Paap >Pbbp >Pccp >Pddp >Peep >Pffp >Pggp >Phhp >Piip >Pjjp >Pkkp >Pllp >Pmmp >Pnnp >Poop >Pppp >Pqqp >Prrp >Pssp >Pttp...

>Paap >Pbbp >Pccp >Pddp >Peep >Pffp >Pggp >Phhp >Piip >Pjjp >Pkkp >Pllp >Pmmp >Pnnp >Poop >Pppp >Pqqp >Prrp >Pssp >Pttp >Puup >Pvvp >Pwwp >Pxxp >Pyyp >Pääp >Püüp >Pööp >Poop >Poop >Poop >Poop >Poop >Poop

Good thread.

Very good thread.

Astounding thread.

Haha and they say the Germans have no humour! Good thread!


Exquisite thread, Germany!

i wholeheartedly agree


Best one tbqh

The Kraut strikes again!
Great thread.

Why no pzzp?

>no Pßßp

Magnificient thread.

>Pææp >Poop >Pååp

>no Pññp

wtf is wrong with you

Football seller, I'm going into battle, I need only your strongest footballers.

>Păăp >Pââp >Pîîp >Pșșp >Pțțp

>no Pzzp

you can't HANDLE my strongest footballers

>tfw too smart to win the premier league

My footballers would kill you traveler. You can't handle my strongest foootballers. You better go to a seller that sells weaker footballers


Why are Germans so autistic

Bien thread.


Best thread ever

>Josep "Pppp" Guardiola Sala

Marvelous thread.