Is mental illness romanticized these days...

is mental illness romanticized these days? if you lurk certain corners of the tumblrverse you see mental illness play a massive role in the identity of these degenerates. so many of them include lines like "bipolar, borderline, anxiety, trauma survivor" in their little mini bios. and there are numerous hashtags of not just #borderline but #ACTUALLYborderline and #ACTUALLYabused, as if #borderline and such was used and hyped so much that people started throwing the "actually" in there to put themselves in an even more special club, because, you know, they're AcKsHuAlLy mentally ill.

it's like they feed their identity-driven bullshit and their ego with their own declaration of mental illness to get some sort of clout or capital, they're so obsessed and self-absorbed about it.

and then you have memes like a dude in a hole in the ceiling looking down, text reading shit like "me watching others socializing through my bubble of trauma" or the goosebumps/whisper meme with "i won't abandon you when your mental illness acts up" - and those memes are so commonplace and reposted frequently by people who probably aren't even close to having any actual trauma or severe mental illness.

most people experience qualities of anxiety and depression, it's part of being human. but so many people blow it up into this unreasonably high status symbol, it's fucking annoying.

Sort of romanticized, but there's still a lot of stigma and obstacles to getting treatment.

As some one with borderline who does a lot to treat it and not be a cunt to people (and myself): yeah man it's a little over romanticized. Nothing feels good about manipulating and hurting people you love while spinning in a suicidal malaise about constantly thinking about how shitty you are as a person. Shit gets old, shit isn't cute, shit feels hella bad. What grinds my gears most are the self-diagnosed tumblr queens who use their tags as some kind of ass backwards community status symbol. IRL I try really hard to downplay what I have going on because I know a lot of people don't understand mental health issues and I'd rather not have discussions with people about personal stuff. I like the memes that are wholesome about it, but drawing attention to bullshit really hurts those of us who do a lot on our own to be better and care for our health.

My borderline needs meds, therapy, and good company, NOT a fucking hashtag.

I think there just isn't enough emphasis on personal accountability. People treat their mental illness as an excuse and not just what it is, a part of who they are they have to deal with. At the end of the day a diagnosis is only as good as the treatment and advice you get from it. We are all individuals at the end of the day.

>Been in and out of mental hospitals in past for suicide, anxiety etc.
>Doing well now was long time ago

The secret of borderline is you don't actually feel bad about what you do. You're a piece of shit and incapable of loving anyone but yourself. Stop drinking your own kool-aid.

As another nigger with BPD, this is true, accept it.

the only thing worse than people who self disgnose from wikipedia are armchair psychologists.

Sure blew me out of the water. Wew.

Person diagnosed with schizophrenia here

Mental illness in the outside world carries huge stigma, it's so bad that I can never make friends or make conversation due to It. I have not been able to hold down a job, I get money from the government and food stamps to get me by. My family tries to understand it but ultimately they only get exposed to the worse cases of it (you know the type that rubs around stabbing people or think they're god or some shit) do I think I have it? No. Many argue that schizophrenia is too vague of a term and not trying to did deep to see what the hell happened. I used to be very adventurous and even been to the other side of the world by myself. Now I can't even leave my apartment and list having visitation rights to my own daughter because of an attempted suicide. Four professionals have diagnosed me as schizophrenic from three different states. But at what point could I possibly romanticize this anywhere?

Everyone wants to be a special snowflake and think their problems are unique and "no one understands", I believe no one understands because there's too many people paid to make blanket statements on what's wrong with someone.

got any more secrets, tips ot tricks to understanding mental illness that youd like to share

Everyone wants to be a victim these days. It is easy to find a crutch as an excuse for your personal failures, instead of taking responsibility for them.

Blame the world for your situation instead of whatever you did to fuck it up and you feel better about yourself. It is a defensive reaction to protect ego.

I definitely play up the tortured genius thing to girls and it has been working out pretty well.

tell that to a person in a wheelchair. tell them their biological reality is a defense mechanism.

>Whatever you did to fuck it up
>you deserved to be beaten and neglected as a child
>you destroyed your own sense of self worth, just get a new one
Fuck you are a woke user

how stupid are the people at your high school

Nah, you know exactly what my qualifications are as an anonymous poster, and have thoroughly discredited what I said using sass and indignation. I yeild to your superiority.

