Is female privilege real?

Is female privilege real?
Are there any downsides to being a girl in 2017?


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Should have specified that i mean the western world


Then still. Islam



She said she was on the phone. Sheesh.

user, can your virginity get anymore obvious?


The patriarchy.
Just fucking with you.

life is so nuanced and the world is so huge that any questions like this have too many variables to answer. There are plenty of times when someones sex helps them in life, and plenty where it hurts them, but there are far too many to make a definitive 'life is better for x', the closest we can get is 'life is better for x living in y with income z' and even that'd have some exception to the rule.

So yeah there are thousands of downsides, and thousands of upsides, all depending on information we don't have.

Thats why sweeping statements are so fucking stupid.

aside from being born as a delusional retard?

it's clearly easier to live as a female. you can use your vageen to get anything you want. life on easy mode



Average to hot female? Sure as shit female privlege is a real thing. Half will be expected of you on the job and if you're flirty with male bosses you're going straight the top and getting top tier raises without trying. If you're average to hot and you ARE trying, the world is your oyster.

However, for an ugly tier woman, no such privlege exists, they will have all the disadvantages of a male in life EXCEPT extreme loneliness. Even a shit tier woman will always have interested men.

Sort of due to the sexual economy. Men want to bang as many women as they can (assuming they aren't grotesque, but some guys that doesn't matter). Women want to bang *the best* men they can. So the lower tier males go lonely yet the lower tier women can still find dates. The top tier guys clean up and get like 2/3rds of the women, the mid tier guys can date the mid tier women usually monogamously (but note that even a mid tier woman would prefer a top tier guy that sleeps around gives them the dick rather than have the exclusive interest of a mid tier man).

But here's where the female privlege ends, as women approach middle aged, they lose most, if not all of their good looks. The female privilege is then nullified and those who've been coasting on it all their lives get very depressed and have a very hard time. All those guys who gave them a free ride will no longer do so (usually shooting for the newer models)....

Those coasting on female privelege usually have 3 or more kids from different father by 30 and then no one fucking wants them (unless for a pump and dump). They are a tragedy. They will then shoot for the beta orbiters that they friend zoned their whole lives and even they will reject them.... nothing more tragic than a middle aged whore that can't even give the pussy away to omega males....

Yes, you've stumbled upon ancient black magic that hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken women weren't smart enough to think of with their women brains.

The world doesn't work like that you idiot lol, you live in a fairy tale. There might be bosses who sleep with secretaries, who stay their secretaries, but there are very few successful gold diggers. Thousands of women try and be gold diggers, it doesn't work for them.

Sex doesn't control all men, some people are in happy long term monogamous relationships. Some people have standards.


I'd creampie that every night.

It is. There's a huge double standard on men in certain contexts.

Men on the whole are still expected to pay for the first date.
It's women and children first the evacuate a disaster.
Women are given incredibly lower sentences for the same crime men commit.
Women curry overwhelming favor with judges in custody battles.
Even accusing someone of rape, if it isn't true, automatically destroys a person's reputation and is assumed to be guilty unless he can prove otherwise.
Women are often taken at their word more.
If you consider financial investment in a relationship, men spend way more because guys generally just want to have an intimate relationship whereas girls also want constant gestures to prove your undying love, typically with some sort of financial expense.
There's a breast cancer awareness month even though prostate cancer has an equivalent incidence rate.
When men cheat, they are assholes, but when women cheat it's because he failed to maintain the relationship - they both are assholes.

pornhub /view_video.php?viewkey=ph590fe89ccd56a

Three of these are good points, the rest is embarrassingly stupid.

'Men are expected to pay on the first date' you do realize that every single woman is a different person with different views? Date different women lol.

'Women expect gestures to prove love' I don't know of a long term relationship that hasn't got completely mixed finances. You pay rent together, you buy food together, you feed and emotionally comfort eachother which enables you to work to make the money. A relationship is an agreement between the two people to meet eachothers needs, if a woman wasn't meeting a mans needs but spending his money why would be be with her? They are both meeting eachothers needs.

If you feel like you're spending more money than she is(and thats a problem to you, typically because you're making the same money or shes making more), or putting in more to the relationship than she is,then either tell her this to see if she changes or leave the bitch. Duh.

>hen men cheat, they are assholes, but when women cheat it's because he failed to maintain the relationship


If you went to a source that markets to men they'd obviously skew it the other way. This is so dense, it doesn't matter how many main stream media articles say 'man leaves women, he is asshole' that doesn't make it the opinion of the women reading it.

i salute you, sir!

