Going to try lsd soon. Tips for my first trip?

Going to try lsd soon. Tips for my first trip?

Have a xanax ready if you are having a bad trip. Just stay positive

throw it down the toilet and take a jog

I do sports enough already. I like new experiences.

Try it outside. the sun feels fucking great on a good trip and if you're having a bad trip you just need to watch the clouds moving gently through the sky.

Okay thanks. Know any specific activities that are especially cool on acid?

>implying jogging while on LSD isn't the winning combination
Fucking children...

then take a longer jog. you know this

Do not take it if you are weak minded and facing a lot of issues. LSD will make you face them and they can tear you into a bad trip, but if you are strong minded and ready for the challenge, do so it will change your life for the better. Just make sure you don't get caught while tripping. Listening to positive music and just be happy. I would write down on a piece of paper or a note saying who you are and reminding you about your loved ones and just to do list because once you go into ego death good luck man, but seriously have fun and expect the unexpected in a calm way. I love you

kek, not much sun in Finland atm

Go with the flow.

Relax and let it happen. Realize that you don't have to dwell in thoughts you don't like.

Crack on The Dark Side of the Moon or The Piper at The Gates of dawn, user

Mentally, I'm in a pretty good situation in life at the moment. Thanks for the tip though. Should I try anything creative like drawing or writing?

Watch the Matrix the day before you do it.

Pink floyd is definitely on my playlist for the night!

Drawing most definitely, Google the man who drew on LSD and his work was really intriguing. Writing for me was hard because the high kept carrying me away and I ended up with in every page of a journal but most of it to me was unusual, but I'd say go for it.

Good idea OP

Watch porn.

Really looking forward to what my sketches will look like. Thanks for the advice anons

Someone else suggested "The Thief and The Cobbler," the "greatest animated film never made." They also suggested learning as little about it as possible, and I think you can find it on YouTube.

Now that you have read this message your subconscious will keep in mind that you could have a bad trip at any time just by listening your own breathing.

You're welcome.

Play a musical instrument, And know this: tolerance to LSD builds quickly. If you want to get higher, you need to take twice the amount, so taking another tab will just extend but not amplify the trip (weed will amplify it, too).

talk to squirrels

Don't come back.

I can't even play a maraca so playing music is out of question kek. And I don't plan on doing it that often. Roughly, how long does it take for the tolerance to be zero again?

A "bad trip" is just any part of a trip that is unpleasant. When it becomes very bad, it colors the whole trip, and that is what we call a "bad trip." Anxiety on psychedelics is incredibly unpleasant (you will be hyper-aware of what your body does). Just remember that anxiety is literally in your head. In fact,dropping acid is a great way to learn how much of what you think is "real" is just in your head. Have fun having a conversation with the earth! Set and setting are important. If you get anxious (normal for me during the come-up) just get up and go somewhere different. Don't go out in public until you become an experienced tripper, though.

Don't browse Sup Forums while trippin.

Should I get a sober trip sitter?

It takes exactly two weeks. One week later you need 1.5x the dose. Two weekslater the same dose is effective again.

Get a maraca. Or a tambourine. You don't need to know how to play anything...you will enjoy "making" music.

Don't trip too often. If you have a history of mental illness in your family, reconsider tripping at all. My dad is bipolar, and I have dropped acid more times than I can count on my hands and toes, but there is a theory that it can bring about latent mental illness, so just make sure you understand the risk. You may feel like you are losing your mind under the influence...this is normal. If you still feel that way 24 hours later, then acid is not a drug you should be doing.

heres a cool trick. halfway through the trip stare into the mirror and call your mom. if youre having fun its a good trip. if its scary just chill out and remember to work on your chi. youll get there

It's a good idea to have someone who has done it and will not be high watch you, if you can, at least for the first time. So, yes, if possible. Buy your sitter a six pack and tell them to keep you indoors and take you outside to exoerience nature 4 hours in (when you are peaking). Also, do your homework on erowid. LSD is my favorite drug, but it isn't a toy (until you learn how your mind handles it, in which case it becomes the best toy ever!).

Thankfully there's no mental illness in my family, just a lot of alcoholism and addictive personality traits.
kek I'll try the mirror but I ain't calling anyone

really no need to be near a computer at all besides music or visualizers in my experience. even thats better with simple light displays in the space and a record player.

think of it as play time at elementary school for your first time, no need to go anywhere crazy or do anything crazy, just spend some time with good people and play around, itll be great. take what you learn there into the next experience and allow yourself to be creative.

This user is fucking with you. You won't be able to hold a normal conversation and some people find mirrors fightening. The first time I dropped acid, I stared into a mirror and my image kept flipping vertically, with brief glimpses of weird shit (at pne point it looked like I had an animal skull on top of my head). thought it was funny, but for people who forget they are tripping, it can be terrifying,

Here is a good test: you will have crazy thoughts on acid. If they are not followed by the thought, "that is the most fucked-up thing I have ever thought!" then it's not a good choice for your favorite drug.

Drinking a beer helps, too.

I have done this! For advanced trippers only because being in public isn't good idea until you learn how to act normal, but exercise feels amazing!

the first time is one of 'those' experiences.
you know
first kiss, falling in love, marriage, graduating, death, tripping lsd.

when you do it, you get to pick up the curtain and see whats behind it. you can't describe the feeling to somebody if they've never done it. its like describing a color to a blind person. you can give people a rough idea but its nothing like the real thing. its just an experience beyond words.

its very subjective. and very intense. people say if you're anxious don't do it. i'm anxious every time i drop. its scary. this is the most powerful drug i've ever done in my life. its playing with fire. its fun but you gotta be careful or you'll burn your whole fucking house down.

i've had bad trips. smoking weed causes them for me. some people like smoking weed with it because it 'steps it up a notch' but for me it takes me to a whole different plane. i've talked with god. i've experienced death over and over. i am every person on earth. when somebody is murdered i am the killer and the victim. when i die i experience another one. i've stopped smoking weed when i trip, but even then, the bad ones don't ruin it. nightmares don't make you stop sleeping.

start slow. i prefer taking half a tab, now a days. its a shallow experience and you can snap yourself back to reality if you really need to.

i think everybody should trip at least once in their lives. the hallucinogen class of drugs is the root of all religion, i think. the mindset it puts you in is very conducive to those sort of things. entheogen means 'god from within.' shamans in south america have been drinking DMT for millennia. i feel really sorry for people who never got to experience this, or never will experience this. its truly something else. once you take it, you'll be a different person. i'm not the same i was before lsd. but i don't regret it. not by a long shot.

poop just before taking it. pooping sucks while under the influence

oh, so no mirror then...

my first trip i stared into the mirror and all i saw was a skull staring back at me... eventually i just laughed it off and found something else to do

whoa, I really appreciate you posting that, user.

move all of your pointed things out of the room and make sure you and open and flat space

Any experience you have will be altered. I am on team "Take a Shit While High It Feels Amazing!"

It's up to you. You will notice things you hadn't. One of my most recent trips, I saw my dark chest hair growing over my grey chest hair (I'm old) and told myself "you're still young." That thought comforted me, because I hate my job and am a middle-aged Sup Forumstard.

I don't want to take the risk of shitting anywhere outside the toilet bowl, though.

Well, I hate being a young Sup Forumstard. My chest hair isn't anything to write home about but maybe I'll give them a chance to do something weird.

I can't believe none of you guys mentioned shpongle

Listen to are you shpongled great album and listen to some of the classics like dark side of the moon & comfortably numb

shpongle makes me pretty uncomfortable. i'd rather just listen to music that i enjoy.

I enjoy electronic music very much so I'll definitely try shpongle!