S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.













>Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.
come now lad...











well I guess this is an s/fur bondage thread now









Like this


The roaring thunder of a practicing F-16 flying within 1000ft of my house is the only thing worth being woken up by, and I knew what it was immediately. I can't fucking wait to go to the air show tomorrow.









Got any Wolf girl dominating Bunny girl?
It's kinda specific but I need those!


Airplane are kinda cool.

Yes, they are. One of the fastest things on the planet (or off I suppose), and that's why I love them.










Thanks m8.
Futa's good too.







thread needs more mares


Heya, Mous. How's it going?




Doing well. Been busy as hell with work as of recent.

I could tell. Glad to hear you're doing well.




I lurk here from time to time. I hope you've been doing well too.

I've been up and down. Sure as fuck up today though, damn I love hearing fighter jets fly over my house. Only thing worth being woken up by.



you don't want to wake up via cuddles? That shit's the best.

Well I can't say I ever have, so I wouldn't know. But anything really fast gets my adrenaline pumping.



Unless the eventual cuddler is crazy, you probably won't have an adrenaline rush during cuddles.




That's fine. Cuddling seems nice too.



It's a lovely thing. If I could grant you anything via magic or some shit, I'd give you a floof to cuddle. Or just make them real, so everyone could cuddle a floof.


That would be great. Floof and fast, that's all I need.






