Ive smoked weed and snorted some coke

ive smoked weed and snorted some coke
now i gotta piss clean for a job interview
what kinda tricks does Sup Forums got for clean piss

if its in a big building then ask a friend to come and wait for you in the toilet

its for a mechanic shop wont work plus all my friends have dirty piss

get someone to piss in a cup or a jar and take it with you and just put it in the jar they give you

Gotta drink some clean piss asap it's the only way.

How about you just dont get high for a couple weeks you fucking degenerate

nobody i know has clean piss

i have 5 days faggot

Quick fix plus, use an ace bandage to keep it attached to your leg and then put it in the cup when time to pee

dis, ask anyone, even if you dont know them, offer money, beg, cry, do whatever the fuck you need

Knew a gent who got caught trying this due to a temperature fail. So keep it warm if you need to try this.

true, humilliation should be familiar to you, isn't it?

i am not begging for piss u tards and im not bringing piss with me
i need some kind of system cleaner
if a bunch of felons can pass drug tests then i can too

Just wash it in warm, soapy water. That cleans most things.

Dip a pipe cleaner in a household cleaning product and use it to brush the inside of your dick before peeing.

yeah, the key is practice. I temped it several times and saw how quickly the temp went down. I think I heated it to 102F and it took like 30 minutes to drive there and wait before I "peed" Works like a dream if you don't fuck it up

There is no magic system cleaner that destroys the THC metabolites. You can try dilution where you drink a fuckload of water and use B12 to get your piss the right color but you risk your pee being marked diluted and having to pee again, possibly without much notice.

Seriously, buy some Quick Fix online and use that. Its going to be your easiest option this close to testing

... and how do you think they do that?

Enough self-control to gauge when the next test is coming up? A high-level degree in biochemistry?

Only the one way to do it. Just be glad they're not swabbing your cheek.

Cheek swab is super easy to beat bro

i talked to my local felon pot head
he says he uses certo 3 hours before his test
says its worked for the past 3 years
youre all useless kys

You can clean your system if you drink some 50/50 bleach/ammonia mix.

B complex vitamins
10 good size cups of water
let it be your atleast 4th piss of the day

fuck you fucking idiot

Drink lots of water starting now till day of test add white vinegar taste like ass but worked for me everytime i was drinking at least 4-5 liters of water a day

im not retarded thats not a system cleaner thats an air freshener

Stop doing drugs, wait at least 30 days, then apply for a job fuck-tard

Mix creatine into cranberry juice, drink like there's no tomorrow. Will completely flush your system, I've seen this work for friends who smoked weed for years and had to piss in 3days.

I was able to get through a drug test with this method, but you need someone that has clean piss.

>Acquire clean piss
>Turn the heater on high in your house
>Dump piss into a closed container and set on the vent so it is being blasted by the hot air
>Right before you leave tuck the bottle of piss into your taint while wearing very tight underwear
>When you go into the bathroom, dump the piss into the container and then on your way out inform the nurse that you were nervous and made a mess, but you cleaned it up. That will give you an excuse if the temperature is a bit cold.

Good luck.


Depending on your weight and physical activity it can take upwards of 90 days to drop clean.

Go to a head shop and see what they have. If no head shop in town Google the fuck out of trick the test products. They're probably only going to do a 5 panel test so there should be some stuff on the market to help. Weed is your big worry. Coke might be out naturally by the time you take the test.

This guy gets it.
niacinamide works like creatine too.