I'm in college and they are pretty stupid.

It's an easy way out for most people. Stops them taking responsibility for their actions. Some people are genuinely fucked and need help.
>depression lol
Everyone and their cat has "depression" these day's. It's a combination of self diagnosis and narcissism

one of the defining features of bpd is not having intense emotions about other people. thats a pretty good opinion.

one of the defining features of being a sniveling coward is passive agressive numale behavior.

it's so they can collect welfare bux and put off getting fired for a few extra weeks on the occasion they manage to contain their crazy long enough to slip through an interview and land a job

Bipolar II here. This shit is so horrible I wish nobody on earth has it. And still there are so many idiots calling themselves bipolar. ;/

That's a pretty bold statement

The real irony is that I think some of these people falsely diagnosing themselves take it far enough that a real psychologist would diagnose them with something anyway.

fuckin owned that tard

OP is almost dead on. Mental illnesses are real medical conditions but too many are using mild symptoms to self-diagnosis and even worse "professionals" way over-diagnose for the sake of profit. A big part of the problem is that we live in a culture of victimhood and the only way a white, especially a male, can play victim is with a medical condition. I think back to my own childhood. I bounced off the walls, was easily distracted and was obsessed with rodents. If I was a child in the 80-90s it is quite likely I would have been diagnosed with ADHD. If I was a child in the 00-now I would have been diagnosed Autistic. In reality I was just a slightly weird little boy who had trouble sitting still.

It's called status currency.

Currency is a really interesting thing when you look at it logically, because it's about taking something of no value and convincing people it has value. A dollar bill is just a green sheet of paper, but you can convince someone to feed you or give you shelter in exchange for it. Why do they care so much about that piece of paper? Because they know it has value to others: they can trade that paper to get their own food and shelter.

So currency, at the end of the day, actually comes down to POWER: The ability to make others absorb the costs of your own actions. You want to eat, so instead of going out and farming you convince someone else to farm for you. You want to be safe so instead of defending your home you convince someone else to defend it for you. Power is the ability to make others act on your behalf. Money gives you power, guns give you power (point a gun at someone and you'd be surprised how quickly they'll make you a sandwich if you ask), being attractive gives you power (a pretty girl can ask for free drinks until she dies from alcohol poisoning)...

A STATUS currency is a currency that grants someone power on the basis of a virtual metric related to their position in society. A principal can ask the teachers at their school to grab their dry cleaning for them and offer nothing in return. A president can propose a bill and push it through congress. A war veteran can get a free meal at McDonald's. You can force others to take on the cost of your own actions not because of who you are or what you have, but because of how you're related to them.

To be continued (getting too long)

Literally yes,specially if you are Transvestite

So now we get to mental illness. We now live in a society where if you aren't tolerant and loving and accepting, you're a bigoted racist patriarchal man-splainer and you need to be locked in a concentration camp. This means if someone is bipolar and you DON'T bend over backwards to meet their special needs, you're not tolerant enough and you should be shot.

This means that we have now created a relationship between people on the basis of their diagnoses. If a person has bipolar disorder then a relationship is formed in which you are expected to be understanding and tolerant of their mood swings. If a person has PTSD then you are to be understanding of their refusal to listen to arguments or opinions that "trigger" them.

The difference is that these diagnoses are hard to confirm. Unlike being a principal, or a president, or being a war veteran, there's no way to definitely prove that you possess bipolar disorder. It's all heresay. Therefore it's easy to forge, meaning ayone can snap up that sweet, sweet power.

You want to be a princess and be taken care of and not have to listen to different opinions and you want to be not just tolerated but REWARDED for refusing to get a job and give something to society? Just tell everyone you're suffering from PTSD and schizophrenia. No one will question it.

So by claiming you have a mental illness, you can currently snap up status currency and elevate your position in society.

Unfortunately it's only a temporary ruse. Just like morons who enjoy a good run on the banks to make a quick buck but end up penniless and alone, these people will find themselves losing all respect and power soon enough and they'll wish they could delete their old Tumblr profile. The only safe away to amass power and wealth is the old fashioned way. Slow and steady wins the race, as it were.