Sup Forums 2000s

Sup Forums 2000s
>it makes people mad
Sup Forums 2010s
>people make it mad

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Sup Forums became what it hated.


ur a faget

dont talk user like that. u gay

fucking newfags

Sdfu newfag



article a.1

One thing that gave Sup Forums life back then was EXPLOITABLES. Easy lulz competitions from which classics like Advice Dog arose, link related Sup Forums can revive it's creativity it just needs more focus on easy-contribution modes like these... Then you get the occasional genius / spaz user who will do a full story / trick etc featuring AFORETHOUGHT and GOING IRL and BRINGING SOMETHING BACK (like the Sup Forums space program)

in fact the way to Sup Forums is: be aware of it only. DO NOT GET ADDICTED IT'LL KILL YOUR BRAIN AND YOU'LL START MISSING THE JOKE AND TURNING INTO A PIECE OF SHIT (pic related) do your thing creatively IRL, sooner or later a Sup Forums-friendly idea will arise. make a note of it, put it aside. action it later once your IRL work is done. Make a little effort, serve to user. Life gets better for all. Because of 4chans aggressive crowd convo default (which, again, was funnier when CONTRIBUTING with LOVE was more the NORM) the fact it is actually a place to GIVE and CONTRIBUTE gets lost on many n00b users. It's spirit survives but only just. I mean, in threads about that cat-torturing piece of shit you have about half Sup Forums fury at her and half gorefags thinking it's funny. FFS Sup Forums... Not true Sup Forumstards = gore, porn pushers, etc. Also, CALL OUT THIS SHIT. LIEK PEDO TAILS COMICS YEH?! wtf is THAT SHIT?! Sup Forums SHOUTS DOWN THIS SHIT! Sup Forums JOKES ABOUT PEDOS BUT DOESN'T ACTUALLY TOLERATE THEM OK??!!

HEED MY ADVICE 4TW OK Sup Forums???!?!?!?11?! 4TW Sup Forums, 4TW

even more newfags


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What a fucking newfag.... Newfag.

stfu newfag

newfags out

yes, this

I'll take shit that'll never happen for 500 alex

why does this website suck?

That sounds like something exactly a newfag would say... Fuck off newfag

why does this website suck?

your existence sucks

it went mainstream and became extremely watered down

bring back Snacks!