It's 2017

>it's 2017
>numerous studies have proven that human beings can live perfectly without eating any animal products
>there's still people that eats animals
>veganism is the future

user,how do you explain yourself for being such a fucking meat-lover faggot piece of shit? Go vegan today for a better life-going and a better life for animals.

>tl:tr vegans are better peple

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it tastes good and I'm not a hipster loser or a woman.

>bad bait is bad, enjoy the sausage

So much shit bait. Although factory farming is a bit fucked

Sorry fool, but yah can't stop people from eating chikin nuggies

Enjoy your tendies and cancer you fat slobs

im already vegan and the pros are starting to outnumber the cons pretty viciously now

>implying vegans dont have sausages

field roast has won awards for its products

Because meat tastes so fucking good
meat > cow food

>it's 2017
>vegans still haven't invented a food that is as cheap and delicious as a hamburger patty

and here i am with my vegan bbq ribs
wondering why you think vegans eat cow food

might I mention that some cows are fed recalled skittles?

Hmm but how do I feel energetic? Meat makes me go hyper. I dont wanna feel tired all the time.

i don't have to run my laptop in high performance mode but i do

Strict vegetarians that invented and use "Vegan" as if it was always a real word, should be eaten.
1. Provide us with tasty strictly vegetarian fed meat.
2. Every Vegan eaten is one less annoying Vegan making noise.

Where's my rainbow milksteak wtf

>being mad cuz vegans are doing the right things

Enjoy your cancer at the age of 50 cuz "muh stikk itz delicious",faggot

I like vegan food if it comes with bacon on the side and on top.

An animal tastes better if its life is as horrible as it gets

I don't give a shit what you eat. I'm sick of hearing about it. For being yet another "I'm better than you because this makes me special" twit preaching as if it's some religion, you need to be processed into and become the very food you refuse as the ironic fate of poetic justice. I feel the same way about rapist. Rape them to death. See what I did there. You are not special, moral, better, or.. well, anything but a pest.

The number of vegans that smoke astounds me. I would much rather enjoy my local organic meats than smoke and actually get cancer

>being vegan

Vegan will make you live longer and much more pleasantly, its like being high but still clear. Meat is dead food, meat your grave.

veganism is an inefficient use of resources. land that can sustain livestock but cant sustain vegetables is wasted

but you posted no sources

#1 burger in Gold Coast Australia is vegan, competing against animal product burgers

we've already done it, and in this area, it's already at the top

If i were to eat meat again, i would eat human flesh, its the most complete protein source. Animal proteins cause inflammation responses in the body, and takes up far more energy to process than plant protein. So vegans will have more energy, eat less and live more

Because I love the feeling of thick juicy meat down my gaping throat
I'm sure someone like you would understand, OP

>veganism is an inefficient use of resources

wow... thats an astounding lack of awareness.

Fake products. It's not sausage if it's not pork.


I'm not pro veganism but thats bullshit

if the food given to livestock is no longer given to them and is diverted to people, and the land the livestock were using was allowed to go fallow then there would be more food for people. livestock are ineffecient.

It's not about max efficiency anyway, we already produce more than enough food to sustain the whole planet, its about distribution of that food and rampant poverty, something being high and mighty about being vegan wont fix

try being less retarded with your statements

You forgot that 1/3 of all the food producted by food chains/food companies,gets wasted

That is part of the distribution issue. wasted stock from supermarkets going to landfill instead of homeless shelters, odd shaped fruit and veg being discarded instead of used for animal feed or product manufacture.

refer to Without animal agriculture draining our resources we could easily feed the world, it's actually the number 1 solution to world hunger.

Jesus, you insipid little holier-than-thou cunts are irritating.

Evolution called, you're an opportunistic omnivore, now shut the fuck up.

cognitive dissonance hurts doesn't it, buddy?

a 1st grader can tell you that if you get sick from eating something, its not something you should eat

guess what? LDL Cholesterol is exclusive to animal products, and it makes us SICK.

Moderation of something risky is never worth it.

We can play russian roulette in moderation, we can smoke cigarettes in moderation, we can skydive in moderation, do we have to? not at all. nor do we have to eat animal products.

He meant that it needs to be meat.

