Im tired of being lonely Sup Forums

im tired of being lonely Sup Forums....

all of my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them in front of me, and they go out with them to the movies and shit and i just stay inside posting here and playing Mario Galaxy on my Wii. how do I find a girl with this acne problem?

how do I gf Sup Forums?

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>how do I gf Sup Forums

You don't, you become the GF. Or Image related.

Your first problem is that your playing super Mario galaxy when you should be playing the superior sequel

clean yourself up, some dude hooked me up literally today so, I know the feel man

Go fuck a fat chick and quit bitching


Try tea tree oil

i dont like fat girls.... :( im fit.

change your pillowcase daily, use steam rooms at the gyms (if you dont go to the gym then start), steam rag your face then scrub with face wash

shower 2x daily
go to a fucking dermatologist

throw away that vidya bc you are not going to get anything done with it around let alone get laid


See a dermatologist you idiot

Look for a topical cream with anhydrous benzoyl peroxide and/or clindamycin. Ask your doctor or chemist

Shower twice a day, only soaping once. Either shower with full cool-cold water, or turn it to cold one to two minutes before you shut the water off. This closes your pours when you get out of the shower, reducing acne issues. I had something similar on my back, you gotta take care of that before you'll get the confidence to truly try and get a gf. Or at least this is what I did. All the luck to you!

christ man... best acne cure is a clean diet and sunshine... go outside and get some exercise and quit eating packaged shit... wtf

first of all, after changing everything in your diet, you probs need to cut that fringe
all that extra hair grease wont help with the forehead acne
once that clears up you will gain +1 confidence points

You think having a gf is fun. Trust me after your friends are done making out they are more miserable than you. Women;s mission in life is to make you unhappy

virgin spotted


this guy probably has a stadium haircut like a jew in his 50's

worse than virgin. Im unhappily married

What works for me is:
Shower daily and lightly wash your face just enough to wash the oils off with no soap
>I just use a wet face cloth on my face.
About twice a week scrub your face down with coffee grains for a deeper clean.
>Don't add anything to it and scrub in circles.
See your doctor about Clindoxyl

I feel you user

Acutane. Pretty much 100% effective.

Your not gonna find a girl with acne like that OP. Seriously, just dedicate yourself to getting rid of it and confidence will do the rest.

i dont like to go outside. when i go outside, people just stare at me.

feels bad man. :(

When the pimples are yellow pop them, use Dove Men Care+ and apply tea tree oil in the areas with bad acne. Go to a dermatologist to get medical attention for it, they will most likely give you a pill called minocyclin, that shit will help you after 3 months it should be mostly gone. Good luck OP.

wtf go to a dermatologist right now
not joking thats horrible

Quit talking to people. Forget your friends. Forgot your family. No more faggot movies and hanging out. Spend all your time on Sup Forums. Develop hardcore racial prejudice, become a neonazi. The social purge will reset your personality, and the Nazism will start you right. You be proud of your race and feel happy looking down on others. With that pride and joy, you will feel it easier to enjoy life (in manic bursts), and during those times.. just be happy. Happiness and lack of stress is the best way to start looking good. When you're in your self hating (manic low) side of the newly developed bipolorism, take to firery hatred. Work out, lift massage weights as you're fueled by the adrenaline from the boiling hatred you have for the world. Eventually you will develop a dominant physical presence, whether it be on the more nasty side like Sam Hyde's physique or the cleaner /fit/ faggot boy. People will notice you but you won't see that; you will only see hell. Girls will want you and you will probably fuck them, but it won't go much more than that. That's okay though because at this point you won't want any of that stuff anyways.

tl;dr the blackpill is the best workout supplement

i dont have insurance.

By not staying inside posting here and playing Mario Galaxy, fucking duhhh!

And you're too fit for fat bitches? Reevaluate your standpoint in life.


take accutane. it got rid of my shit quick but had a lot of side effects like tiredness and joint pain. probably lots of scarring left behind tho

Try cutting out grains dairy and any processed food. Do it for 30days and see if that helps

>i just stay inside posting here and playing Mario Galaxy on my Wii. how do I find a girl with this acne problem
top kek, is it 2008 again?

I kid you not, doctor-fag here...
See a dermatologist. Get Accutane.
Scars suck, but down the road those can be dealt with. Get the acne gone now.
Scar 'minimization' with cosmetic laser treatments or low dose steroid injections... a good dermatologist or plastic surgeon can work wonders... you truly would not believe it.

>laughs in european

too fucking bad. I can tell you're underaged by this entitlement. You're not gonna get a hot chick until you lose the pizza face and since your probably like 16-18 that isn't gonna happen for awhile. Gonna have to lower your standards a bit chum

USA lookin thicc

get money and pay for sex

How old are you for real? If you're underagedb& then if you leave it alone you will be fine by the time your in your 20s. If you already are 20 then you have to make some MAJOR lifestyle changes in the way of diet, hygiene and exercise

god fucking damn. drink nothing but water from now on and see a fucking dermatologist. yeah youre gonna have to drop some money to stop being that ugly. I would know, Im fixing my fucked up teeth, but im not nearly as frightening as you

>top kek
OP has a skin infection,not acne
Dude seriously you have skin infection most likely bacteria

i am 20

u have cansur ur going 3 die

Virgin spotted

what about grabbing a boxcutter and cutting all that shit

This .

You need to get an Accutane (Isotretinoin) prescription. Don't even bother with the topical prescription bullshit. Go talk to your dermatologist.

Best decision I ever made. Used to have severe acne all across my face and upper chest. Accutane completely cleared it up within 11 weeks. Most people take a full course of pills over 5-6 months.

Your lips are going to be DRY as hell while you're on it, but it's so worth it. It's been two years since I've been off Accutane and I very rarely get a pimple now. Results are permanent for most people. Good luck.

You clearly have no clue how that level of Pustule Acne works do you, and if you assume that its about anything that you've just wrote then you're an imbecile trying to sound smart.

Beggers can't be choosers fuck tard

So it's probably not gonna go away unless you are proactive (no pun intended) about it.

Do everything in this thread rigorously like your life depended on it for months.

Wash your face a lot
Sleep on a fresh towel everynight
Drink ONLY water
Eat less greasy shit. AKA get off the standard American diet
Go gym more (honestly if getting girls is your plan you should be doing this anyways)
Try to get some prescription drugs

Attack a problem from all angles and something is bound to work

trips of truth
also I can confirm what user said

Don't eat anything containing carbs. Do intermittent fasting or just fast for a week. Practice Wim Hoff Method. You'll be good in a few weeks. Just don't eat shit food.

separate entire head from body
instant cure, works every time

>Falling for the vaginal jew.

Use antibacterial dish soap. Watch them dissappear.

Don't listen to this idiot.
Adolescent acne is designed to keep your lovely young fresh face out of the game for a couple years so you're not directly competing with older men who will demolish you with tricks you haven't learned yet.
Just own it, unless it's actually perma-scarring your skin just stay clean and get over it.

stop fapping and stop taking steroids

Go to a fucking dermatologist?

Nigga how the fuck did you get greyscale

>triple down on acne treatments. Carry some Stridex pads or some shit and use them in the bathroom at lunch if you can break away. Breakfast/before school or work, lunch, dinner/after work, etc...
>get and use some charcoal soap (usually used for heat rash)... Use ONLY charcoal soap, no scented shit.
>change your diet; more greens, more fresh meats, fewer Doritos and fried chicken and pepperoni hot pockets and pizzas, sodas and energy drinks @ 16oz/wk...

Just washing your face every day isn't gonna cut it, you gotta battle it from the inside too. Hence the dietary changes.