This and this.

Note the huge advantage women have in business and the huge legal advantage they have in courts.

It's sort of just assumed women are more honest and generally harmless when considering sentencing. I haven't officially looked at the numbers but I bet they do about 1/10th the time for a comparable offense in prisons that are much less nasty.

And if you got married without a prenuptial agreement, may god have mercy on your soul, she'll take the kids, house, car, and everything you fucking own. Along with taking a huge cut of your paychecks.

And for you uglyfags without a great job. If you were just an ugly woman with a shit job, you'd still be getting laid...

Yeah, there's a huge advantage to being a woman, pretty much every way you look at it.

And ugly guys without a lot of money are pretty much society's discards, NO female will ever suffer that harsh fate.

What a fucking idiot he's barely even touching the clit

>And if you got married without a prenuptial agreement, may god have mercy on your soul, she'll take the kids, house, car, and everything you fucking own. Along with taking a huge cut of your paychecks.

Or you could marry a woman who also works.

who is this?

And ugly guys without a lot of money are pretty much society's discards, NO female will ever suffer that harsh fate.

Maybe in the tiny area of the world you see on your drive to work, there are loads of the female poor, hundreds of thousands left to rot in gang areas, female meth heads that live on the street and are raped every other night literally exist.

You live in some weird make believe world if you think there are no women with tough lives.

The court thing is right though. And while it is a societal problem that should be addressed, it mostly exists within men not wanting to be mean to the crying lady on the stand, as most judges are male, so its kinda our problem

I'd rather discuss that beautiful pussy

check out the feminist male here

male touches breast on date:

female stabs man on date:

In an exclusive essay for, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau opens up about wanting his sons to "escape the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine that is so damaging to men and to the people around them."

Is that you're way of saying you disagree with the point 'there are also females who live in shitty situations' ? You believe that every single girl gets everything she ever wants with her magical pussy that every man is hypnotized by. Poor people just don't exist!

There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that the other sex can also have a hard time, it doesn't make mens problems any less relevant.

Life sucks for more than 90% of people, try to have some empathy.

>You live in some weird make believe world if you think there are no women with tough lives.

That's not true. I DO believe there are women with tough lives. BUT my point is you take all factors into consideration and you can draw a parallel with a man who's doing all the same shit and has it exponentially worse.

You talk about methhead ladies on the street. My mom used to run homeless shelters. Guess what? Shelters always take in all women, men have to register and there's strong competition for just a few spots that are not taken by the women/children, they essentially randomly draw names and maybe a 1/10th of the guys who registered get a bed to sleep in that night.

Literally any way you look at it, men have it exponentially worse in any facet of life. Particularly people in the less fortunate spectrum of life.

Also the vast majority of homeless are MEN because society doesn't care about them as much. Women can nearly always find friends/family to take them in. Having a vagina counts for a lot... particularly if they're willing to use it as currency.

Hell virtually ANY woman could find a beta to shack up with, pay her bills, give her a free place to stay for putting out....

the world ain't fair and it's simply a truth that women have it better.

Now I'm not complaining, I try hard and I earn what I get, it's not much, but I'm proud of it. But you'd be a fool to think women have to try anywhere near as hard for the same rewards.

It isn't. The best type of management jobs are given to men by and large. People like you don't take women seriously and hate them because you think they have unfair advantages.

Also, women are constantly judged by their looks so they lose respect the uglier they are. At least a man could cover that up with confidence.

Confident women are seen as bitches.

You're clearly a biased retard because you can't get laid dude. Being a woman has plenty of downsides.

Despite the woman consenting to sexual intercourse, Philip Queree, 37, was found guilty of indecent assault after reportedly grabbing at the victim’s breasts “really hard” to the point that the victim started crying and was in pain.

Do you even read the shit you post?

>poverty striken women
kek, nice meme
99% of all the homeless are men
women have a bazillion poverty programs to help them. men dont. even the programs that are universal target women more than men.

I am great looking, fit, have a great job and a big dick, yet because I have only 1 real friend and no social life I have to date fat chicks while any fit girl just has to use online dating to have her fucked by 8s-10s

>And if you got married without a prenuptial agreement, may god have mercy on your soul, she'll take the kids, house, car, and everything you fucking own. Along with taking a huge cut of your paychecks.

