So I just asked a girl out and she rejected me. Jesus fucking christ i dont want to live...

So I just asked a girl out and she rejected me. Jesus fucking christ i dont want to live. What the fuck is it that makes life this fucking hard? No one really tells you, but when you get rejected its like having your skin peeled off of you. I cannot and will not ever understand how happy relationships work. Im just never going to be in one, if trying to initiate something feels like getting hit by a truck. For fucks sakes, fuck everything in this life. Everything is such a fucking waste of time, when all the things that matter are forever out of your reach. Fuck life, and fuck everything in its general direction. And i still even like her, FUCK. Inb4 kill urself lozer

Literally high school tier man.
Kys fag. Youre making a big deal out of nothing.

If you are being serious, then just get over it. In a year or two, no matter what happens you'll be over it. No reason to go around wishing you were dead because of one girl.

There's literally billions of other vaginas in the world.

yeah, it fucking sucks
but the trick to being successful
is to get rejected a lot
so get used to this
make it water
and go ask the next girl

Chill bro there's no need to be upsetti

dont you have to be 18 to post here?

Its not like you can ask out any girl and expect her to say 'yes' but never to say 'no', different people have different standards, there could be a 8/10 that would date a 5/10 no problem and then there's girls that are 6/10 that would only date a 8/10. Girls are fucking weird in the way they think, one girl was leading me on for awhile now and I figure I better ask her out before someone else does, played my cards right and still got rejected, but thats just life, you win some you lose some, the trick is to not give up after one girl and keep looking, eventually you'll come across a girl that will be happy to go on a date with you.

My bro learn from the experience, improve yourself and most importantly forgive yiurself

find another grill you whiny faggot. there are literally billions of them.

Nobody tells you this because it isn’t a normal reaction. You have emotional dependencies you’re projecting and that’s probably why you’re getting rejected. Women can smell a clingy and needy man and they will 180 that shit so fast you won’t even see it coming.

Young kids get pissed when they cannot get everything they want. But it is an important lesson, you won't always get what you want. Instead you own up to it and keep going. Focus on something you can obtain. Work on improving yourself, let your successes attract people to you. Hurt fades with time and life will likely get better when you're working to improve your self.

Get used to it faggot. At least you made a a move which is more than most men do these days. try and try again until a chick goes with it, simple as that. dating is a numbers game anyway

Turn gay. Gay guys are always down for fucking and fagging out in a two bedroom where you cook for each other every other Friday plus they're into more stuff. Women are prudes learn to enjoy the dick and soon you'll be walking around with a vibrator up your ass and piercings in your nipples and wearing panties under your shorts.

saving this post for cringe threads. jesus OP come back when you're 18

It's the process of growing. To be a man means your inner being is independent of circumstances. It ultimately does not matter if she rejects you or dates you. Who you are as a man does not need external validation. If you want the quiet strength that comes from being a confident man then know who you are and don't worry about what others (especially women) think of you.

Thank you for this


AAAAAAAAnd life goes on... Talk to another bitch, ask her to show you titties, profit?

Life's complicated when you're 14. Kill urself lozer


Everything sucks forever and then you die alone.

so you got rejected by one girl and that's why life is so hard? aww that's cute

Ok i know this isnt adv, but OP needs this brief thought:
You dont have to ask women out. Srsly. Gym. Career/school. Hobbies. Success. It sounds stupid, but its true. If you look like youre having a great time, are the most fun in a group, and like you dont need a girl, girls will randomly hump your leg.
I know its bullshit but anons will verify. Desperation smells like wet farts to girls. Fix yourself and you will never have to ask again.

The feelings that make you feel that way are evolution kicking in. Change the things about yourself that the tribe rejects. That way you'll improve and pass on your genes. Literally genetics.

Read the meditations of Marcus aurelius. It will change your outlook on life and make you a better man. If you are lazy at least read famous quotes of his.

When they told Tidus to "stay away from the summoner!" he said fuck that and went on a pilgrimage with her instead.

Just sayin
