He has a point you know

He has a point you know.

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That negroes are incompetent?

citation needed

>White people contribute more to the economy thus earn more money

In other news, water is wet

>owns multiple houses
>drives a $180,000 car
but other white people need to change, not him, right berniefags?

he's literally campaigning to tax himself and people like him, in order to fix the problem, you moron

>implying you can't voluntarily give more taxes than you owe
but he doesn't. instead he hypocritically spends that money on toys.

I love being white

Bernie in a nut shell. You all need to give gibs, except meeeeeeeeee.

lol in what world does the average white family earn 116k? im getting 12k a year on 3 college degrees in maintenance

It's now our fault niggers are simply in an earlier stage of evolution, not quite human

the money is coming from increased corporation tax and a tax on wall street speculation, not working class whites
this is ill-informed scaremongering, then again this is Sup Forums, you retards got duped by trumpo, logic and reason hold no importance here.

it includes savings, cars, home ownership, 401k, etc. and basically it's the top 10% throwing the numbers off again (not that i'm complaining, i'm getting close to getting there, and procapitalism, just pointing out that statistics lie).

water isn't wet retard, water makes things wet, water itself cannot be wet. Your point is equally as retarded

Yep. Single white male in 30s with degree earning 40k per year here.


How about we do what Hitler did and deport foreigners and take THEIR property instead of inviting foreigners giving them ours?

Hillary bought him with a car and a house.
He is a slave that lies for his mistress, but you are too blind too see that.

Sanders is a scam, he is worse than Trump ,because with Trump you know what he thinks. And Trump likes being in the media by telling complete garbage, but when it comes to it, he is just like every other president.

Not disagreeing but how much in the way of savings do most families have these days? Can’t imagine much anymore? (Savings replaced by credit?)

Why would he do that? Why should he do that?
Why is that even a standard for you?

Do you also require someone to be poor to advocate for the poor? Does one have to be dead to advocate for the dead?

>Hillary bought him a house and car

So we're just saying random things that have no place in reality now, huh?

So, he can't just give his money away to poor oppressed non-white Citizens by his own good will and cognizance? He has to be forced by gun point by the federal government or else face imprisonment?

You do realize how reatdred that sounds, don't you? That's typical of your side though. Stupid first World white kids spouting muh communism while walking around using iphones and driving cars and eating three square meals a day while screaming at everybody else about how bad their lives are under capitalism and not actually living like a communist.

What's a "latinx"?

Is this suppose to be a joke? Because I didn't laugh. Hang yourself please.

get a fucking job then nigger, one that doesn't involve prostitution or selling crack, you fuck

How about taxing the financial elite? Yano, the ones who fucked the economy in 2008 because they gambled on subprime mortgage loans which were utter trash and were then bailed out with taxpayer money?

How about we close the tax loop holes too? after all theres only an estimated $21 Trillion Offshore
its not that much

Trump voters were more interested in trying to preserve a white western country than in the economy

I love how they always leave the median Asian family income out of their charts.

Get that commie bullshit the fuck out of here.

Prove this statement.

I NEVER hear Trump voters talk about preservation of their race or shit like that. They do always talk about jobs, illegal immigration and the economy though.

Fucking this

$21000000000000 - sauce on this figure?

that cant be right, thats more than the deficit

What asian amd jews families

It's important to differentiate on race. Simply pointing to an economic class will destroy much white power especially in this scenario. There has to be a return to a symbiosis between the poor and the wealthy again. Foreigners/globalists have to be defeated and ousted. The loyal wealthy who risk themselves aiding us to this position will reap the rewards just as the rest of volk will once victory has been achieved.

Hitler explains here.


if you want to force other people to give away their money you should willingly give away your own money. it's pretty fucking simple.

How about we do both of those things and deport foreigners and blacks and re-distribute all of their property and belongings.


>people who work make more money

Also those numbers are retarded, but I'm sure race-baiting lefties eat it up.

'cause I really, really need that. Because all the evidence I can find says this is BS.

Yes. It's not because on average they have the lowest IQs when socioeconomic factors are considered, it's their "anti-white studying is for fags" culture.

Because that's like you and 2 other people standing in a room and a some guy drops his cake, and one person walks by with an ENTIRE cake of their room because they showed early and saying, 'you guys should give that guy half of your cakes' while walking out and grabbing an entire gallon of punch too.

This is fault of America. They are so dumb that they think it's because of "race" or something else. The whole country is so fucking backwards. Get FREE EDUCATION AND HEALTCARE and RAISE YOUR CHILDREN PROPERLY. Problem solved. But Americans are too busy to save the world, attacking countries so they can get more oil and political influence. I hate these idiots so much.