Prenups aren't even safe anymore. Judges have thrown them out.

>99% of all the homeless are men
You're seriously ignorant

stop putting words in my mouth and go troll elsewhere

>any fit girl just has to use online dating to have her fucked by 8s-10s

Are you 15? Meaningless sex gets old.

>every single woman is a different person with different views
wrong, women as a whole hold an expectation of men to pay for their shit. exceptions are not the rule.

>men aren't judged by their looks



>However, Woodward was deemed “too clever” for prison and was given months to deal with her drinking and drug problems before sentencing.
>Woodward admitted unlawful wounding at Oxford Crown Court, but Judge Ian Pringle QC said it would not be right to damage her chances of becoming a surgeon – a “long held” dream.

Holy shit.

yeah man only young people care about looks you really told me

>That monent that the pussy is so prefect looking that you that it was a rubber sex doll

'This homeless shelter had this policy there for every homeless woman has it easier'
You do realize how that makes no sense right? Homeless women on the street mostly go into sex trafficking, I wonder what the parallel to men we can compare that to... Oh there isn't any.

>Women can nearly always find friends/family to take them in.
You realize this is changes on a family to family basis right? Every person is an individual and has individual relationships with everyone around them?

>But you'd be a fool to think women have to try anywhere near as hard for the same rewards.
But your logic only works if you suddenly change the gender of the individual then measure the results, that isn't how life works, you can't take a random male and say 'if he had tits he'd be better off' because of the ten thousand days he had before that he could of run into multiple moments that would of stopped him getting as far if he wasn't a man.

There are some parts of life that men have it easier and some parts of life that women have it easier, I don't know how you think you're arguing against it by saying 'men have it harder at this part and this part' that doesn't prove their worse off overall. As an argument it also only works in America and the UK, a whole world exists outside of there, you know, lol.

Hundreds of countries, 8 billion people, but no women can be poor.

>being this stupid.

>"Honey I've been thinking about having kids" "I think I should stay at home to raise our son/daughter" "Why are you always so late getting home?" "I feel neglected" "Tyrone made me feel special" "I want a divorce!" Judge: "I sentence you to fork over your home, your kids, half your bank accounts and 80% of your paycheck for the rest of your life" man later found dead in shithole studio apartment, having hanged himself

story of most marriages in the 21st century

moral of the story: if you are a man, do not get married. it holds no benefit to you, has only downsides, and can ruin your life at any point the woman chooses to do so. there is nothing wrong with raising a child out of wedlock. this isnt the 1600's.

If you want to live an easy life, it helps being a female.
If you want to live a fulfilling and successful life, it helps to be a male.

Did you read the other article about the stabbing? I posted some salient points from it:

Aside from Biological down sides, not really. At least in 2017 anyways.

>I wonder what the parallel to men we can compare that to... Oh there isn't any.

Correct. Because for men that isn't an option. It's not women that want to pay for sex, it's men. Yet again the women come out on top. At least they can make some money.

Maybe its because youre looking for a women to have sex with, where as most women are looking for a man to have a relationship with? You get the sex market is because of male demand right, she can find dick on a daily basis online because there are thousands of men online sending a msg to every woman he sees that he wants to fuck her.

'Life is unfair because male demand gives women sex, and that is wrong because it stops my male demand from getting sex' ...?????????????????????

trips of truth.

I ask a question as to what you mean and I am putting words in your mouth. As emotionally insecure as a woman.

Lol ok. So you spoken to more than 4 billion women? Because thats how you'd figure that out.

Oh no wait you just assume thats what they think because its in magazines and cliched tv shows ok lol.

>You believe that every single girl gets everything she ever wants with her magical pussy that every man is hypnotized by. Poor people just don't exist!

I am looking for a relationship where the woman is attractive inside and out. Most attractive woman doesn't use online dating for this since they can get it anywhere. So I am stuck with the fatties

thirsty dudes, possessive dudes, violent dudes, bitches, breast cancer, monthly hormone cycles, remnants of fully institutional sexism, human trafficking, having to carry children for 9 months to reproduce

like, I think as a dude I've got it better, but there's pros/cons to each

no, its a well known socially held view. dumb nigger.

you dont need to have individually spoken to 4 billion women to know that. it's like saying that you dont know that men prefer to piss standing up because you havent spoken to 4 billion men.

get real would you please. oh wait your a liberal, sorry i forgot.

