I have followed and supported Eminem's music and career for over half my life

I have followed and supported Eminem's music and career for over half my life.
I looked up to him more then anyone as a child.
And now he tells me "FUCK YOU!" because I have a different political standing?
How is that even remotely fair?
I am genuinely hurt and dissapointed...

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America = Politically sensitive little bitches

I have followed and supported Eminem's music and career for over half my life.
I looked up to him more then anyone as a child.
And now he tells me "FUCK YOU!" because I have a different political standing?
How is that even remotely fair?
I am genuinely hurt and dissapointed...

Em is being black mailed

You're a sensitive snowflake. Grow the fuck up Jimmy and quit your whiny bitch ass.

I have followed and supported Eminem's music and career for over half my life.
I looked up to him more then anyone as a child.
And now he tells me "FUCK YOU!" because I have a different political standing?
How is that even remotely fair?
I am genuinely hurt and dissapointed...

because your supporting a racist cunt and eminem has been raised around minorities all his life...are you really shocked to see what side he chose?

Fuck you though

He looks like a homo with facial hair lol

>political party
pick one

>artist losing fame
>does what the elites want him to for profits
>might bring some light back onto him
any rapper over 30 is worthless anyways tbqh familam

Rightfully so. Shit, today Trump just gave a speech at a hate group (yes, they have been classified as that for years). He has shown his true colors for a long time and most of his base either knows this and are racist trash or they are very, very stupid. I don't see much middle ground anymore. To still support him is absolutely insane and he is helping to destroy this country at an unbelievable rate. He's literal scum and anyone who still backs him is either too stupid to be allowed to vote or racist. Maybe both.

Honestly, so many people let their opinions be known on politics. Politics is the court of public opinion in many ways. Influences from the right and left play a role with major figures. celebrities use their fame to get messages out there. Eminem recognized Trump for the threat he is to America and said "here is my opinion." You may not like it, you may like it but he lets it be known. Just like how the owner of Papa John's let his ideas out there just like how Milo lets his out and Kid Rock let his out. It's a thing you do to spread influence. Cry more.

I'm more bothered than an ex Klan wizard was in government and has political clout on the right, we elected a president who went after a birth cert in a very racist bold move that was proven wrong and he never apologized, that we have a guy who starts shit with North Korea and that we let fucking Bannon whisper in his ear and how he tried to not really condemn fucking white supremacists. Things like that bother me MUCH more then Eminem leaving a political message whether I agree with it or not.

Shit, I'm a half black guy about to become a full fledged physician in a couple of years and patients don't trust me, give me dirty looks and I've been called racist shit where I live on the street and dealt with two real fucking horror stories related to my race. I care more about gutting the shit in this country, my personal success in medicine and the national debt more than celebrity opinions.

The man basically owes his career to a black dude, and you're surprised he's no fan of Trump and his good ole boy regime? Really?

There's your problem - you're a big fucking simple cunt.
Hope that helps.

Yeah, all those rappers under 30 are the people you should be looking up to, huh?

Fuck a duck, you're retarded. Not in the cool "he's okay for a spaz" way either, like full-on "don't leave him in the yard with animals" way.



OP here.
To be honest I don't know jack shit about Trump, or Hillary's politics, and don't really care for trump at all. I'm not even from America, and I can't stand politics. My view is simply that 95% of the people who shouted "fuck Trump!" from the very begining, did so because it was the popular thing to do, and not because they had made up their own mind about his politics.
I do agree that Trump isn't fit for politics.

What gets to me is that he would so easily, and childishly give the middle finger to fans who has looked up to him their whole lives, simply for leaning more towards him and his political party, then that which he supports.

Then again, thats just my two cents.

You Sup Forumsraos hear the lolsy rap a Sup Forumsack made to troll his bs?
Well worth the listen.


exactly lol
rasict fuck that love em
dont get that that em loves black ppl
he owes all his career to a black man... dre

the country is on the verge of a civil war
and you're upset about a musician having an opinion


>looking up to a shock jock rapper
>caring at all what a shock jock rapper says

>"here is my opinion." You may not like it, you may like it but he lets it be known.

