So with the Trumpster trolling UNESCO with an empty threat of leaving. I had an interesting thought pop up...

So with the Trumpster trolling UNESCO with an empty threat of leaving. I had an interesting thought pop up. This is a long shot hypothetical so give me a but of suspension of disbelief. Imagine if the US wanting to leave the international community was met by a global push to Isolate the US.

A new policy is created and enforced by both the US and the rest of the world to 100% isolate the US. All US foreign military bases would be recalled, all US nationals would be required to either renounce their citizenship or return to the US, all imports and exports would be halted, all immigration and international to or from the US would be banned, the internet to and from the US would be 100% cut off, US communications satellites would no longer bring information in to the country.

America would be 100% cut off from the rest of the world. Both from culture and news. Americans would be prohibited from leaving, everyone else would be prohibited from entering. If there was some big international news story, the US military intelligence may be aware of it but the people within the US would not. This ban would apply to all sectors of life, while you would be free to travel around the US you can't leave or communicate with the outside.

This cut off would start on January 1st 2018 and would be heavily enforced by both the United States and the UN member states.

What do you think life would be like here in the US several years into the future, or what do you think life would be like outside the US several years in the future. Lets say this policy was ended 25 years later in 2043.

What would life be like after the change? Would the US be more economically advanced than the rest of the world or would the US stagnate while the rest of the world goes through 25 years of economic progress?


A global push to isolate a country and its people that own approximately 60% of whole global wealth. And that amount is only INCREASING as people with wealth all over the world (Europe, Asia, Australia...) prefer to move their monies and businesses to United States as it is and will be the worlds number one economic powerhouse.

The reason United States is such a economic giant is because of very liberal/libertarian economic policies compared to the rest of the world. And unlike China, United States is politically stable. One bad president in US and next time people vote for other party but in China if CCP fucks up and constant economic growth stops, people are going to protest and there's no other to blame but CCP.

Remember China isn't even as old as Soviet Union was when it finally broke. It has 10 more years to go.


t: Northern-European

All the intellectual property dispersed throughout the world would cripple and die, stagnating cultures globally. Also, we'd continue to farm intellectuals and those from other countries would have fewer options for education. We'd prosper more than we have since establishment, things would go to shit everywhere else pretty fucking quick.

The farming of intellectuals into the country would be illegal. ALL Human migration and interaction is illegal. Corporations based in the United States would be 100% prohibited from doing any business throughout the world.

Read what I wrote, again, and then again.

i pour the milk before the cereal

I am not remarking on your assessment that the rest of the world would stagnate, I am simply stating that whatever intellectuals there are in the rest of the world would be prohibited from coming here.

For sake of the hypothetical situation 100% of all migration is ended.

so underrated

I would see China as being in a weird situation. Their biggest customer would completely stop buying anything from them, but they would also not have to deal with the US Navy should they want to pull some bullshit in the South China Sea.


The US own IP would also be treated as if it was open source as all patents owned by US companies would not be recognized. Chinese companies who make iPhones can keep making iPhones and sell them directly and Apple Computer, an American company, would not be able to sue anyone. Even if they broke apart their company as Apple US and Apple Global and ran it as two 100% divorced companies it would still create a bunch of issues.

The intellectuals would still have Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and various other wealthy countries they could move to and do their business.

what part of stagnate do you not understand? They'd have the iphone 8 for the next fourty years and even after reverse engineering the fucking thing, they don't have the resources of intellect to create more manufacturing processes or advanced models of anything.

Without the backing of the U.S. military to their businesses, everybody would likely pick China to move their businesses to. Endwar between China and India at that point.

They would not have to reverse engineer anything. They already have all of the plans. They would not have to figure anything out. And there are huge companies like Samsung who develop competing products to the iPhone.


China would invade Taiwan and very likely Vietnam, they would also Finlandize the rest of the Pacific and South East Asia, Japan would start a cold war with China. North Korea would chimp out on the south. Japan would take its role as the natural economic and military power of Asia and would probs chimp out on China and poor southeast Asian countries for resources. Australia would become a puppet state of Japan.


Cold war possibly massive holocaust between India and Pakistan. A silver lining to this would be that it would force India the centralize and actually pass reforms, the reason India is so fucked atm is because it's for all intents and purposes a confederacy of like 12 nations.

Middle East

Massive war between Sunni Arabs and Shite Persians, Kurds, Jews, Ibadis, Druze, Alowites, etc would get caught in the middle/exterminated, it would probably be the worst humanitarian disaster in the history of the world.