Yeah, this is actually kinda common in England. A guy who went to the same sixth form as me (English version of college) sexually assaulted (asked to see her tits) a 14 year old cousin when he was 17.

He was a fat neckbeard.

He got a bunch of teacher recommendations and the principle etc by just bothering them over and over, and he was given a suspended sentence, the judge let him go to uni and would reassess if he was a threat to society or not after the three years.

It kinda seems extreme for sure, but without the full context its impossible to make a reasoned judgement of the decision, from the outset I would assume the judge knows more than me and made a good call, but I'd have no idea without being in the court room.

Courts are shit for everyone but harder on men for sure, though.

I think the problem you are having here is that you are dating a dumb bitch, and also, that you didn't say from the outset that you dont want kids.

A lot of men will say and do anything to get to have sex/continue having sex with a woman, then look around surprised when they hate their life.

If you want to be in a childless relationship a good tip is to say that and see if they still want to be with you.


Source prettyu please!

Sex trafficking isn't prostitution.. Its where the women are made slaves taken to different countries and sold as walking vaginas/anuses.

I never once said that and even mentioned what men can do in that situation in fact.

Try again.

don't like it when somebody puts words in your mouth?

What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that.

Yeah, thats fair, I deleted the 'if so' after the quote, mb.

There are downsides if you're a dumb girl - you'll get abused or mislead.
If you have a brain, as any guy has to have to survive and prosper, you're good.

So your problem is that most good women are in relationships, and thus you can't find any body good, you are also dating a fat chick.

Have you ever considered that, following your own logic, most good men are also in a relationship, given how close most countries are to 50/50 men women?

If you have no argument just say so. I never once said that.

Try again.

I voted Trump.

And yes, you actually do need to speak to them to know their opinions, sorry.

You can't just say 'this is an opinion held by everyone because I think it is' you need to do surveys, research, actually have proof. The world doesn't exist with what you think other peoples opinions are, its what they actually are. Just like the liberal mistake you made.

I was the one that puts words in your mouth not him soz different people

Nothing is going to change because men won't do anything about it.

here you go

inb4 hurrr time isnt credible, fuck off nigger its time.

bring back ids

78% of respondents said they think men should pay on the first date. Out of the 4,447 participants, 20 percent disagreed, while 2 percent declined to answer.

You've got a source that you claim speaks for atleast 4 billion people, except its 4500....

And in that 4500 you've already got 900 who say they disagree with that view...

Its a cognitive bias when you find any evidence that proves your right and hold it to a higher standard. This is very poor proof for you, and if anything, proves me right. Sorry. Maybe look harder than the first result after a google, it takes time to form opinions based on fact, and its easier to try and prove an opinion after forming it, rather than prove it first.

horribly written and juvenile, but still 100% true

i never claimed it spoke for 4 billion people

and if you knew ANYTHING about social trends, its that consistently similar results from smaller samples tend to propagate themselves throughout all of society, and men being the 'initiators' and payers of relationships is one of the most common trends shown throughout the entire world. in the entire world, there is one island whom i cant remember the name of atm in which women are expected to be the initiators, and even then its not a complete 180.

i highly suggest you quit trying to bullshit your way through arguments in which you know nothing about the methodology.

Good foe them!

'Tend to'

It went from a known fact to a crapshoot, excellent. This bias is called moving the goalposts, where you change the original argument in your head to make yourself not wrong. Its pretty embarrassing.

your mom

A lot of men also probably enjoying peeing while sitting down by the way. Talking about methodology but know nothing of report-ability lol

Good you conceded, cause I gotta go. Have a good life!

>says the 16 year old

Get fuckin real. Even the dykey feminist say the male should pay. Cut the shit. Men want pussy women want money. It's just the way it is. The world still turns. Now "make me a sandwich bitch". Good day

>The best type of management jobs are given to men by and large
Because of many factors:
A) men are pretty much the best candidates 9/10 times, solely on the fact he won't (rather cannot) up and leave for a year on paid maternity, takes less time off (general AND sickness), works more overtime, works longer hours, works harder jobs
B) men have been conditioned since forever to strive to be the best to provide so are more likely to go for a better position (also men are more likely to ask for raises, better pay)
C) women being told they're perfect their entire lives doesn't give them motivation to actually be better and just settle for whatever dead-end job that isn't minimum wage and has fuck all effort to it

Tits or gtfo

The downside is that we dont get pockets on our pants and when we do its like .25^2 inches of space.


this is why transgender women exist