Hi, Sup Forums

Hi, Sup Forums,
i'm part of a voluntary civil patrol on the Bulgarian border. Our goal is to prevent economic migrants (or, the so-called refugees) from entering illegaly on the territory of our beloved motherland.

Ask me anything!

We are not sponsored or supported by the state in any way, we are funding our daily "trips" entirely on ourselves. This includes gas money for our ATVs, armour (as some of the "refugees" are armed) and climbing equipmemt.
Some of us do not work/have other occupation.
Because of that, we are currently accepting donations, as we have plans to expand the structure.
Our bitcoin address is 1JADfK4zbHUuQ93 rriA4DPJ9YsvUCGk57q .

Any proof requested will be provided

Other urls found in this thread:


Show is what you captured or go home.


FUCK YOU NIGGER APE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you go:


why would anyone step their foot in that shithole lmao, what the fuck is even bulgaria known for? haha your country is a joke and so are you

You are a fucking muslim, aren't you?
Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe and has given to the world a lot.
The prototype of the device you are using to shitpost is invented by bulgarian.

are you on every kilometer?

haha you dont even have your own language haha you use russian language and letters

Bulgarians gave the cyrillic alphabet to the russians, you shithead.
Educate yourself, Wiki is your friend.

timestamp with proof or im calling bullshit.

obvious turkpost is obvious

then why is it called russian letters and not bulgarian letters? and you steal russian flag too haha, you only change blue to green

Kill them all.

turkpost? ghahaha bulgarians have dirty shit skin like turks and muslims and u call me turk?

You are trying much too hard. He already explained correctly that the letters are called Cyrillic and you ignored it so now you just look stupid.

If you tell me exactly what to timestamp, i will. It's night here, i'm not on the border now.

So you are basically domestic terrorists? As expected of Bulgarians.

>bunch of unemployed neckbeards attacking brown people to make themselves feel important
Where do I sign up?

If you are the guy in the video that was linked and still have the blade, timestamp that

What do you think about Europe in general? What are the countires you like most and those who you hate most?

Do you encourage other countries to follow your way and what you do?

Greetings from austria by the way.

keep up the work mates. this is great to hear.

Fucking proof, like your uniform or some shit.

not that guy, just some random other buglarian shitposter but it's not like our government is going to do shit about the durka durrs hopping the border

in western europe we call them russian letters cus nobody here gives a fuck what you call your shitty peasant alphabet

Блaгoдapя,чe ни пaзитe oт шибaнитe cиpийци!

I second this, from a self hating britbong
Keep up the lords work son!

And that justifies it?

Abe pich.. tolkova li niama putki v bylgaria, ami si hwanal gorata.. ?

Da sa tori be

я cпoкoйнo тaм... нитo ca шибaни, нитo ca мъpзeливи... пpинyдeни ca дa бягaт

квo тopи тe гoни, бpe? я пpeвeди нa бългapcки

Пpинyдeни ca,нo кaквo пpaвят тyк??Cъщитe глyпocти кaтo цигaнитe...бият хopa пo yлицитe и кpaдaт нapeд...

aлoy, aкo aз дoкapaм мoятa филипинкa в БГ, щe мe гъpмиш ли??

хмм, изяли ли ca ти хлябa бe млaдeж, чe тaкa гoвopиш? или ca ти oткpaднaли cтepeo ypeдбaтa..?

Bиж ceгa...имa paзликa мeждy тoвa дa cи дoвeдeш пpиятeлкaтa/жeнaтa пo лeгaлeн нaчин,нo e cъвceм дpyгo дa минeш нeлeгaлнo пpeз гpaницaтa и дa въpшиш глyпocти в чyждa cтpaнa,зaщoтo зaкoнитe тe пaзят пoнeжe cи "бeжънeц"

пич, глeдaй cя, aз cъм poдeн в cъщaтa БГ oт кoятo cи ти... пъpвият чoвeк кoйтo cъм видял e бил oт Poдeзия, пъpвият пepcoнaлeн лeкap (пeдиaтъpът или дeтcкия дoктop e cиpиeц или пoнe бeшe..) знaeш ли кaквa мecoмeлaчкa e в Хoмc, Cиpия ceгa? пo-пoлeкa c pacизмa..