European Union either becomes Germany economically enslaving Europe or Germany and France economically enslaving Europe together, things work out pretty well.

Central/South America

Socialists and Communists chimp out and are put into a pseudo colonial state by China. Although in the later years Brazil would become a major world power and if corruption is rooted out and they have competent governance it could become a superpower.




Countless genocides take place, most states collapse, it suffers an ultra massive overpopulation crisis and it becomes home to the worst living conditions suffered by any group of people ever.


It would make sad attempts at expanding with varying degrees of success but is restricted by ultra corrupt governance and inhabiting some of the naturally poorest land on earth.

Private property rights are super iffy in China. Its a haven for cheap manufacturing but not for securing investment.

That's fucking retarded.

>America is global police guys
>If we arent here, its basically Fallout

Get off your delusions. Sure states would be tense and rogue states such as NK would start shit, but if you think China would rather nuke Asia rather than selling shit to get profits, you are blind.

Economic wise, wars are fucking stupid. Sure Russia will claim more shit in EU, but NATO is still a juggernaut without US.

the wealth would actually not matter as wealth is measured against your economy's performance against the global economy.

>The reason United States is such a economic giant is because of very liberal/libertarian economic policies compared to the rest of the world. And unlike China, United States is politically stable. One bad president in US and next time people vote for other party but in China if CCP fucks up and constant economic growth stops, people are going to protest and there's no other to blame but CCP.

wanna know how I can tell that you have no clue about politics and economics?

Russia is also at a HUGE tactical disadvantage when it comes to invading other places. All of their warm water ports are policed by NATO countries.

And this is simply whats wrong in and with some people. They forget about that rest of the world. Lets don't care about China, whats about, lets say the best global player before USA started to try to be globally dominant? What us about ressources which dont exist in the US? How will you deal with the fact most of the products you're so proud of are not produced in the US? The rest of the world is pretty well prepared and there are some countries who could take on. Hollywood? Who cares! Google? Pretty damn good working other services. Iphone? Do you recall who got that market covered before? They're still there. A bunch asian countries is already better in creating than copying. Not to mention Europe. Hollywood? Yes, I am really gonna miss the fifth reboot of a mediocre idea. Yes, USA is currently dominating, but there are plenty of countries, providing far better diversity in culture as at the moment. And speaking of money: yes there are many rich people in the USA, but rich seldim suffer, it is always the others and for sure and as much you dream of it, look how few people switch from poor to rich, how many get poorer, and loose everything. And now think a second time what will happen.


as a canadian I find this funny and would love if this was to happen, but we all know that china owns canada at this very moment. The only thing that stops them from exerting force on our politics is the US.

China is completely dependent on United States and Europe because China's economy is nearly 90% manufacturing based. Example good comparison would be neighboring country Japan which economy is only 30% manufacturing based. Same with USA and Europe.

China believe it or not is a paper tiger. The communist political system in a long run is a completely catastrophic. The problem with it is (compared to democratic political system) the inflexible politics. If constant economic development stagnates people are going to hold someone responsible. In democratic societies this happens by people voting different party/politicians next time but in communist system only one to blame is the communist party. This is why communist parties are so addicted to controlling the public discourse by blocking and censoring everything.

We have already got a preview of this two times before. One was Tianmen square protests which were a result of CCP's inflexible and ancient social policies and the second one was when in 2014 Chinese economy started to slow down and yuan dropped more than ever before and people protested again (even tho CCP was quite fast to censor this from rest of the world).

Funny as it may sound, the economies of other developed countries dictate the Chinese economy and at the same time the political stability of China.

We are now seeing Chinese factory workers losing their jobs as German car manufacturers can make cheaper cars in Germany using AI robotics and renewable energy. Same with all the electronics. The full automation of factories is going to hit hardest where the economies are manufacturing based.

And I think that CCP can't handle the political instability that a major economic slowdown could bring to China as people would demand change but there's no other (peaceful) options like in democratic societies.

t: same Northern-European as before

Wars are only a stupid choice economically if you're not part of the MIC and get nice blank check grants like Lockheed or supply the government with the provisions/ammo/medicine/guidance systems/high tech shit they need to kill the brown people.

If you're stuck trying to hold it together or fix it, yeah it's fucked.

Without the US's business interests, ultra massive military, and humanitarian mission many regions of the world would without a doubt fucking implode. With the exception of the past 70 years of American hegemony the world was constantly at war, and not shitty meme wars where 50k people die in the middle of Africa before a peace deal is reached. The Interregnum is about to end, removing the US would skyrocket that process.