Sausages are typically porn though.



The number 1 solution to world hunger has nothing to do with food production and everything to do with economics

It's not like shithole countries with terrible land and crappy infrastructure struggle to feed their people, its just full nigger countries with literally 0 money.

since when is it in human nature to only take the minimum? you take what you can. exploit your enviroment.

pasta isnt vegan

purpose of cow -> food, therefore cow is tasty
purpose of dog -> companionship and farming, therefore dog not tasty

You also imply meat eaters have an issue with killing animals. Try telling that to hunters, farmers and people with their own livestock.

>buying several hundred dollars dog just to eat it when meat is so cheap at the grocey store
Makes as much sense as being vegan.






I'm pretty sure you know how this makes sense, don't try to weasel around this one. Distribution of less food isn't a solution to world hunger in the long run, we're going to have more people, and thus, need more food.

meat tastes good
why the hell do people tirn ecchi images into pasta?

Why do you keep posting this same old stupid copypasta?

It's way beyond tired, now.

heres 1 just for you

the demand for dog meat isnt high but thats the pragmatic rebuttal, this is an ethical comic you retard

>implying a mere human is god itself and have rights to decide on other living creature lives just to satisfy it's own gluttony

Literally fucking neck yourself you fat slob piece of asscrack faggot

dont snap at him you'll hurt his feelings, you know how meat eaters are with the estrogen in their meat! he assigns purpose to creatures okay, hes entitled to have arbitrary standards for what the purpose of a creature is.

What's wrong with eating dogs exactly?

you don't need to be god to be superior.

Clearly, you have no friends IRL.

There's an ethical failure that you're not comprehending, here's a question

Do you find anything wrong with killing humans? if not, then you might be a moral nihilist, and in that case, you're consistent to not see any moral problems with killing anything or anyone. Just saying, I wouldn't let you in my society because you would lack components that make you anything deserving of trust


there we go again with the carnivores acting as if meat is like sex

that was a swing and a miss buddy,
try projecting to someone else? or maybe try to defend your stupid shit you've posted?

>Rib bones with meat on them (what we mean when we use the colloquial term "ribs", you lying sack of shit)
One of these things is a lie.

it isn't but the satisfaction of triggering you is.


>meat your grave
I'm dying
fuck I might go vegan just so I can say this shit

I was making a joke about his misspelling of pork buddy

If there's nothing else to eat, no I don't have a problem with it.

wolves are better hunters than wild boar

Therefore dogs are better as working animals.

Wolves and dogs also have similar social structures of pack mentality as humans, we have co-evolved with them and they have altered us genetically as we have them

I came to crush misconceptions and ignorance, not play semantics games, this is nonsense.

Your reaction clearly indicates that I've scored a direct hit on a particularly sensitive area of your life. I'm pretty sure you're a kissless virgin as well.

>Perhaps you should wear shirts that say, "I just wanted to say I'm a virgin", instead.

yeah pretty much, in lieu of a real god we are gods.

If you think that if humans had co evolved with more intelligent beings that we would be anything apart from subservient then you're simply a fool.

boy, you're in the wrong place if you're looking to impose your opinions on anyone. go to tumblr.

Then you came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

Rational vegans do agree that in a survival situation, sometimes you have to do fucked up shit to live. Going to the store to buy food is not a survival situation, you have the privilege of choosing what food to eat and purchase.

>tries to have meaningful discussion on Sup Forums

why do you hate yourself so?

vegan lifestyle is more expensive if you're not about to limit yourself to only the most basic of food.

Which is why I eat meat AND vegetables. Because I can and because both are delicious.

You are right OP. I was going hunting this weekend for some delicious deer meat, instead i'm just going to kill for sport. Hopefully I can bag out in a few days and waste all the meats. I normally only take one or two a year, but im going hog wild and taking all six this year as a vegan. A murder sport loving vegan. Get on my level, top of the food chain and eating ethnically.

wrong, it's more expensive for the lazy and dumb, someone who knows how to cook does just fine

if you have a brain and know how to spend money, you can cook and eat whatever you want

Just think....a cucumber has reseeded its offspring and has dreams of watching them grow old and ......whooooooosh
A vegan comes stomping out of nowhere and swallows it whole.
Doesn't sound very cute does it? You murderous bastards


plants are not sentient, attempting to argue this dumb shit is why im vegan now


I'm a meateater but would have vegan/vege days during uni just because it was cheaper and I can cook.

veg, lentils, herbs and spices (high initial investment but lasts forever) and using google to learn to cook is super cheap.