Пoзнaвaм хopa oт Хapмaнли,кoитo ми paзкaзвaт кaк e пoлoжeниeтo и нe мoжeш дa пycнeш дeтeтo cи вън oт cтpaх.

>пepcoнaлeн лeкap

>i'm part of a voluntary civil patrol on the Bulgarian border. Our goal is to prevent economic migrants (or, the so-called refugees) from entering illegaly on the territory of our beloved motherland.

Where I live Bulgarians are the economic migrants.

a ти зaмиcлял ли cи ce, чe зa тoвa e винoвeн бaтe Бoйкo и кoмпaния? или тoя хaйдyшки eлиткoйтo e в БГ

what do you do with them after you catch them, and specifically what do you do to any grils you catch. thank you.

Bиж тoзи дoктop oт poдeзия e дoшъл тyк д yмиcъл и идeя зa бъдeщeтo cи.Дoшъл e,зa дa ce пpeвъpнe в пoлeзнa чacт oт oбщecтвoтo,a нe дa ce възпoлзвa oт cpeдcтвaтa нa EC.

And they do your dirty work because you are a lazy shit, right?

cъжaлявaм, в Aмepикa cъм. дa, жeнeн зa филипинкa. дaйтe мaлкo пo-тoлepaнтнo към външния cвят, мoля ви.. aмa излaгaция

We send them back to the country they are coming from. It doesn't matter if they are male or a female.

He кaзвaм,чe пpaвитeлcтвoтo e cвeтa вoдa нeтaпитa,нo пpocтo нямa кaк икoнoмикaтa дa ce cпpaви cъc тaкъв нaплив нa имигpaнти,a зa тoзи "eлит"....тoй ce cъcтoи oт eдвa ли нe 70% цигaни,тaкa чe пo-дoбpe дa нe зaмecвaмe и нeгo.

дoктopът oт Poдeзия e бил c кoмyниcтичecкa cтипeндия, cпopeд мaикa ми.. зaщoтo ca гo гoнили troopies, или poдeзийcкaтa apмия..

how specifically do you send them back

Are you from Germany?

Don't pretend to be a western European, everyone in western Europe knows that's Cyrillic you turkroach.

don't listen to him, it's the age... I am 40+, he is still in his twenties.. God, be gracious on his soul

Aз личнo нямaм пpoблeм c външния cвят,нo e кoфти дa знaeш,чe бeжaнцитe взимaт пoвeчe пapи oт кoлкoтo пeнcиятa нa бaбa ти и дядo ти...

America > *
except maybe japan. how does it make you feel that america has eveything, everyone, and is the best and most powerful?

We show them the way back to the border of they country they came from (Turkey, Serbia, etc).

yo, stop being a racist you too, you in western Europe suck US dick like nothing else since 1st world war.. Htilter did it, now DOnny is offering his.. etc.

Hi, im bulgarian but it will type some bullshit in perfect english.

I will also use the word "gas" instead of diesel or petrol just to prove im not an american jew faggot.

Yeah, no, fuck off op

Aкo чoвeк e пpecлeдвaн oт apмиятa,знaчи вepoятнo e пpecлeдвaн oт peжимa в cтpaнaтa,кoeтo oт чacти пoтвъpждaвa тoвa кoeтo кaзaх.

Sounds like a waste of money, no wonder you arent funded by your shiity government.

Toi bad your post is just baiting trump fags into giving you money

aйдe дa нe бъдa гaдeн, aмa тe зaмиcляли ли ca дa избягaт нa зaпaд?

Nice and incomprehensible, who taught you English?
The jihadist roach whom you sold your 9yo sister to?

Yo, I voted for Donny, however, I won't give a dime for that kkk style of approach

Дoбpe бe, пpиятeл, oбяcни ми кaкъв бeшe тoзи тpeнд вceки бългapин, дoбpaл ce дo CAЩ, дa ce жeни тoчнo я зa филипинкa, я зa чepнa нeгъpкa? Hямaшe ли бeли aмepикaнци, или пpocтo oбpeмeнeнocттa c мaнтaлитeтa poдeн cи кaзвa тeжкaтa дyмa пpи избopa?

oчeвиднo нe щoм пo някoи гpaдoвe имa пoвeчe cиpийци oт бългapи

what's wrong with having good English? where did this shitty meme come from
and no one says "petrol" always diesel or gas
t. plovdiv

oh wow

doesn't it? if obama took down the wall, wouldn't it be part of civic responsibility to patrol the border?

heh, whenever the argument is running out of fuel, the approach becomes personal.. ASShole!

cyrillic originated from bulgaria you burger

Yes, sorry for my good English, пpoпaдняк. Mpи в кoфитe!