Sanders is the ultimate cuck.

Why are you writing in the American English slang, retard? You practiced American English for more than 5 years and you hate America? What a loser you are.


Maybe you don't know this, but hospitals and collages charge insane amounts for basic shit (for example $60.00 for two aspirin, equate brand). As long as they are allowed to, it is not a good use of tax payer money.

>free education
>make mostly whites pay for anti-white educational institutions that can't survive the free market peddling their bullshit, so they cry against whites while also demanding they pick up the tab for their shitty jobs

that's garbage, i was talking about the 600k home and his expensive car which he got the funds of from nowhere

how the fuck do you make that little a year? That's less than $7 an hour assuming you work full time

Why won't he include median Jewish family wealth, and median Asian family wealth? Would that destroy his narrative or something?

college=/= collage bruh

at least you proved your point that not everybody gets free education in the usa


FUCK YOU NIGGER APE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>I found a typo! YAY


a 600k home aint shit, especially if he's financing it

illegal immigration means immigration from countries that are brown, muslim and poor and i don't like, and yes that was the driving force behind Trump
Ohio and the midwest states were concerned about their jobs being shipped to those shitholes, it was always about ethnic pride and self-preservation

>median Jewish wealth >$500,000
Funny how he doesn't mention this. I mean, you'd think he'd know, after all he is Jewish himse...



what the fuck are you on about.

The 80's and the economic model of Thatcherism/Reaganism is the problem here. Not race.

Manufacturing jobs moved abroad because you can pay the workers less and save money.

Deregulation of finance and other industries, so they can do as they please unimpeded.

Privatisation of essential public infrastructure, so people can make a profit from your need to use the train.

"free trade" agreements and circle-jerk organisations like the IMF and the WTO, so countries can be punished if they refuse to let your corporation into their market.

the race card is a fraud, Divide and conquer. Blame your troubles on the blacks/pakis so you dont blame those in power - the cause of the problems.

can you honestly not see this? they are playing us off against one and other so we don't go after the real problem, its the oldest trick in the book.

Yeah that worked out so great for him and his country. You should also do what Hitler did and off yourself.

Go back to assfucking your dog you stupid fucked up NIGGER.

dirty yids out now
burn em' all

the college's are so expensive because of tax payer money. If student loans didn't exist the college prices would be much lower. But since the government subsidizes the expenses, college's just rose the the fee so that they could get more fancier stuff.

Your healthcare is so expensive because of the government. And the fact that people can sue everyone for shit and giggles. If the government where to actually pay for both without loans and shit, then the prices would drop, because the government wouldn't accept those prices also there would be no need for health insurance, so those costs would disappear. You do realize that most of your healthcare bill is from the insurance fee that your doctor pays in case he screws up. So screwing up wouldn't be a massive debt anymore, since you wouldn't get any money from that and the doctor would just lose his license.

Not everything will be good. But it will be cheaper.

conclusion : niggers and latinos are subhumans

Divide and conquer are long established marxist methods such as class warfare and gender warfare in which these are used to split up a tribe/race so a foreign element can better gain influence and perhaps even master them. Such as the case in the Russian revolution you had poor Russians fighting under Jewish generals like Leon Trotsky against the old Russian aristocracy and power structure.

The goal of the tribe/race is to ensure the tribe/race/gene survives into the future - this is the imperative in any darwinist narrative. So this imperative always takes precedence over materialistic concerns.
The foreigner must be removed before any social or economic reform is to be considered unless said reforms are done in a manner to achieve said goals.

apparently he earned 1 million in 2016.
800k from book royalties.
How many idiots have bought his garbage

So, you can't prove what you claimed, and are just making this shit up because that's what YOU think made people show and vote for Trump. Gotcha.

>illegal immigration means immigration from countries that are brown, muslim and poor and i don't like

Well, I don't see what your point is then against the made up boogeymen you've created in your head about everybody that voted for Trump, if you feel the same way your imaginary stereotypes do.

>it was always about ethnic pride and self-preservation

Well, that's your opinion. And a pretty shitty one as well.

>oh noes he called me a nigger on the internet!

I wonder if that cunt is aware that Jews, Indians, Chinese, and many Muslims in this country rake in a shit ton of money each year.

Probably a PC way of saying Latino/Latina

Lol no he doesn't

what of it? They're a smart race (on average) that has an ethnoreligion based on following rules, it just pumps out hard workers while Protestant work ethics are dead. Like you dont even have to try that hard to make 500K a year if thats what you want to do with your life

Hes trying to increase the taxes on wealthy people like himself. What more do you want him to do? Go out on the street and be a hobo with his family?

By your logic, why is Trump ramping up war against Iran and North Korea, but not picking up a gun and going to fight them?