People on both vegan / omni sides here are really really bad at cooking and fixing that is more important to being healthy than just eschewing meat imo

>vegans are better people
>vegans think they’re superior

I prefer to live anemia free op, oh and my meat comes from local Hutterite farm, no hormones/antibiotics/crap feed.

Tofurky italian sausage is good shit, I put it on a roll with some musty

this meme worked in 2k2 maybe. Now you're just making a full retarded clown of yourself

This is a meat-flavored salad on a bun.

I mean, why

The disconnect here is that you're talking about the difference between what meat tastes like and what vegans think it does.

Sooooo plants can't feel the sun?

How comes i am italian,living in italy and never seen that vegan product on my country wtf

in the case of veganism, if your not a vegan, your either a lier or a hypocrit, I eat meat but but I don't lie to myself and think its okay, so to all the people arguing against veganism, either accept that your a hypocrit in this field, or know that your only lying to yourself to feel better

Sorry that was meant for this clown

Ill switch from animal meat to lab grown meat when it's mass produced and affordable, for now fuck the alternatives, meat is too yummy

your refusal to eat meat based on something as trivial as "animal suffering is a moot point because even beyond your eating habits, your entire existence negatively influences animal life.

also, I would probably kill myself if i were reverted to a sniveling weak willed vegan cunt for any reason. you niggers are insufferable

So, no content, only memes?
My grandma lived 101 years eating meat all the while. I wonder why she didn't die of cancer at 50...

>vegans get anemia
kek, show the study while I eat my lentils high in iron

>local farm blablabla
still has LDL cholesterol, which helps diabetes, alzheimer's, and heart disease

I'm using less resources (water and agricultural), killing less animals (only accidental/unintentional deaths now)

and im feeding my family food that won't have them on pills later in their life.

organic these nuts you fag boy

I eat local organic free range meat from a local butchers and support the small community producers and shop owners.

vegans support mexican veg pickers and prius dealerships

if the only meat you eat is hunted yourself then I can't see how that's a problem, the animal was most likely going to get killed anyway, as long as your not buying meat I can see this as being one of the only ethical ways to eat meat

Meat obviously isn’t better than sex, its the next best thing. Some guys drown their sorrows in alcohol, I do it with 20oz ribeyes.

>more nutrition yield per man-hour dedicated to commercialization/farming
>the practices of local predators (humans) in each animals (each specific animal in question, or on average across the populous as defined by humans) current environment
>taste to the average human

>last ridiculous question
It depends on where you live and the social convention of that area.

This comic was written poorly and by an emotional faggot

>So, no content, only memes?
My grandma lived 101 years eating meat all the while. I wonder why she didn't die of cancer at 50...

thats the same argument that cigarette smokers make

you can play russian roulette and NOT actually die, don't be naive.

Right I get it.....plant cells are more complex than animal and human cells but have less awareness.....amirite?

>animal holocaust
>top 5 HUMAN killers are fed if not caused by animal product consumption (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
>unsustainable in the long run
>greenhouse gases from cows (see methane)

All of the meat you buy in stores is going to be killed whether you buy it or not, you’re one of those “I’ll boycott this meat store and think it’s gonna make a difference” types aren’t you? Sorry to burst your hipster bubble but you’re not that important (or influential)

>thinks dietary cholesterol = blood cholesterol


You're the sort of tard that complains about "chemicals" in their food and thinks mercury in vaccines is poisoning kids

Riddle me this fgts
Would a vegan eat a plant that eats meat?

This is so obviously bait, there is no scientific evidence to prove your statement. In fact vegans have to eat extra nutritions to make up for the lack of animals in their diet.

no vegan has outlived a meat eater.

I have no fucking clue as to why but vegan usually die rather early.

Plants breath, eat, drink and excrete
But let me guess not sentient.....amirite?