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i actually believe in the Torah and am not just living a lie :^)

Hillary or Trump?


Did you know I walk about Los Angeles with a Trump pin? Sometimes I wear a black and white suit, and a red trump button+I rock a Hitler combover and no one can say a damn thing cause I an Israelite :^)

oh and I'm also irl adachi

Why do you change Ids?

How do you feel about the Christians Old Testament

Do you really view gentiles as animals, and beasts of burden?

What do your rabbi do with the foreskin after? Do you mind that the suck the baby's dick after?

Do Jews laugh at us a lot?

oh and watch the opening of welcome to the nhk. That is literally how everyone in my life perceives me, its eerie as fuck.

lol. please do the Hitler-stache. Do you believe in the 6 million?


Is that you?

You're sexy! :^)

its garbage

G-d forbid to think such a thing. Goyim are made b'tzelem Elokim, which means they have the ability to recognize Hashem and comply with his ratzon ("will" I.E. what Hashem intends for our ultimate benefit which he lives in our domain if we will follow Him or not).

Its totally forbidden to cause any harm to a gentile (Monetary/physical etc). Ask any orthodox Rabbi.

I think we bury it. Many great Sages (Including Rabbi Shimson Rafel Hirsch) called out metzia b'peh as a unsanitary practice that should be discontinued. However, some fanatical people want to fulfill all of the spooky mystical stuff that isn't required by halachah.


6 million figure is a documented fact. Nazis kept very good records.

the holocaust was an MK-mind control field study.

There is literally no document that mentions any genocide. If there is post it. I read german.

holocaust denial is a psy-op to see if millienals can be conned into blindly believing utter false hoods. Sources:Ive met very elderly holocaust survivors, my fiancée's grandfather was murdered by Nazi collboraters in Poland, her grandmother miracoulously survived with her newly-born baby, who is my fiancée's 70+ year old father, all my Ashkenazi rabbis and community members have parents or grandparents who were survivors, (one of them is still alive but is totally demented, close to 100 years old)

holocaust denial is a psyop, retards. but never ind, most of you are autistic anyway. :^)

Does that not contradict with your previous post?

I know you're bound to lie when gentiles ask the true nature of the teachings. But, I wanted to know your personal feelings.

It is typically a denial of scale.

I appreciate gentiles who possess Torah values and fear and love G-d and wish to do His ratzon.

I despise degenerates, and *vast* majority of goyim, atleast where I live, are degenerates. Howeverm a heretic jew is worse than the average goy,in actuality, but not in potential.

how do you reach the conclusion that holocaust-revisionism is a psy-op based on that? It doesn't follow.

So all of those Ashkenazi jews are lying about being in the holocaust? About their parents being tortured? What happened to my fiancée's grandfather?

How many goyim have you tricked today?

Do you eat pork? And are you cool to hang out wit.. What I mean by this is: beating up white leftists and niggers associated with them, bingedrinking, shooting guns, poker especially cuz you're in Las Vegas, wearing shades, etc.?

Because the idea that the holocaust is a myth is just absurd and doesn't need to be addressed because of how stupid it is, and the only reason a person would claim such a thing is because it *clearly* shows they are a deranged indivisual, if not at the very least acting with malicious intent and should be suspected of being a disinfo shill who wants to discredit the truther movement by making us look insane, like Alex Jones does. But even more batshit insane than Jones, because Jones generally speaks the truth even though I'm fairly certain hes disinfo.

Typhus and starvation is not genocide. Neither is being put into camps genocide.

You are even worse than the blue pilled Jews; you are the failure Jew.

I don't give a scheckel about Alex jones or the Truther "movement" thank you very much.

No, I keep kosher, and I comply with the preferable halachah of not entering a non-kosher resturaunt.

Depends what you mean by cool, I'm a literal aspy but sometimes I say interesting things. But I also like weird things, like watching "Hebrew Israelite" street preaching.

I wear sunglasses when I want people to think I'm cool.

Post timestamp. Normally, I'd ask for tefillin, but if that's you, you like pretty kikey.

kk well I have eye-witness testimony to atrocities so there. :^)

ugh eventually, let me bench first, I procrastinate like crazy

ok, perchik

Oh so you're a normie.




Thank you friend for existing, and not following the Talmud.

Did you read the Talmud? Do you think the Talmud is Satanic and promotes Zionism?

In the Talmud Lucifer is a good character and Jesus is burning in his own shit in hell correct?

Who told you this?

The Talmud is the true word of G-d, guvenah

I wonder if they would stand in a unbiased court. Not a single Autopsy has shown death by Zyklon b. There is less traces of it in the "gas chambers" than in the clothes delousing chambers. It was officialy used for delousing btw. Typhus is spread by lice. You should be thankful that the Germans used it to prevent disease. otherwise there would be less survivors.

Do your friends support Trump too? Do you convince them to do that?

The Babylonian Talmud my friend.

Not the PC version.


hi, I need to charge phone, then I ill send a low quality time stamp

What do you mean by believing in the Torah? You think all things in the Old Testament literally happened?

You look like my little brother, only homosexual.

trust a jew to hoard all the pixels

Welcome greatest ally :DDDDD

That hairline though.

How do you feel about secular/communist/marxist/liberal jews?

The holocaust was fucked up, but it's also not as is taught by mainstream history. Holocaust denial is stupid, but holocaust revisionism is appropriate. Google David Irving. A very famous and serious revisionist who was even praised by Christopher Hitchens.

Holocaust denial doesn't even exist. The jews just call revisionism denial.

To be fair yes there are numbskulls out there who deny any version of a holocaust or ethnic targeting of Jews. They're retard tier.

I have not heard of any. The were no jews killed for being jewish, but obviously they were put in camps. And it was a good choice.

What is your opinion on how heavily influential the Jewish population is in the financial sector and their almost complete control of Hollywood?

To go along with this, the numerous historical accounts of Jewish people accused of usury for using nepotism to gain leverage in banking?

Also, I personally know many rich Jews. Grew up in Jewish neighborhood, have Jewish ancestry. Have dated many a JAPs.