Jews are actually white

Jews are actually white.

that is all

Other urls found in this thread:

hold up james franco is jewish?

If jews are white, why do they want to destroy the white race?
"The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace and plenty, Pax Judaica, and our Race will Rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain Mastery over a world of Dark peoples."
-Rabbi Rabinovich

jews are mongrels & so mixed you cant attribute anything to their genetics..its all a scam with them mullattos

>Rabbi Rabinovich
That guy didn't exist though:

White isn't a race you faggot.

When did desert people become Caucasian? Like saying gypsy whores are white.

Yes it is.

Almost all actors are Jewish.

They only hire their own kind

look deep into their eyes.
theres nothing white about them.

Really? Last time I check humans have a 0.1 genetic diversity. Every human being on this planet is 99% genetically the same. The only difference between white and blacks is melanin in the skin. There's no fucking race difference between them. You're a cuck, racists are scared faggots, and you all need to choke on a dick cause I'm sick of this stupid fucking edgelord argument

>They only hire their own kind
Very true

jews are not even a race
they are microorganisms

Trusting the jew-run wikipedia, I see.

A 2% difference is the difference between a chimpanzee and a man. 0.1% isn't a big difference conceptually, but given that a 2% difference is MASSIVE, 0.1% becomes significant.

Jews are not white
South Americans/Mexicans/Spaniards are not white
Pajeets are not white
Finnish people are not white
mixed mutts are not white

No, Race is not just skin deep. It determines nearly everything about you. Compare American blacks to America Jews. Are they equal? No, the average IQ of a America Jew is 105, and the average IQ of an American black is 85... American Jew are over represented in the upper echelon of America society.

No they are just a lighter shade of nigger

No he's gay

No they aren't.
They are a Semitic people closely related to Arabs. The "white" ones are European converts that have the Jewish gene flowing through them.
Fun fact: The original Jews are what we call Palestinians who converted during the Islamic conquest era.

is this jewchan?

everyone is einstein and leonardo da vinci, tesla

Plenty of Jews are white. Not all though. Such a non statement this.

Dude, that is due to social constructs, not 'race'. GTFO racists.


>Not real Jews

Ignorance is bliss.

Owl. Fucking dumbass

Jews the White Muslim

Republifags are just as stupid as niggers
