Why are cops trained to shoot for the chest and not the head?

Why are cops trained to shoot for the chest and not the head?

Center of mass. Easier hit. Miss target and greater chance to hit someone or something else you shouldn't.

It's a bigger target? And there's a bigger chance you'll survive if you're shot in the chest?

And cops don't wanna kill people?

Chances victim survives. Was told to shoot arms, chest, legs by a cop. He said you don't want to shoot to kill buy to disable.

Center of mass. But don't worry, in your case they could shoot just about anywhere and not miss.

This. It's better suspect survives

pick one

>cops don't wanna kill people

theres a shitton of paperwork just to discharge a firearm, more if you shoot someone, and an assbreaking amount if you kill someone....worse if they are black bc media. also court.



>paperwork amount depends on race
sure kid

um, you have to ask?

umm it does retard.... kill a normal white person, no problem.... kill an ape... neck deep in fuckin paperwork... ask any cop you like

Of course they don't, too much paperwork.

Not just cops, soldiers as well. Even snipers mostly aim for the chest.

Don't believe the nonsense about survivability. The second you discharge your firearm you commited to potentially killing someone. Even if you "only" hit a limb. Something European cops tend to understand better than American cops.

>ask any cop
you really don't have a clue and you can't prove otherwise kiddo

In Europe you get shot in the leg, but you cant expect American cops to have any kind of decent aim so you just aim for the largest target.

He does have a point tho.

Most cops receive barely any gun training and their shooting skills are absolute garbage. Your average redneck shoots better after chugging a six pack then your average cop does on his best day.

if you choke them out, do you still have to do the paperwork?


fucking this. I go to OVO in lancaster frequently and the cops that shoot there are terrible. their groups at 10 yards are as bad as mine at 30

Depends if they die or not and if anyone can prove you did it.
If answer is no to both, paperwork is very minimal to nonexistent.

False. Getting shot in the leg is still very fatal you retard. The problem is not with aiming, when a cop shoots his gun its supposed to be his last option to save his life or that of another person. The cops in the us are just trigger happy and racist.

so you wouldn't have a preference over being shot in the chest vs shot in the leg? there is a retard here, and it is you

You should probably take a knee in disrespect then.

Are you actually that spastic you can't work it out for yourself

>shot in the leg
Are you a child? What you think leg shots are only -20hp so a cop will aim there to be able to arrest them.
If a cops draws a firearms shits hit the fan.

my theory is that cops are so trigger-happy because they're not confident in their ability to deal with a situation in a non-lethal manner (TLDR, they're chickenshit).


You should probably become a cop then big man!

lol why would I do that? I have a great job already and don't need a gun to feel like a badass.

One the cunts done to my dad and his bro was got a phone book placed it over his back then beat it with hammers. Internal bruising ya see, no evidence of human/physical external trauma.
This is the RUC (who were not really a police force, but a constabulary) in north Ireland before anyone thinks I'm a nigger

Being shot in the leg is going to disable a person with lower risk to their life than shooting them in the chest. Especially when it's some nutjob wielding a knife coming at you, shooting them in the leg is more than enough, ofcourse in the US you shoot him in the chest 20 times and then you handcuff him.

So you judge cops but aren't willing to become one?

they cant see the niggers at night thats why

Getting shot in the inner thigh is, IF you’re femoral artery gets nicked, given that your police officer has no training on emergency life saving procedures.

And vice versa, you could just beat the person with the phone books because they don't leave visible bruises.

people with firearms training practice shooting for the pelvis, not the legs.

In the army we are told to shoot center mass. Bigger target, mostly fatal due to vital organs being situated in that area of the body (heart,lungs,abdomen). Shooting center mass equals more damage with less likely of a chance for your target to be able to return fire. The point of assuming center mass is to kill and not miss your shots

Depending on where they hit you in the chest, it could miss a lot of vitals.
There is only a single vital area in the leg - femoral artery - but if you hit it, you bleed out in about 8 minutes, and the likelihood of hitting it is really good in the average body type and weight person’s leg since it is a very large artery in the legs.
With the chest, only a heart hit or main vein or arterial channels like thoracic aorta is immediately fatal - you can survive puncture lungs and like.
It sucks but doable. Lot more room to leave a person alive but wounded in the chest compared to the leg.

yeah, generally manlets or small penor morons

just answer the question numbnuts


Going to vary on where and what around the world.

Hats a devastating fucking shot. They can’t walk, there is a fuckton of nerves there so it is painful as fuck, and if you hit any of the iliac arteries or veins - they’re a goner.

Way to die on the first level

NIreland? You are a NI igger

The object isn't to kill. It's to neutralize the threat. No matter where you get shot you're probably going down. So you aim for the torso because it's the biggest target.


There wouldn't be more paperwork but you can't deny that there would be a lot more headache if the suspect was black.

Neither since I’ve been shot before. Twice was enough for me for this lifetime.
But if I had to, chest.
Because if I am in a situation where I believe there is a likelihood of me being shot again, I’ve got level III body armor with some coated ceramic rifle plate inserts (chest and back) that I will be wearing.
I’ll take the bruising and shit over the bullet hole any day.

It constitutes deadly force so yes. If you pull your baton and accidentally hit the suspect in the head and they die that constitutes deadly force. When the suspect dies your intention doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you used deadly force