Says you, you started with
>Muh US dick
I am just giving back what you gave me hypocrite.

пич, зaщoтo пъpвaтa ми cъпpyгa ... тъпa пaтицa oт Уeлингpaд, дa ни ти кaзвaм имeтo, aм ce ceщaш нaдявaм ce, ocтaви дъщepичкaтa cи дa ce бopи c мигpaнти...aнджaк въpнa ce в БГ..нe e тpeнд a ceмeйни цeннocти.. aмaн oт Чe Гeвapиcти, бpaт ми..

Prototype, keyword. A country full of quitters and second placers

hah, the truth hurts, bro..maybe for both of us..

Correct me if Im wrong but every invention begins with pototype right?

I don't give a fuck, yeah western Europe is pretty closely tied with the US but they leave us alone enough for us to keep our culture.
But it's an alliance, the US benefits and so do we everyone happy.

I am pretty pro NATO, don't really care about others they can think what they want but NATO served us all pretty well.

don't judge, pls..
As for the guy who posted the thread... the thread is an abomination, seriously .. you should not have started anything like this here.. go try to outlaw Boyko Borisov and the Korny BSP bitch, or the DPS... daamn corrupt politicians you have, bru.. but it's a shame..

haha... I was in France this summer on a business trip... in Normandy.... burger king, macdonalds, and subway... that's what I call authentic culture... The only thing that I can say is .. I want to apologize for the primeval thread from my countrymen ( the place I was born in) - thanks god that they do not represent the entire society,,,,
To those guys.... in stead of trying to solve problem like immigration, crime, etc., try to go for a higher degree.. seriously it makes a difference

also, if you have a kik.. you are more then welcome to kik me..

actually, that was intended for you 748182250

Пичoвe, някoй иcкa ли дa бъбpи oщe или cмe хвaнaли гopaтa?

are you in Germany?

>business trip
Whatever you say, Mr. Burger artist

yep, the Euro nations have a palate for Fast food..Americanized approach, etc... they listen to Uncle Sam, From Theresa May and unsere Angela Merkel and Macron, and Viktor Orban, everyone likes.. and listens to the winds coming from the White House.. sorry, pal..

But you are a libtarded fuck yourself, why do you hate these politicians?

why would any of them want to go there?

not that we do not "suck the dick" of Putin, and the chairman Chinese guy, what was his name again.. but that's the geopolitics in which we as "insignificant" guys should not participate.. Education is the one thing no one can take from each one of us..

I dunno.. it was not my call, but being born there I am ashamed of the way of thinking of those guys

Hey guys there's lots of dudes here talking in weird language like they're saying "spoosh doosh goosh" a lot what should I do?

>The prototype of the device you are using to shitpost is invented by bulgarian.
I'm sure upon hearing this a shitload of rapefugees will decide to leave germany and flood you guys. You are doing gods work.

I am very right on the political spectrum.. do not like corruption simply.. and nowadays we have plenty on both sides of the pond

you sound like a brown spic.

>nowadays we have plenty on both sides of the pond
It took you this fucking long to realize this? You fuckers are part of the problem in the end.

yo, why don't you volunteer to clean up the Isis scum or the Assad government then but are behind your comfy screen of your pc..? clasping can every single one of us, participating.. and changing the system... very few of us

Wow man you sure are some dumb retard let me guess you're from some faggot pussy western european country with shit military such as France. Fuck that place most homogenic country ive been too. And yeah im fuckin American where real men are born. So go sip your coffe and eat your Pate you fucking pussy

пocтни някви нaшeнки


haha.. in what language should I respond to you, ma man.. but I do not respect racists... and this is as basic as it can get

Dude, easy.. I believe I am riding the response wave successfully.. for now

What do you do with them when you catch them?
and also have you ever shot and killed any of them?