>And fuck you if you don't agree with me


Only the most intelligent humans can distinguish the difference between the words then and than.
You my friend, have failed miserably.
Perhaps mister “em” can help with that

People do that all the time. It's not an uncommon thing for celebrities to do. Some take too far like Kathy Griffin but what Eminem did he had the free choice to do. Again, it may not be liked but it's common. Celebrities that do this for the right I look at and go "oh, okay" and go on about my day. That's it. If someone feels deeply offended by it then can cry me a river. Shit, if I agree or disagree I don't care much in either case. I never even knew them.

Yeah I posted in that epic bread. That dudes got mad skills.
Top Keks were had.

>on the verge of a civil war
Impossible. It's not the 1800's anymore.
Civil War was possible back then because the state governments were a LOT more sovereign and had local militias. Now the state governments are a sub-level of the Federal government and the state militias have been replaced by the National Guard. What happened in the 1860's was possible because there were large autonomous organizations that answered to the Federal Government only at the highest level. The closest we could possibly get to a civil war at this point is riots that will be very quickly put down by the Federal Government.

>not slim
>shady as fuck, in fairness

not exactly a wordsmith though, Donnie, is he? In that he sounds like he's received a recent head injury every time he has to string more than 5 words into a pseudo-sentence.

follow the money.
Em has never tried to look like a black guy.

Everything in this video is trying so hard to paint him as a black guy.
This isn't em.
This could be leverage, or money.


Eminem is speaking the truth. Say fuck trump however you want, but say it.

Just wait and see. If it doesn't start with a race war, then when the next president rolls in, and puts the gov back together after all Trump/Bannons dismantling and the right wing media call it liberalism, you're going to see it happen.

Sad. Pathetic. He sure doesn’t need fame, money. His 15 was up at least 12 years ago. “Hey member me. Eminem ya’ll. Just forget I’m in my late 40’s. Now check out dis anti-Trump rap yo.”

He should’ve just stayed quiet. Oh, with repubs he’s surely getting a lower tax rate along with the rest of the limo liberals. Hypocrite. I’ve always respected the dude for getting out of a shit childhood/young adulthood though.

America will burn. Bring barbeque sauce.

That's what you get for worshiping vapid degenerate celebrities. Maybe it's time to grow up a little.

So only 6 years?

As I was reading your post I thought to myself "this user is either a dumb faggot nigger or a dumb faggot sjw". I'm not a trump supporter, but just for the record, Obama was just as bad in his own right.

Have you listened to it? Dude's freestyle is pretty tight, but more importantly he's mostly right...


Yeah, it’s fine. But he’s fucking 46. Time to just produce, etc.


fuck adults?

I’m 48.

He's largely right though. Also, he's a hypocrite for getting a "lower tax rate." His tax rate is actually very high and he can't control his tax rate. It just is. To call him a hypocrite for that is telling me that you don't know when to use the word or don't understand the tax system or are mad and need some negative word to stick to him.

Guess you're a butthurt Trumptard. Also, he has been on some relevant tracks recently and is better than most of the young game. He is highly respected as a rapper by the new generation.

So many mindless faggots out there who follow the mainstream bullshit they see on TV and social media without even thinking about it, researching and forming their own opinion. Half of America is a bunch of brainwashed morons who just do what everyone else is doing because it's the popular thing to do and they want to fit in so they don't speak out in a opposing way.

He's not releasing it as a goddamned album. I like that he's still a pushy ass punk.

>Trump's tax "plan" is going to pass

sure bud

user also thinks that since he's almost 50, that makes him right about something.

if you think trump is a good idea you deserve to have your feelings hurt. He's just trying to wake you up and tell you to stop being an idiot.

*A dumb nigger faggot* Say no more. Classic Sup Forums response. Anyway, I hate SJWs, despise feminism and other justice movements generally speaking but some do have merit to a degree so I evaluate claim by claim.

I agree Obama had flaws at times but as a whole Trump is bad and lacks a moral compass. Obama at least has that. A mistake or disagreement on a decision is one thing. A fundamental and dangerous character flaw is another.

So IM SAYIN let the man do what the fuck he wants! There's no reason to be negative about it. Ryhmes were tight. Made solid points AND doesn't give a fuck what anybody thinks about it.
He made a choice to come out strong against a system that's crushing our people. I respect that.

Kek. I eminem made me woke! Fucking normie.

you can't live with mommie forever

there is a godadmn ad for something called "pussy saga" on my screen :P Aaaaamerica.

