These two fucked. How do you feel about that?

These two fucked. How do you feel about that?

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lucky girl

Is that...

Just fine.

I find her severely unattractive

I don't think he fucked her

shes like 26 now, beggers cant be choosers


so the rich guy pulled some A list trim
how do I feel?
I feel like I wish I was rich and pulling my own A list trim

her pussy looks like it smells strongly of old tuna


says the basement stairs troll who wouldn't know pussy if it landed in his lap

I feel sorry for him

literal prostitute

i slept with jennifer garnier so i know exactly what her pussy smells like. also white night faggot

hey Ben

Honestly, the only people who I get mad about out of these stories are the parents that put their young kids alone in the hotel rooms with these rich fat fucks.

They know what is going to happen, and they just pimp their kids. I don't have much of a moral code, but that is beyond fucked

sorry my bad

>>says the White night faggot troll who wouldn't know pussy if it landed in his lap


it's cool, faggot, i've sucked more dicks than you can fantasize about


They used each other. She is famous. That's Hollywood for you.

People that get bothered by other people having different opinions than them are a special kind of pathetic

indeed, that guy's a titan

absolutely furious! how dare she!

Nah she probably just stroked his little Jew dink a couple times.

I'm very very attracted to her hooded eyes. Fucking cutie.

For how much money she's made, I'd fuck him too.

>>Work for Find out Summer is OVER. Anons sent this video to Matt Drudge and he sent it to his inside circle for Trump lulz they monitor us like a lizard. The FEELS

Being overweight and pushing 40, it makes me feel hopeful.

I feel like this wont ever end. I hope the media journo's catch writing aids and all die, and the producers making bad movies. Harvey is neither of those, he gets a pass.

Why? He's rich and powerful.

nigga I don't care

Nothing matters
No one belongs anywhere
Nobody exists on purpose
We're all going to fucking DIE


This. They both got what they wanted. It was a business deal.

Jesus can be there when you feel this level of sad. He's real. They can never make Jesus a girl.

Rape meanz no. I am a grown gender man and I stand with Heather ( at the buffet )

They told me you were coming

Fat Heather?

If you have money you can fuck anyone you like. All people are whores. Even your mom and the virgin marry.

Yes. Jumble flesh. You mad

I have a song to sing


dubz festival of lights


What makes you think that?