You have 10 seconds to name something better than a proper English Breakfast

You have 10 seconds to name something better than a proper English Breakfast.

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My balls!

comfortable underwear

Better bring me a bucket, I'm gonna throw up.

nobody eats that shit

No acid attack


Cocoa Pebbles

Trumps assasination

A thorough African genocide.

That looks like shit so anything.

I got heartburn just looking at that thanks user

A proper English Breakfast while baked. Also add a bowl of granola/crunchy oats, strawberries, white yogurt, and some honey -- it's called ranger jizz.

A polish breakfast.

2 pints and a joint


Take away the vegetables and this is a standard north american breakfast too.
Anyone who wouldn't eat that breakfast and enjoy it is subhuman.

That looks delicious, and pretty healthy too.
The only unhealthy shit there is the toast.
>inb4 backon
Fat is good for you, as long as you don't eat nothing but it. And breakfast is the best time to eat fat, energy for the day.

Would eat, would enjoy.

I'm drinking breakfast right now.

Finnish breakfast,


Tomatoes are from America bro

I eat that buffet of a meal too, and I'm an american. I agree, OP, that shit is top-tier

What the fuck is the burnt shit though? No thanks.

That's about as tasty and English food gets and that's not saying much because it's fried meat and eggs that pretty much most everyone does for breakfast. The beans are just stupids.

frankly nothing

I know you're right.

Do people in Europoor eat that type of bread?

I don't think so. They're shit is usually straight from the bakery, the fresh, 6inch thick bread that smells good.

Why you eating our corporate American sugar bread, OP?

booze followed by and English breakfast the next morning

nah its not burnt, thats its normal color when it's cooked (the outsides get seared though yeah so I guess the outside burns)
its black pudding, aka blood sausage


looks nice but throw these beans out right away. and what is that disgusting burned shit down there? ugh gives me cancer without eating it


kek no,,, that's something you see in hollywood movies..

all comes straight from the factory..

blood sausage... it's always black and is not burned

>something better than a proper English Breakfast

American breakfast burger and fries

>No Vegemite
This isnt a british breakfast

Bland bean mush in sugar paste, burned bland veggies (not even real veggies, a fruit and a fungus), and some shitty sausages made in a blender so they have no texture at all. At least the blood sausage is interesting... once, until you realize it's butcher-floor-scrapings with some grain. Fuck, the only good thing here is the bacon, and the pommy bastards even fuck that up. There's nothing good about this platter of slop. Except that you fat fucks are now making Americans look healthy.

Not having a heart attack.

a cup of coffee and a ciggaret

gave me a heart attack just by looking at it

This thread again, you fucking dipshit?
You have created this same exact thread how many times now?
Grow up.
Also /ck/, not Sup Forums