! What are they? Some kind of portable light weight self elevating device? You guys think of everything!

yeah whats the point when they can just swim around it to san diego or corpus christi

For me personally having a wall on the Mexico border is not racist. I dislike it because it is expensive and not a total fix for illegal immigrants coming across. It does not make sense to me to spend all that money building it and patrolling it when there will still be people crossing. Just as a ban on firearms is not going to stop all people from buying guns a wall will not stop all people from crossing.

That's dumb.

It's not racist, strictly speaking.
It's an ineffective, stupid policy informed by xenophobic paranoia.

90 % of illegal immigrants come legally and overstay or come on tourist visa. How's the wall gonna stop them?


Fucking seriously. There is nothing wrong with secure borders, but most illegals don't even cross the border that way. It's a giant waste of money. The hundreds of miles of desolate desert are natures wall. Just a waste of money...

people that support Trump (the entire right-wing actually) are anti-immigration of any kind (for racist reasons, but you can't prove that)

Yes being anti immigration is indeed racist.

Fuck off Soapstein, unchecked immigration is retarded and people who think otherwise are peak virtue signalling or genuinely don't know what they're talking about.

When has (legal) immigration ever been unchecked? It just takes effort to do good and the right wing is too lazy.

Yeah protection internal workforces sure is racist. Banning all immigration is somehow still racist? You're not even trying anymore, just throwing out the race card

People want immigration laws enforced. Not this "well pedro is already here may as well let him stay" bullshit. It's a blatant slap in the face of our laws that people in power call them undocumented and want to give them rights when they are ILLEGAL. It's a criminal act and should be enforced

Since when is this a right wing only problem. Illegal immigration has been an issue for the last 50 years both democrats and Republicans can't fix it.

banning all immigration isn't racist but I believe it would be motivated by racism

Yeah I agree with that

wat, that's still the US border.

dude there is no wall between Guatemala and mexico. There's only a couple of official border crossings.

Might as well leave my opinion...
I think the USA is well within their right to try and stop illegal immigration; however, I don't think is enough to just build physical barriers. I think it would be useful for both USA and Mexico, if the problem with drugs are enforced in both sides. Also, the better Mexico fares, the better USA fares, and vice versa. But, who knows who is making those decisions. Honestly, I wonder who makes the calls within the CIA. If you American guys think that corruption is a problem ONLY in Mexico, and that is not within the FBI, DEA or even CIA, you should honestly give a long thought on this reality...