How'd I do?

How'd I do?

"a great gal"
I can smell the fedora

Nope should have told her to fuck off then proceeded to fuck her best friend fuck her feelings

You fucked up man, friendzoned. Better get used to it

“Studies and the like” god no wonder she doesn’t like you stop talking like a gentlemen girls smell through that shit

You tipped your fedora, now fuck all her friends and make her eat her words.

Ah, well. She had been grooving on it until she "admitted" she wasn't attracted to me. She said she "couldn't lie to herself" and that i "had potential." It doesn't really bother me, I've got a lot more lined up than just her. I was just curious if I handled the friend request correctly. I didn't want to be a dick about it, but I guess I should've been? Thanks, guys!

All that means is she already found your replacement. Smart staying out of the friendzone though. Fuck another girl really fast just so she knows you can replace her easily too.

overexplaining and shit with your reply. You don't even need to reply, because you obviously don't want to "just be friends." Next her.

you came here to post it because it bothers you and to brag to anonymous people on the internet that "you've got a lot more lined up than just her"
Have fun being a beta faggot forever.

So much this.

But first, drop the fedora.

I'd say you handled it well. There's no need to be spiteful because someone isn't interested in you. You gave her a no and wished her well, good on you. Just make sure not to come back to her, she'll have already forgotten you.

I cringed.

Op you talk like a faggot, no wonder she won't fuck you.

You got it, boss!

Will do, cap'n.

Yeah, wasn't planning on it.

Should have just said "Thanks but no thanks" and left it at that. She'll forever disrespect you and think you're beta.

being "too nice" means one of two things
you're boring as fuck
or you're weak as fuck
both of which girls avoid like lepercy
hell you can probably get a whore to fuck off a leper
but fuck someone like you?
no fucking way.


Aw, sorry my vocabulary isn't to your preference!

Thank you! I'll definitely keep my distance, she was a bit vapid, anyway.

Geeze, sorry! I just really enjoy being nice.

If your like this all the time go find some crazies at a church or something

Ok it's not that you're too nice you dumb faggot.

It's that you're too much of a pussy to make a move early. Women like men who take initiative. You took so long that you ended up in the friend zone.

Don't be a fucking timid pussy in the beginning and let your intentions known right away. Be nice all you want you faggot, but be delibrate.

You're confusing being an annoying faggot with being nice.

I don't know why so many dudes do this.

Absolutely fine OP. People here get triggered by their imaginary sheltered social cues, but you probably expected that when you posted it here.

Eh, I just wanted opinions on how I handled the friendzone offer. Thanks, dude.

Honestly, you did fine
you made your feelings known, and didn't act like a beta retard or a dick when she said no.

>people actually think being salty makes them look cool.

Girls love tantrums though, right?

Of course, they love it when a guy they didn't care about previously gets mad about not getting any

Damn, dude. Thanks for filling me in on the secret strat.


op, you're obviously a kissless fat virgin fuck, so take our advice, being nice isn't ever going to get you any pussy, you should have just responded 'ok, no problem' and that's it, why are you still masturbating her ego while she's putting you in the friendzone. Nothing dries a pussy like niceness, trust me. Women don't really want to be 'respected' or 'treated right', they want a guy that makes her feel like an animal, someone who is confident enough to not give a fuck if she's not willing to give you any, honestly someone who she knows is just gonna move on and fuck other bitches if she doesn't want it. Insecurity is women's great aphrodisiac