>Half of America is a bunch of brainwashed morons
motherfucker please
try 80%+

If you didn't vote for Clinton, you literally supported Trump.

Me? I'm 23. Not almost 50.

Though you'd be surprised how many 50 year olds need advice. After about 21 people stop growing as people and keep fucking up and are pretty stable state. Can't tell you how many 60 year old people I have to explain things to who don't get basic science or don't understand certain things when being counseled for meds or lifestyle changes or a lot of things.

But to the point, I'm very young still.

Ok playa. Don t be dissin yo.

>just as bad

Try again fuckface, we haven’t had such poor foreign relations since WW2 and nonsense legislation can’t even get passed with Republicans heading up a majority of governmental infrastructure.

“We want him to tear down everything that granted us our global hegemony, but we can’t lose that hegemony because WE’RE THE BEST!”

It’s a bit like cutting power to a PC and still expecting it to work because “it’s always been a working PC.”

Eminem has lost his groove... That video was absolute shit, especially compared to his early work... But then again, he wasn't rapping about faggots or women, so there goes like 80% of his material...

>high approval ratings
>left office with decent economy

yeah Obama was a shit-tier President

You don't know the difference between knowledge and experience.

you're loooooost
little giiiiirrrrl

Ya forgot the fuck bush songs? How youbg are you

meet the cancer

oh so you're a Boomer still living with mommy
that's even more pathetic faggot

Meet the asshole in denial about electing Trump

just real talk. This is not brilliant oratory, but, by the end, I saw genuine passion about something that I think is important. I don't want eminem to be my senator, he's a fucking moron...BUT the genuinely passionate message is so rare these days.

Cool blog, friend.
Also fuck you, I'm glad you got your feelings hurt for thinking a cartoon character would make a fitting president.

So you voted for Clinton, you're just mad that I post memes that aren't fresh enough for you?
Fair enough.

Yeah man up faggot

Says the grown man looking up to a vapid degenerate like eminim as some sort of serious political commentator. You sir are a good argument against democracy.

meet the G that kill thee

Probably because your political standing is fucking retarded. It baffles me that there are still people dumb enough to support Trump.

tryhards gonna bot

>It baffles me
short walk that

I know the difference very well but nice try. I think both are intertwined.

Knowledge is when you read a textbook. You get A's on the exams and you handle surgery well on a piece of pig skin. Experience is doing it for the first time, pulling a mental blank, freezing and having the attending get annoyed at your level of incompetence because you can't translate it perfectly. Knowledge is great to have and you can be effective in some ways on it. Experience can be translated on some level to wisdom which is what knowledge and intelligence aspire to be. If you are wise you don't need raw brainpower and will know what's important from your readings and analysis and what isn't in time. A lot of people learn that lesson very quickly on the rotation transfer if they didn't learn it earlier on in life it sticks fast.

Reading how to make a car teaches you the gist. Doing it gets you to know the subtle difficulties. Very few people can directly translate knowledge into experience on a first go.

>Just wait and see.
>you're going to see it happen
98% chance, amirite?

He told you fuck you becsuse youre such a shithole...

again, not an album. Of course it's not "I'm slim shady yes the real slim shady." Dude has grown up. This maybe not true freestyle, but still a professional grade rhythm. Dude is an artist with his own style.

You're just mad because someone who was supposed to turn out like Kid Rock is smarter than both of you.

literally meet the autism


Basically, you don't truly learn until you have experience on some level in many cases. Only learn part of the truth.


I guess eminim could seam smart to a retard. Pop culture makes you stupid kids.

Trump doesn't hate black people though.


>could seam smart
>seam ffs


pop culture is certainly a bit much for you

who is this "Eminim?"

repeated use of
our old pal the cancer

autism intensifies


>literally being this post nazi

I don’t think he hates anybody.

I also don’t think he gives a shit about anybody but himself.

The differences between hating and not giving a shit aren’t that defined when you’re talking about the President of the United States and the fringes of society.

Hate Puerto Rico? Let them roil in disaster.

Don’t care about Puerto Rico? See above.

Is it man?

Follow th3 money.


An look who made loadza moni from Vegas...hmmmm

I'm sure your parents regularly used the N word around the house.

Trumpfags are cancer
good thing you can't really vote