>when you're scared to even say latino or latina because you subscribe to PC culture and that culture keeps restricting the overton window more and more

Soon there won't be " man kind " but " human kind "

Of course it is unacceptable!

It should be 0, 0, and 200k!

This is the same cuck that let two negresses take over one of his rallies. Bernie is the Cuckiest of cucks.

i am so glad that Stalin was a dick. Can you imagine what would have happened if Stalin didn't betray Trotsky.
Hitler would have been seen as a good guy that wanted to save Europe, but failed. Stalin was an idiot, but Trotsky was a genius. Stalin executed a bunch of Trotsky's plan' but not all of them. Trotsky would have invaded Germany the moment it invaded Poland.

The Russians had much better equipment at that time, the only reason the red army was terrible was because of Stalin, he executed all capable generals.

TLDR, without Stalin, Europe would be communist

>this question beffudles the Drumpftard

Remember when Trump said there were "some" fine people on the white nationalist side during Charlottsville? Well white nationalists never did this to Trump.

Meanwhile when is Bernie and the rest of the democrat crew going to denounce BLM? Bernie got cucked by them and literally pushed off stage.
The left is bullied by their radicals. Bullied. They're scared to speak up.

That had already happened. In one of my campus classes, the instructor corrected me for using the term "mankind". She stated that it is "not a collective term".

Well what this doesn't take into account is the severe population difference between Blacks and Whites.

he can be as vocal as he wants about raising taxes on his income bracket, because he knows it's never going to happen. but that doesn't stop him from practicing what he preaches. instead he owns 3 houses and drives and audi r8.

OP Youre a dumbass....Im latino and i know exactly why spics dont make money.
Instead of looking for a good job/education/ a way to better themselves, we just leech off the government with our 3-5 butterball kids

Bernie is basically saying that mexicans and blacks tend to fuck each other over, and steal each other's shit...and you cannot claim money you stole as wealth.

No, he's trying to jack income taxes on the wealthiest. Fully aware the bulk of his income is not "income" in the normal sense but dividends on investments and royalties, both of which are taxed in an ENTIRELY SEPARATE bracket. Just like that faggot Warren Buffet.

His earning are not reported on a W-2


>without Stalin europe would be communist

woah, you are a complete fucktard.

Is this how Germany managed to make it over 1000km into Soviet territory?

Also for the capitalistrs of britain and america, communism was the actual devil, they would have gone to war with germany to stop its spread.

Are you literally making this shit up?

good bait

Well at least blacks and mexicans don't have ginger kids.

What do those people have in common? Same opportunity to succeed

But he's not saying White people should donate all of their money, that'd be ridiculous. He's saying they should pay more taxes, because who'd be stupid enough to give away money when it's not required?

>If student loans didn't exist the college prices would be much lower.
I do not disagree with this.

>make 500K a year

>doesn't understand the difference between wealth and income
maybe you should find another discussion to make completely pointless contributions to

he doesn't actually believe it. he's pandering. if he honestly believed wealth should be redistributed he'd start with his own.

What about Asians?

>both of my parents were poor. mother was native American/black and father was indian
>this is in the 60s/70s when racism and discrimination was still very prominent
>they both worked hard in school even though their families were basically broke
>state automatically gives mother higher score on testing because she's a person of color
>both go to college
>both get phds and become basically rich and raise their children well
>niggers and spics that didn't do anything and decided to have kids in their teens complain about white supremacy and racism

It's not the skin color, it's the person. Most black people and hispanics are fucking lazy, that's why they're poor.

I'm a white person and lazy and that's why I'm poor. But I acknowledge it.

That and having no marketable skills.

oh sorry academic, should i give you a study made by someone with a phd in black studies published in the huffpost? i'm saying what i see people saying and doing

OP probably

Buying homes instead of cars and clothes. Shit I wonder why. Fix the broken brown culture first you fucking retarded libs. Also single moms will never get ahead. Fix that too.

Should have saved money on college since you are fucking retarded. Wealth and earnings are very different things. And honestly I am amazed it is so low, I had two homes by the time I was 27.

So while white men and women plan for the future, invest and save, minorities blow money on Jawdins, parties and hedonistic indulgences. Quit judging Bernster. Makes you look racist

Hahaha, what's beautiful about that stat is that the average black worker earns around 12 dollars an hour and the average white 15, but 'groes spend all their money on garbage and have a total family wealth that is laugh out loud third world level shitty. Fucking retards.
Still, household income will always be higher where kids aren't all bastards. So there's that. Chances of a socialist jew attacking the problem from that angle are zero.

Where do i sign up to get my white man check?

so in the words of libtards, he's an idiot for voting against his own interests?